
server <- function(input, output) {

  ## This function processes UI inputs and returns a data.frame which will be
  ## used as raw inputs.

  get_data <- dataimport$server()

  ## This function makes an incidence object

  make_incidence <- reactive({
    x <- get_data()

    dates <- x[[input$dates_column]]

    ## convert to dates if provided in yyyy-mm-dd
    if (!is.null(dates) && !is.numeric(dates)) {
      dates <- as.Date(dates, format = "%Y-%m-%d")

    if (input$groups_column != "[none]") {
      groups <- x[[input$groups_column]]
    } else {
      groups <- NULL

    NA_as_group <- input$NA_as_group

    use_iso_weeks <- input$ISO_weeks

    out <- incidence(dates,
                     interval = input$interval,
                     groups = groups,
                     na_as_group = NA_as_group,
                     iso_week = use_iso_weeks)


  ## This function makes an incidence_fit object; the time window to be used for
  ## the fit is defined by the user in input$fit_interval.

  make_incidence_fit <- reactive({
    x <- make_incidence()

    x <- subset(x,
                from = min(input$fit_interval),
                to = max(input$fit_interval)

    if (input$fit_type == "single fit") {
      out <- fit(x)

    if (input$fit_type == "double fit") {
      split_date <- min(x$dates) + ((input$split_point - 1)  * x$interval)
      out <- fit(x, split = split_date)


  ## UI output: show input data table

  output$input_data <- DT::renderDataTable ({

  ## UI output: show input data table

  output$incidence_table <- DT::renderDataTable ({

  ## UI input: select variables of certain types
   variable_types <- mapcolumnsServer(
     data = get_data(),
     names = c("dates", "stratification")

  output$choose_variable_groups <- renderUI(
      data = get_data(),
      names = c("dates", "stratification"),
      labels = c("Indicate which columns are dates",
                 "Indicate which columns are groups")

  ## UI input: choose column for dates

  output$choose_date_column <- renderUI({
    if(is.null(variable_types)) {
      choices <- "[none]"
    } else {
      choices <- variable_types$dates()
      inputId = "dates_column",
      label = "Select dates to use",
      choices = choices

  ## UI input: choose column for groups

  output$choose_groups_column <- renderUI({
    choices <- c("[none]", variable_types$stratification())

      inputId = "groups_column",
      label = "Group data by",
      choices = choices


  ## UI input: choose fit interval

  output$choose_fit_interval <- renderUI({
    x <- make_incidence()
    lab <- sprintf("Indicate fitting interval (in %d days periods)",

      inputId = "fit_interval",
      label = lab,
      min = 0, max = length(x$dates),
      step = 1L,
      value = c(0, length(x$dates))


  ## UI input: choose split position

  output$choose_split_point <- renderUI({
    x <- make_incidence()
    lab <- sprintf("Indicate split date (in %d days periods)",
    default_split <- match(fit_optim_split(x)$split, x$dates)

      inputId = "split_point",
      label = lab,
      min = 0, max = length(x$dates),
      step = 1L,
      value = default_split


  ## This creates a plotly version of the plot

  output$plot <- plotly::renderPlotly({
    pdf(NULL) # hack to avoid R graphical window to pop up
    x <- make_incidence()

    if (input$fit_type != "[none]") {
      fit <- make_incidence_fit()
    } else {
      fit <- NULL

    out <- plot(x, fit = fit)

  ## This handles the download of the incidence table.

  output$download_incidence <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste('incidence_table_', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
    content = function(con) {
      write.csv(make_incidence(), con,
                row.names = FALSE)

  ## This handles the download of the R session.

  output$download_R_session <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function() {
      paste('incidence_R_session_', Sys.Date(), '.RData', sep='')
    content = function(con) {
      x <- make_incidence()
      fit <- make_incidence_fit()
      save(x, fit, file = con)

  ## This creates a rendering of the R incidence object

  output$printed_incidence_object <- shiny::renderPrint({

  ## This creates a rendering of the R incidence object

  output$printed_fit_object <- shiny::renderPrint({

  ## This returns some system info: date, sessionInfo, etc.

  output$systeminfo <- incidence.ui:::get_session_info()

reconhub/incidence.ui documentation built on May 27, 2019, 4:02 a.m.