
# This script produces the simulated datasets provided in this package.
# These scripts were implemented in
# DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.01.009
df.citation <- "Stegner, Ratajczak, Carpenter, & Williams (2019) Inferring critical transitions in paleoecological time series with irregular sampling and variable time-averaging. Quaternary Science Reviews 207: 49-63"

# Simulate data -----------------------------------------------------------
# given a certain mean fire mortaility and standard deviation, estBetaParams estmates alpha and beta parameters
  # mu = (approximate) mean of the beta distribution
  # var = standard devaition of the beta distribution

  # alpha, beta parameters for a beta distribution

# growth_func function is outputs the change in vegetation biomass over a time, dt.
growth_func = function(r, K, X, q, h, delta_t, fire_sev) {

  # r = maximum tree growth rate
  # K = carrying capacity (driver)
  # X = tree cover
  # q = hill slope parameter for fire mortality
  # h = half saturation constant
  # delta_t = dt time step used for numerical simulations
  # fire_sev (c) = maximum proportional tree mortality
  # note that "X" is "T" and "fire_sev" is the parameter "c", both in reference to equation 2 of the main text.

  # RETURN: vector of tree cover values
  dXdt = delta_t *(r*X*(K-X))-fire_sev *X*(h^q / (X^q+h^q))
  result  = dXdt + X

# red.noise  generates a vector of red (autocorrealted) noise
red.noise<-function(N,phi,sigma_sd)  {
  # N = length of time series
  # phi = lag-1 autocorrelation
  # sigma = standard deviation of noise

  # RETURN: a vector of red (autocorrealted) noise

  white = rnorm(N,0,1)
  x.1 = rep(0,N)
  x.1[1] = white[1]
  for(i in 2:N) { x.1[i] = phi*x.1[i-1] + sqrt( (1-phi^2) )*white[i] }
  x.sigma = sigma_sd*x.1

# this function performs a single simulation that varies the K parameter over time
single_run = function (r, gens, delta_t, K_Start, K_Pulse_amt, V0, pulse_time, driver_press_topo, q){
  # r = maximum tree growth rate
  # gens = number of time steps
  # delta_t = dt time step used for numerical simulations
  # K_Start = initial value for the K parameter
  # K_Pulse_amt = amount that K changes during the driver pulse applied to the system
  # V0 = initial tree cover
  # pulse_time = time step at which to begin driver pulse
  # driver_press_topo = whether to apply the driver abruptly (default) or gradually ("gradual")
  # q = hill slope parameter for fire mortality

  # RETURN: a three column matrix
  # [,1] = time step (t)
  # [,2] = K at time t
  # [,3] = tree cover at time t

  #this matrix holds the results of the simulation
  sim_l <- ceiling(gens/delta_t)
  results = matrix(1:sim_l, nrow = sim_l, ncol = 3)
  colnames(results) = c("Time", "K_param", "Tree_cover[proportional]")
  results[1,3] = V0

  # generating a vector of values of "K" for the time series
  K_mat = matrix(K_Start, nrow = sim_l, ncol =1)
  K_mat[(pulse_time/delta_t):(pulse_time/delta_t+K_Pulse_time/delta_t)] = K_Start+K_Pulse_amt
  if (driver_press_topo == "gradual") K_mat[(pulse_time/delta_t):(pulse_time/delta_t+K_Pulse_time/delta_t)] =  seq(from = K_Start, to =K_Pulse_amt+K_Start, length.out = K_Pulse_time/delta_t+1)
  results[,2] = K_mat

  # generating a vector of red noise
  dt.noise = sqrt(delta_t)
  Rnoise = red.noise(sim_l,phi,sigma_sd)

  # generating a vector of values of "c" based on a beta-distribution
  fire_mort_vect<-rbeta(n=sim_l, shape1=beta_ps$alpha,shape2=beta_ps$beta)
  treecover<-rep(V0, sim_l)

  # running the simulation
  for (i in 2:(sim_l)) {
    temp <- growth_func(r=r, K=K_mat[i], X=treecover[i-1], q=q, h=h, delta_t=delta_t, fire_sev=fire_mort_vect[i]) + Rnoise[i]
    treecover[i] <- max(0, temp)
    results[i,3] <- treecover[i]

  # this is a sub-setting procedure for simulations run with a time-step different than 1
  spl <- seq(1,sim_l,by = 1/delta_t)

  final_results = results[spl,]
  final_results[,1] = final_results[,1]*delta_t


# Set Grass-Wood model parameters________________________
h = 0.5
delta_t = 1
gens = 10000
K_Start = 1
K_Pulse_amt = -0.4
pulse_time = 1000
sigma_sd = 0.005
V0 = 1
phi = 0.05

# Run time series iterations________________________________
# run simulations for gradually-forced critical transitions
gradual_crit<-single_run(r=r, gens=gens, delta_t=delta_t, K_Start=K_Start, K_Pulse_amt=K_Pulse_amt, V0, pulse_time=pulse_time, driver_press_topo="gradual", q=5)
# run simulations for gradually-forced non-critical transitions
gradual_noncrit<-single_run(r=r, gens=gens, delta_t=delta_t, K_Start=K_Start, K_Pulse_amt=K_Pulse_amt, V0, pulse_time=pulse_time, driver_press_topo="gradual", q=1)
# run simulations for abruptly-forced critical transitions
abrupt_crit<-single_run(r=r, gens=gens, delta_t=delta_t, K_Start=K_Start, K_Pulse_amt=K_Pulse_amt, V0, pulse_time=pulse_time, driver_press_topo="abrupt", q=5)
# run simulations for no change scenario
no_change<-single_run(r=r, gens=gens, delta_t=delta_t, K_Start=K_Start, K_Pulse_amt=0, V0, pulse_time=pulse_time, driver_press_topo="abrupt", q=5)

# Attributes --------------------------------------------------------------
attributes <-read.csv("data-raw/metadata/attributes-simulation.csv")

# Munge the data ----------------------------------------------------------
gradual_crit <- munge_dataset(gradual_crit, attributes, df.citation)
gradual_noncrit <- munge_dataset(gradual_noncrit, attributes, df.citation)
abrupt_crit <- munge_dataset(abrupt_crit, attributes, df.citation)
no_change <- munge_dataset(no_change, attributes, df.citation)

# Save rds ----------------------------------------------------------------
usethis::use_data(gradual_crit, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(gradual_noncrit, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(abrupt_crit, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(no_change, overwrite = TRUE)
regime-shifts/abruptdata documentation built on Aug. 13, 2021, 12:10 a.m.