| Translate from a QuantileForecastMatrix representation of... |
baseline_forecasts | Forecasts from a simple baseline model |
build_covid_ensemble | Read in covid forecasts from local files and fit one ensemble |
calc_baseline_check | Compute check of whether predictive performance is comparable... |
calc_forecast_missingness | Compute forecast missingness for each combination of location... |
calc_forecast_week_end_date | Calculate end date for the week a forecast was made.... |
calc_model_eligibility_for_ensemble | Generate a data frame with a row for each model and an... |
calc_nondecreasing_quantile_check | Compute check of whether quantiles for consecutive targets (1... |
calc_q10_check | Compute check of whether quantile 0.1 for 1 week ahead... |
calc_relative_horizon | Calculate the effective horizon of a forecast relative to the... |
calc_relative_target | Calculate the effective target relative to the... |
calc_retrospective_ensemble_scores | Calculate scores of retrospective ensemble forecasts |
calc_sd_check | Compute check of whether mean of forecast medians in a... |
calc_target_string_end_date | Calculate the target end date by parsing a target... |
calc_target_week_end_date | Calculate end date for the week a forecast is targeting.... |
covidEnsembles | covidEnsembles - Utility functions for CDC forecasts |
date_to_week_end_date | Calculate week end date (i.e., Saturday) for the MMWR... |
estimate_qra | Estimate Quantile Regression Averaging model |
estimate_qra_ew | Estimate Quantile Regression Averaging model with equal... |
estimate_qra_optimized | Estimate qra parameters by optimizing weighted interval score... |
estimate_qra_qenspy | Estimate qra model using qenspy package as backend |
estimate_qra_quantgen | Estimate qra model using quantgen package as backend |
extract_weights_qenspy_qra_fit | Extract weights from a quantile regression averaging fit from... |
fips_codes | FIPS codes for the US and its states and territories |
get_all_project_forecasts | Download all forecasts for a project and assemble into a data... |
get_all_wis_components | compute wis and contributions to wis from each interval level |
get_by_location_group_ensemble_fits_and_predictions | Calculate ensemble fits separately by location group |
get_candidate_models | Get a list of candidate models with specified model... |
get_ensemble_fit_and_predictions | Calculate ensemble fits for a single window size |
get_imputed_ensemble_fits_and_predictions | Calculate ensemble fits after imputing missing forecasts |
get_observed_by_location_target_end_date | get observed cases and/or deaths |
get_one_project_forecast | Download a single forecast for a project and assemble into a... |
grid_search_rel_wis_weights | Conduct a grid search by evaluating the objective function at... |
impute_missing_per_quantile | Impute missing values for each quantile level in a quantile... |
init_par_constructor_convex_per_model | Initial parameter constructor for qra_convex_per_model... |
init_par_constructor_rel_wis_weighted_mean | Initial parameter constructor for rel_wis_weighted_mean... |
init_par_constructor_rel_wis_weighted_median | Initial parameter constructor for rel_wis_weighted_median... |
init_par_constructor_rescaled_convex_per_model | Initial parameter constructor for rescaled_convex_per_model... |
init_par_constructor_unconstrained_per_model | Initial parameter constructor for unconstrained_per_model... |
interval_score | Calculate interval scores for multiple intervals at a single... |
is.median_qra_fit | Check if object is of class median_qra_fit |
is.qenspy_qra_fit | Check if object is of class qenspy_qra_fit |
is.qra_fit | Check if object is of class qra_fit |
is.QuantileForecastMatrix | Check if object is of class QuantileForecastMatrix |
is.rescaled_qra_fit | Check if object is of class rescaled_qra_fit |
is.weighted_median_qra_fit | Check if object is of class weighted_median_qra_fit |
load_covid_forecasts_relative_horizon | Load multiple models' last forecasts from multiple weeks and... |
load_retrospective_ensemble_forecasts | Load retrospective ensemble forecasts that were made on or... |
logspace_add | Calculate log(exp(logx) + exp(logy)) in a somewhat... |
logspace_sub | Calculate log(exp(logx) - exp(logy)) in a somewhat... |
logspace_sub_matrix_rows | Calculate logspace difference of matrix rows in a somewhat... |
logspace_sum | Calculate log(sum(exp(logx))) in a somewhat numerically... |
logspace_sum_matrix_rows | Calculate logspace summation of matrix rows in a somewhat... |
model_constructor_convex_per_model | Model constructor for convex_per_model approach |
model_constructor_rel_wis_weighted_mean | Model constructor for rel_wis_weighted_mean approach |
model_constructor_rel_wis_weighted_median | Model constructor for rel_wis_weighted_median approach |
model_constructor_rescaled_convex_per_model | Model constructor for rescaled_convex_per_model approach |
model_constructor_unconstrained_per_model | Model constructor for unconstrained_per_model approach |
new_median_qra_fit | Create a median_qra_fit object |
new_qenspy_qra_fit | Create a qenspy_qra_fit object |
new_qra_fit | Create a qra_fit object |
new_QuantileForecastMatrix | Create a QuantileForecastMatrix object |
new_QuantileForecastMatrix_from_df | Translate from a tidy data frame of forecasts to a wide... |
new_rescaled_qra_fit | Create a rescaled_qra_fit object |
new_weighted_median_qra_fit | Create a weighted_median_qra_fit object |
par_grid_constructor_rel_wis_weighted_mean | Parameter search grid constructor for rel_wis_weighted_mean... |
par_grid_constructor_rel_wis_weighted_median | Parameter search grid constructor for rel_wis_weighted_median... |
parse_model_case | function to extract model identifiers from abbreviation |
plot_forecasts_single_model | plot forecasts |
predict.median_qra_fit | Predict based on a quantile regression averaging fit |
predict.qenspy_qra_fit | Predict based on a quantile regression averaging fit |
predict.qra_fit | Predict based on a quantile regression averaging fit |
predict.rescaled_qra_fit | Predict based on a rescaled quantile regression averaging fit |
predict.weighted_median_qra_fit | Predict based on a quantile regression averaging fit |
print.qfm | Print a QuantileForecastMatrix |
qfm_data | Show the basic data matrix of a QuantileForecastMatrix |
quantile_score | Calculate quantile scores for multiple quantile predictions... |
softmax_matrix_rows | Calculate softmax for each row of a matrix |
sort.QuantileForecastMatrix | Sort method for QuantileForecastMatrix class which currently... |
str.QuantileForecastMatrix | Convenience 'str' method for QuantileForecastMatrix class... |
sub-.QuantileForecastMatrix | Extract parts of a QuantileForecastMatrix object |
validate_qra_fit | Validate qra_fit object |
validate_quantile_crossing | Validate quantile crossing |
validate_QuantileForecastMatrix | Validate QuantileForecastMatrix object |
validate_rescaled_qra_fit | Validate rescaled_qra_fit object |
weighted_interval_penalty | Calculate interval scores for multiple intervals at a single... |
weighted_interval_width | Calculate weighted interval width for multiple intervals at a... |
wip | Calculate quantile score, optionally including absolute... |
wis | Calculate quantile score, optionally including absolute... |
wis_loss | Calculate wis_loss as a function of parameters used to... |
wis_loss_rel_wis_weights | Calculate wis_loss as a function of parameters used to... |
wiw | Calculate quantile score, optionally including absolute... |
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