calc_target_week_end_date: Calculate end date for the week a forecast is targeting....

View source: R/date_management.R

calc_target_week_end_dateR Documentation

Calculate end date for the week a forecast is targeting. Following, "For week-ahead forecasts with forecast_date of Sunday or Monday of EW12, a 1 week ahead forecast corresponds to EW12 and should have target_end_date of the Saturday of EW12." This means that if horizon is 1, the forecast week end date is set to Saturday of EW12 (the current week) for Sunday and Monday of EW12, and Saturday of EW13 (the next week) for Tuesday through Saturday of EW12.


Calculate end date for the week a forecast is targeting. Following, "For week-ahead forecasts with forecast_date of Sunday or Monday of EW12, a 1 week ahead forecast corresponds to EW12 and should have target_end_date of the Saturday of EW12." This means that if horizon is 1, the forecast week end date is set to Saturday of EW12 (the current week) for Sunday and Monday of EW12, and Saturday of EW13 (the next week) for Tuesday through Saturday of EW12.


calc_target_week_end_date(timezero, horizon)



character vector of dates in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format


number of weeks ahead a prediction is targeting


character vector of dates in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format

reichlab/covidEnsembles documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 7:21 p.m.