calc_q10_check: Compute check of whether quantile 0.1 for 1 week ahead...

View source: R/model_eligibility.R

calc_q10_checkR Documentation

Compute check of whether quantile 0.1 for 1 week ahead forecast is at least the median of the most recent observed cumulative deaths


Compute check of whether quantile 0.1 for 1 week ahead forecast is at least the median of the most recent observed cumulative deaths


calc_q10_check(qfm, observed_by_location_target_end_date)



matrix of model forecasts of class QuantileForecastMatrix


data frame of observed values


data frame with a row for each combination of location, forecast week end date, and model and a logical column called 'any_missing' with entry TRUE if any forecasts were missing across all quantiles and targets

reichlab/covidEnsembles documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 7:21 p.m.