calc_sd_check: Compute check of whether mean of forecast medians in a...

View source: R/model_eligibility.R

calc_sd_checkR Documentation

Compute check of whether mean of forecast medians in a "lookahead" window is more than num_sd sample standard deviations below the sample mean of observations in a "lookback" window. The standard deviations and means of observations may be calculated over different windows. Tables listing the included excluded location-model pairs are saved in sd_check_table_path, and plots illustrating the exclusion criteria are saved in sd_check_plot_path.


Compute check of whether mean of forecast medians in a "lookahead" window is more than num_sd sample standard deviations below the sample mean of observations in a "lookback" window. The standard deviations and means of observations may be calculated over different windows. Tables listing the included excluded location-model pairs are saved in sd_check_table_path, and plots illustrating the exclusion criteria are saved in sd_check_plot_path.


  sd_check_table_path = NULL,
  sd_check_plot_path = NULL,
  lookback_method = c("by observations", "dy dates"),
  lookback_window = 1:14,
  lookback_window_for_mean = 1:7,
  lookback_window_for_sd = 1:14,
  lookahead_window = 1:7,
  exclude_below = TRUE,
  exclude_above = TRUE,
  num_sd = 4,
  show_stats = FALSE



matrix of model forecasts of class QuantileForecastMatrix


data frame of observed values


where to save csv files listing exclusions


where to save plots


if set to "by observations", mean and sd are calculated for specified windows of observations; of set to "by dates", mean and sd are calculated for observations within specified date windows


vector of (not necessarilly consecutive) observation or date indices starting with index 1 for the most recent available observation and counting (by observation or calendar date) backwards; should contain the union of indices for mean and sd windows (with an error thrown otherwise) and gives the window of observations that the line plot will cover


vector of indices giving the the mean window


vector of indices giving the the sd window


vector of indices giving the window over which forecast means are calculated


number of standard deviations to use for cutoff


data frame with a row for each combination of location and model and a logical column called 'eligibility' with entry "more than four SDs below 2-week mean of hospitalization point forecasts" if check fails

reichlab/covidEnsembles documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 7:21 p.m.