
Defines functions match_info

Documented in match_info

##' Extra fullmatch info
##' Some additional details I find useful in connection with a
##'     fullmatch (or similar matching)
##' @title individual level information
##' @param data the data
##' @param tr the binary treatment variable, as character
##' @param cl the clustering variable, as character
##' @param id the id variable (optional), as character. If this is
##'     used then only the relevant variables (+ those specified by 'keep') will be
##'     returned (in the same order as data).
##' @param trv the value of the treatment (of variable \code{tr}), '1'
##'     by default
##' @param keep character vector of the names of variables you'd like
##'     to keep (if id is not  \code{NULL})
##' @param warn warn in case of emergency?
##' @return data frame (\code{tbl_df}) with new parameters \code{tr_n} the number of
##'     treated within the cluster,  \code{ctrl_n} the number of
##'     controls within the cluster, \code{ate.weight} the weight for
##'     calculating the average treatment effect, \code{att.weight}
##'     the weight for calculating the average treatment effect for
##'     the treated, \code{atc.weight} the weight for calculating the
##'     average treatment effect for the controls,
##'     \code{cid} for describing the match it is useful to have a
##'     'cluster id', use this with e.g. \code{dplyr::group_by(tr, cid)} and
##'     \code{summarise} with functions using \code{weight =
##'     cl.weight} to get stats for weighted treated and control statistics.
##' @author Henrik Renlund
##' @examples df <- data.frame(
##'    id = 1:13,
##'    foo = c(0,0,1, 0,1, 1,1,0, 1,1,0,0, 0),
##'    bar = c(rep(c(letters[1:4]), c(3,2,3,4)), NA),
##'    x = round(runif(13),2)
##' mi <- match_info(data = df, tr = "foo", cl = "bar")
##' attributes(mi)
##' match_info(data = df, tr = "foo", cl = "bar", id = "id")
##' df$foo <- ifelse(df$foo == 1, "Treated", "Control")
##' match_info(data = df, tr = "foo", cl = "bar", trv = "Treated")
##' @import  dplyr
##' @export

match_info <- function(data, tr, cl, id = NULL, trv = 1, keep = NULL,
    warn = TRUE){
    ## if(! "dplyr" %in% installed.packages()[,1]){
    ##     stop("[match_info] this function is coded in 'dplyr' which needs to be available")
    ## }
        ctrl_n = NULL; tMp.tReAt = NULL; tr_n = NULL
    m_i_out.names <- c("tr_n", "ctrl_n", "cl.weight", "cid")
    if(any(c(tr, cl, id) %in% m_i_out.names)){
        stop(paste0("[match_info] names of data conflicts with created variables (",
                    paste0(m_i_out.names, collapse = ", "), ")"))
    if(!any(trv %in% data[[tr]])){
        stop(paste0("[match_info] there are no values '", trv, "' in the variable '", tr,
    D <- if(!is.null(id)){
        dplyr::select_(.data = data, .dots = c(id, tr, cl, keep))
    } else {
    XNA <- dplyr::filter_(.data = D, paste0("is.na(", cl, ")")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(tr_n = NA, ctrl_n = NA,
                      ate.weight = NA,
                      att.weight = NA,
                      atc.weight = NA,
                      cid = NA)
    X <- dplyr::filter_(.data = D, paste0("!is.na(", cl, ")")) %>%
        dplyr::group_by_(cl) %>%
        dplyr::mutate_('tr_n' = paste0("sum(",tr,"=='",trv,"')") ,
                       'ctrl_n'  = paste0("sum(",tr,"!='",trv,"')")) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        ## -- START TEST
            'tMp.tReAt' = paste0(tr, " == '", trv, "'")
        ) %>%
            ## ate.weight = ifelse(tMp.tReAt, 1/tr_n, 1/ctrl_n),
            ate.weight = ifelse(tMp.tReAt, (ctrl_n+tr_n)/(2*tr_n), (ctrl_n+tr_n)/(2*ctrl_n)),
            att.weight = ifelse(tMp.tReAt, 1,
                         ifelse(tr_n == 1, 1/ctrl_n, tr_n/ctrl_n)),
            atc.weight = ifelse(!tMp.tReAt, 1,
                         ifelse(ctrl_n == 1, 1/tr_n, ctrl_n/tr_n)),
            cid = paste0(cl, ":",
                         ifelse(tMp.tReAt, 'tr', 'ctrl'),
                         ifelse(tMp.tReAt, tr_n, ctrl_n))
        ) %>%
            'cid' =  paste0("paste0(", cl, ", ':', ifelse(tMp.tReAt, 'tr', 'ctrl'), ifelse(tMp.tReAt, tr_n, ctrl_n))")
            ) %>%
    Y <- dplyr::tbl_df(rbind(X, XNA))
        R <- dplyr::left_join(select_(.data = data, id), Y, by = id)
    } else {
        if(warn) message("Beware! Order of data may have changed.")
        R <- Y
    class(R) <- c(class(Y), "match_info")
    attr(R, "match_info") <- c('cl' = cl, 'tr' = tr, 'trv' = trv,
                                  'id' = id)

if(FALSE){ ## example

    df <- data_frame(
        id = 1:14,
        foo = c(0,0,1, 0,1, 1,1,0, 1,1,0,0,0, 0),
        bar = c(rep(c(letters[1:4]), c(3,2,3,5)), NA),
        x = round(runif(14),2)

    (mi <- match_info(data = df, tr = "foo", cl = "bar"))
    match_info(data = df, tr = "foo", cl = "bar", id = "id")
    match_info(data = df, tr = "foo", cl = "bar", id = "id", keep = "x")
    df$foo <- ifelse(df$foo == 1, "Treated", "Control")
    match_info(data = df, tr = "foo", cl = "bar", trv = "Treated")

renlund/miscmatch documentation built on May 27, 2019, 5:52 a.m.