
Defines functions ns_get addNamespaceExport isDevNamespace isNamespaceLoaded isLoadingNamespace getLoadingNamespace pkg_calls is_pkgcall is_funcall

Documented in addNamespaceExport getLoadingNamespace isDevNamespace isLoadingNamespace ns_get

# Namespace related functions
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Creation: 30 Apr 2012

is_funcall <- function(fun){

	n <- sys.nframe()
	i <- 1
	dg <- digest(fun)
	while( i <= n ){
		f <- sys.function(i)
		ca <- sys.call(i)
#		cat(digest(f), dg, getPackageName(environment(f), FALSE), "\n")
		if( digest(f) == dg ) return(i)
		i <- i + 1

is_pkgcall <- function(pkg){
	pkg %in% pkg_calls()

pkg_calls <- function(){
	n <- sys.nframe() - 1
	i <- 1
	res <- character()
	while( i <= n ){
		f <- sys.function(i)
		e <- environment(f)
		if( !is.null(e) ){
			pkg <- methods::getPackageName(e, create=FALSE)
			if( pkg != '' ) res <- c(res, pkg)
		i <- i + 1

#' Namespace Development Functions
#' \code{getLoadingNamespace} returns information about the loading namespace.
#' It is a wrapper to \code{\link{loadingNamespaceInfo}}, that does not throw 
#' an error.
#' @param env logical that indicates that the namespace's environment (i.e. the 
#' namespace itself) should be returned.
#' @param info logical that indicates that the complete information list should 
#' be returned
#' @return the name of the loading namespace if \code{env} and \code{info} are 
#' \code{FALSE}, an environment if \code{env=TRUE}, a list with elements 
#' \code{pkgname} and \code{libname} if \code{info=TRUE}. 
#' @rdname namespace
#' @export
getLoadingNamespace <- function(env=FALSE, info=FALSE, nodev=FALSE){
	is.loading <- try(nsInfo <- loadingNamespaceInfo(), silent=TRUE)
	if( !is(is.loading, 'try-error') ){
		if( env ) asNamespace(as.name(nsInfo$pkgname))
		else if( info ){
			nsInfo$path <- file.path(nsInfo$libname, nsInfo$pkgname)
		}else nsInfo$pkgname
	}else if( !nodev ){ # devtools namespaces are allowed
    if( (is_pkgcall('devtools') && (i <- is_funcall(ns_get('devtools::load_all')))) ||
        (is_pkgcall('pkgload') && (i <- is_funcall(ns_get('pkgload::load_all')))) || # for devtools > 1.12
        (is_pkgcall('roxygen24') && (i <- is_funcall(ns_get('roxygen24::source_package')))) ){
  			# find out the package that is currently being loaded by load_all
  			e <- sys.frame(i)
  			pkg <- e[["pkg"]]
        if( is.null(pkg) ){ # try to load from path
          if( is.null(path <- e[["path"]]) ) stop("Could not infer loading namespace")
          pkg <- as_package(path)
  			# extract namespace
  			if( env ){
          if( isDevNamespace(pkg$package) ) asNamespace(pkg$package)
          else pkg$ns
  			}else if( info ){
  						pkgname = pkg$package
  						, path = pkg$path
  						, libname = dirname(pkg$path)
  			}else pkg$package
	else NULL

#' @describeIn namespace Tests if a namespace is being loaded.
#' @param ns the name of a namespace or a namespace whose loading state is tested.
#' If missing \code{isLoadingNamespace} test if any namespace is being loaded.
#' @param nodev logical that indicates if loading devtools namespace should 
#' be discarded.
#' @return * `isLoadingNamespace` returns a logical flag.
#' @export
isLoadingNamespace <- function(ns, nodev=FALSE){
	if( missing(ns) ) !is.null(getLoadingNamespace(nodev=nodev))
		nspkg <- getLoadingNamespace(nodev=nodev, env=is.environment(ns))
		if( is.null(nspkg) ) FALSE
		else identical(nspkg, ns)

#' @describeIn namespace tests if a given namespace is loaded, without loading it, 
#' contrary to \code{\link{isNamespace}}.
#' It is similar to \code{\link{isNamespaceLoaded}} -- which it uses -- but also accepts
#' environments.
#' @return * `isNamespaceLoaded2` returns a logical flag.
#' @export
isNamespaceLoaded2 <- isNamespaceLoaded <- function(ns){
	if( is.environment(ns) ){
		if( !isNamespace(ns) ) return(FALSE)
		else ns <- getPackageName(ns)
	if( isString(ns) ) base::isNamespaceLoaded(ns)
	else stop("Invalid argument `ns`: only support strings and environments.")

#' @describeIn namespace tests the -- current -- namespace is a devtools namespace.
#' @return * `isDevNamespace` returns a logical flag.
#' @export
isDevNamespace <- function(ns){
	if( missing(ns) ){
		e <- parent.frame()
		ns <- methods::getPackageName(topenv(e))
	# cannot be true if the namespace is not loaded
	if( !isNamespaceLoaded(ns) ) return( FALSE )
	# get the namespace environment
	if( isString(ns) ) ns <- asNamespace(ns)
	# check for the presence of a .__DEVTOOLS__ object
	exists('.__DEVTOOLS__', where=ns)

#' @describeIn namespace Dynamically adds exported objects into the loading namespace.   
#' @param x character vector containing the names of R objects to export in the 
#' loading namespace.
#' @export
addNamespaceExport <- function(x){
	ns <- pkgmaker::getLoadingNamespace(env=TRUE)
	if( !is.null(ns) ){
		namespaceExport(ns, x)

#' @describeIn namespace gets an object from a given namespace.
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to [get0].
#' @return * `ns_get` returns the requested object or `NULL` if not found.
#' @export
ns_get <- function(x, ns = NULL, ...){
  if( is.null(ns) ){
    ns <- gsub("^([^:]+)::.*", "\\1", x)
    x <- gsub(".*::([^:]+)$", "\\1", x)
  if( !isNamespace(ns) ){
    ns <- tryCatch(asNamespace(ns), error = function(e) NULL)
    if( is.null(ns) ) return()
  get0(x, envir = ns, ...)
renozao/pkgmaker documentation built on May 3, 2023, 6:04 p.m.