#' Simulate Wright-Fisher Process
#' @param nspecies One way to parameterize WFP by number of species. \code{rho} will be \code{rep(1/nspecies,nspecies)}
#' @param rho Compositional vector signifying the mean of the community
#' @param lambda Rate of migration or mean-reversion
#' @param X0 optional initial community state - must be a compositional vector of same size as rho
#' @param dt size of timesteps for numerical integration
#' @param Tmax Size of time window of numerical integration
#' @param nsamples Number of timepoints between 0 and T to sample. Output will be a matrix with nrow=length(rho) and ncol=nsamples
#' @param method Method for simulation, either 'VSM' or 'WFP'. Default is VSM - simulates volatility stabilized market and converts to relative abundances. 
#' @param tol Tolerance for VSM simulation, i.e. the reflecting lower bound for stock prices to ensure values stay positive.
#' @export
#' @references Washburne, Alex (2015) "Competition and Coexistence in an Unpredictable World". https://www.academia.edu/15517160/PhD_Thesis_-_Competition_and_Coexistence_in_an_Unpredictable_World
#' @return Outputs a two-element list. The first element is the time vector for the time of samples, and the second element is the matrix of the fluctuating community.
#' @examples 
#' library(WrightFisher)
#' library(plotrix)
#' set.seed(1)
#' X <- wfp(nspecies=5,rho=rep(.2,5),dt=1e-3,Tmax=1)
#' time <- X$time
#' X <- X$Community
#' par(mfrow=c(1,1))
#' stackpoly(X,stack=T,xlab='time',ylab='Relative Abundance',main='Wright-Fisher Process Trajectory')
wfp <- function(nspecies,rho=NULL,lambda=15,X0=rho,dt=1e-5,Tmax=1,nsamples=1000,method='VSM',tol=1e-16){
  #Simulate Wright-Fisher Process using log-ratio transformation and subsequent inversion as described in Washburne's (2015) thesis
  if (is.null(rho)){
    rho <- rep(1/nspecies,nspecies)
  if (method=='VSM'){
    x <- vsm(nspecies,lambda=lambda,rho=rho,dt=dt,Tmax=Tmax,nsamples=nsamples,tol=tol,X0=X0)
    time <- x$time 
    x <- x$Shares
  } else {
      p <- rho
      l <- lambda
      n <- round(Tmax/dt)
      d <- length(p)
      m <- length(X0)
      if (d!=m){stop('dimensions of rho and X0 are not equal')}
      x <- matrix(0,m,n+1)
      x[,1] <- log(X0/(1-X0))
      dW <- sqrt(2*dt)*matrix(rnorm(m*(m-1)*n/2),m*(m-1)/2,n)
      P <- matrix(0,m,m*(m-1)/2)  
      j <- 1
      i1 <- NULL
      i2 <- i1
      for (i in 1:(m-1)){
        P[i:m,(j:(j+m-i-1))] <- rbind(rep(1,m-i),-diag(m-i))
        i1 <- c(i1,i*rep(1,m-i))
        i2 <- c(i2,(i+1):m)
        j <- j+m-i
      Dm <- diag(m)
      Di <- diag(length(i2))
      for (t in 1:n){
        x[,t+1] <- x[,t]  +  4*cosh(x[,t]/2)^2*(l*p+(1-d)/d+(1-l)/(1+exp(-x[,t])))*dt  +  (4*cosh(x[,t]/2)^2)*Dm %*% P %*% (sqrt((1/(1+exp(-x[i1,t])))*(1/(1+exp(-x[i2,t]))))*Di)%*%dW[,t]
      time <- seq(0,T,length=nsamples)
      ind <- round(seq(1,n+1,length=nsamples))
      x <- 1/(1+exp(-x[,ind]))
      x <- t(x)
  output <- list(time,x)
  names(output) <- c('time','Community')
reptalex/WrightFisher documentation built on May 27, 2019, 5:54 a.m.