categorize_genotype_results: Categorize genotyping results

View source: R/categorize.R

categorize_genotype_resultsR Documentation

Categorize genotyping results


For a given results summary data frame that has CorrectAllele1Seq and CorrectAllele2Seq columns (such as produced by match_known_genotypes) added, create a factor labeling every row of the input data frame by its genotyping outcome.





cross-sample summary data frame as produced by analyze_dataset with extra columns as produced by match_known_genotypes.


Levels in the returned factor, in order:

  • Correct: one/two alleles match.

  • Incorrect at least one allele does not match.

  • Blank: No alleles were called in the analysis even though known genotypes were supplied.

  • Dropped Allele: One called allele is correct for a heterozygous individual, but no second allele was called.

Cases that should not occur, such as CorrectAllele1Seq and CorrectAllele2Seq both set to NA, map to NA in the returned factor.


factor defining genotyping result category for every row of the input data frame.

ressy/microsat documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 10:09 a.m.