
#' @title Creates CORS middleware object
#' @description
#' Adds CORS to [Application]. CORS Middleware out of the box in RestRserve to turn on/off the CORS
#' Headers on preflight validation from the browser. \cr
#' Cross Origin Resource Sharing is an additional security check done by moderns
#' browsers to avoid request between different domains. To allow it RestRserve
#' has easy way to enable your CORS policies. By default CORS policies are disabled.
#' So if any request is coming from a different domain will be blocked
#' by the browser as default because RestRserve will not send the headers required
#' by the browser to allow cross site resource sharing. You can change this easy
#' just by providing `CORSMiddleware` as middleware to the [Application].
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' [Middleware] [Application]
#' @references
#' [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS)
#' @examples
#' app = Application$new(middleware = list(CORSMiddleware$new()))
#' app$add_post(path = "/hello", FUN = function(req, res) {
#'   res$set_body("Hello from RestRserve!")
#' })
#' app$add_route("/hello", method = "OPTIONS", FUN = function(req, res) {
#'  res$set_header("Allow", "POST, OPTIONS")
#' })
#' req = Request$new(
#'   path = "/hello",
#'   headers = list("Access-Control-Request-Method" = "POST"),
#'   method = "OPTIONS"
#' )
#' app$process_request(req)
CORSMiddleware = R6::R6Class(
  classname = "CORSMiddleware",
  inherit = Middleware,
  public = list(
    #' @description
    #' Creates CORS middleware object
    #' @param routes Routes paths to protect.
    #' @param match How routes will be matched: exact or partial (as prefix).
    #' @param id Middleware id.
    initialize = function(routes = "/", match = "partial", id = "CORSMiddleware") {
      checkmate::assert_character(routes, pattern = "^/")
      checkmate::assert_subset(match, c("exact", "partial"))
      checkmate::assert_string(id, min.chars = 1L)

      if (length(match) == 1L) {
        match = rep(match, length(routes))
      if (length(routes) != length(match)) {
        stop("length 'match' must be 1 or equal length 'routes'")

      self$id = id

      self$process_response = function(request, response) {
        prefixes_mask = match == "partial"
        if ((request$path %in% routes[!prefixes_mask]) ||
            any(startsWith(request$path, routes[prefixes_mask])) &&
            # response successful
            response$status_code < 300) {
          response$set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", response$get_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"))

          # presence of the "Access-Control-Request-Method" header means CORS request
          if (request$method == "OPTIONS" && !is.null(request$get_header("Access-Control-Request-Method"))) {
            # get methods from OPTIONS "Allow" header and delete it since this is CORS request
            allow = response$get_header("Allow")
            allow_headers = request$get_header("Access-Control-Request-Headers", "*")

            if (!is.null(allow)) {
              response$set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", allow)

            response$set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", allow_headers)
            response$set_header("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400")  # 24 hours

      self$process_request = function(request, response) {
rexyai/RestRserve documentation built on April 22, 2024, 10:29 p.m.