#' @title Creates Request object
#' @description
#' Called internally for handling incoming requests from Rserve side.
#' Also useful for testing.
#' @export
#' @seealso [Response] [Application]
#' @examples
#' # init simply request
#' rq = Request$new(
#' path = "/",
#' parameters_query = list(
#' "param1" = "value1",
#' "param2" = "value2"
#' ),
#' headers = list(
#' "Content-encoding" = "identity",
#' "Custom-field" = "value"
#' ),
#' cookies = list(
#' "sessionId" = "1"
#' )
#' )
#' # get request UUID
#' rq$id
#' # get content accept
#' rq$accept
#' # get request content type
#' rq$content_type
#' # get header by name (lower case)
#' rq$get_header("custom-field")
#' # get query param by name
#' rq$get_param_query("param1")
#' # print request
#' rq
Request = R6::R6Class(
classname = "Request",
public = list(
#' @field path Request path.
path = NULL,
#' @field method Request HTTP method.
method = NULL,
#' @field headers Request headers.
headers = NULL,
#' @field cookies Request cookies.
cookies = NULL,
#' @field context Environment to store any data. Can be used in middlewares.
context = NULL,
#' @field content_type Request body content type.
content_type = NULL,
#' @field body Request body.
body = NULL,
#' @field parameters_query Request query parameters.
parameters_query = NULL,
#' @field parameters_body Request body parameters.
parameters_body = NULL,
#' @field parameters_path List of parameters extracted from templated path
#' after routing. For example if we have some handler listening at
#' `/job/{job_id}` and we are receiving request at `/job/1` then
#' `parameters_path` will be `list(job_id = "1")`.\cr
#' It is important to understand that `parameters_path` will be available
#' (not empty) only after request will reach handler.\cr
#' This effectively means that `parameters_path` can be used inside handler
#' and response middleware (but not request middleware!).
parameters_path = NULL,
#' @field files Structure which contains positions and lengths of files for
#' the multipart body.
files = NULL,
#' @field decode Function to decode body for the specific content type.
decode = NULL,
#' @description
#' Creates Request object
#' @param path Character with requested path. Always starts with `/`.
#' @param method Request HTTP method.
#' @param parameters_query A named list with URL decoded query parameters.
#' @param parameters_body A named list with URL decoded body parameters.
#' This field is helpful when request is a urlencoded form or a multipart form.
#' @param headers Request HTTP headers represented as named list.
#' @param body Request body. Can be anything and in conjunction with
#' `content_type` defines how HTTP body will be represented.
#' @param cookies Cookies represented as named list. **Note** that cookies
#' should be provided explicitly - they won't be derived from `headers`.
#' @param content_type HTTP content type. **Note** that `content_type`
#' should be provided explicitly - it won't be derived from `headers`.
#' @param decode Function to decode body for the specific content type.
#' @param ... Not used at this moment.
initialize = function(path = "/",
method = c("GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "CONNECT", "OPTIONS", "TRACE", "PATCH"),
parameters_query = list(),
parameters_body = list(),
headers = list(),
body = NULL,
cookies = list(),
content_type = NULL,
decode = NULL,
...) {
if (isTRUE(getOption('RestRserve.runtime.asserts', TRUE))) {
checkmate::assert_string(path, pattern = "/.*")
checkmate::assert_string(content_type, pattern = ".*/.*", null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_function(decode, null.ok = TRUE)
self$path = path
self$method = match.arg(method)
self$parameters_query = setNames(parameters_query, names(parameters_query))
self$parameters_body = setNames(parameters_body, names(parameters_body))
self$headers = setNames(headers, tolower(names(headers)))
self$body = body
self$cookies = setNames(cookies, tolower(names(cookies)))
self$content_type = content_type
self$decode = decode
self$parameters_path = list()
self$files = list()
self$context = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
private$request_id = uuid::UUIDgenerate(TRUE)
#' @description
#' Set request id.
#' @param id Request id.
set_id = function(id = uuid::UUIDgenerate(TRUE)) {
private$request_id = id
#' @description
#' Resets request object. This is not useful for end user, but useful for
#' RestRserve internals - resetting R6 class is much faster then initialize it.
reset = function() {
# should reset all the fields which touched during `from_rserve` or `initialize`
self$path = "/"
self$method = "GET"
self$headers = list()
self$cookies = list()
self$context = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
self$content_type = NULL
self$body = NULL
self$parameters_query = list()
self$parameters_body = list()
self$parameters_path = list()
self$files = list()
self$decode = NULL
private$request_id = uuid::UUIDgenerate(TRUE)
#' @description
#' Get HTTP response header value. If requested header is empty returns `default`.
#' @param name Header field name.
#' @param default Default value if header does not exists.
#' @return Header field values (character string).
get_header = function(name, default = NULL) {
if (isTRUE(getOption('RestRserve.runtime.asserts', TRUE))) {
checkmate::assert_string(default, null.ok = TRUE)
name = tolower(name)
res = self$headers[[name]]
if (is.null(res))
res = default
#' @description
#' Get request query parameter by name.
#' @param name Query parameter name.
#' @return Query parameter value (character string).
get_param_query = function(name) {
if (isTRUE(getOption('RestRserve.runtime.asserts', TRUE))) {
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24699643/are-query-string-keys-case-sensitive
# query is case sensitive
#' @description
#' Get request body parameter by name.
#' @param name Body field name.
#' @return Body field value.
get_param_body = function(name) {
if (isTRUE(getOption('RestRserve.runtime.asserts', TRUE))) {
#' @description
#' Get templated path parameter by name.
#' @param name Path parameter name.
#' @return Path parameter value.
get_param_path = function(name) {
if (isTRUE(getOption('RestRserve.runtime.asserts', TRUE))) {
#' @description
#' Extract specific file from multipart body.
#' @param name Body file name.
#' @return Raw vector with `filname` and `content-type` attributes.
get_file = function(name) {
if (isTRUE(getOption('RestRserve.runtime.asserts', TRUE))) {
if (is.null(self$files[[name]]) || !is.raw(self$body)) {
# see https://github.com/rexyai/RestRserve/issues/151
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56614592/faster-way-to-slice-a-raw-vector
res = raw_slice(self$body, self$files[[name]]$offset, self$files[[name]]$length)
attr(res, "filname") = self$files[[name]]$filename
attr(res, "content-type") = self$files[[name]]$content_type
#' @description
#' Print method.
print = function() {
cat("<RestRserve Request>")
cat(" method:", self$method)
cat(" path:", self$path)
cat(" accept:", self$accept)
cat(" content-type:", self$content_type)
if (length(self$parameters_query) > 0L) {
cat(" <Query Parameters>")
cat(sprintf(" %s: %s\n", names(self$parameters_query), as.character(self$parameters_query)), sep = "")
if (length(self$parameters_body) > 0L) {
cat(" <Body Parameters>")
cat(sprintf(" %s: %s\n", names(self$parameters_body), as.character(self$parameters_body)), sep = "")
if (length(self$parameters_path) > 0L) {
cat(" <Path Parameters>")
cat(sprintf(" %s: %s\n", names(self$parameters_path), as.character(self$parameters_path)), sep = "")
if (length(self$headers) > 0L) {
cat(" <Headers>")
cat(sprintf(" %s: %s\n", names(self$headers), as.character(self$headers)), sep = "")
if (length(self$cookies) > 0L) {
cat(" <Cookies>")
cat(sprintf(" %s: %s\n", names(self$cookies), as.character(self$cookies)), sep = "")
if (length(self$file) > 0L) {
cat(" <Body Files>")
for (m in name(self$files)) {
cat(sprintf(" %s [%s]: %s\n", self$files[[m]]$content_type,
self$files[[m]]$length, self$files[[m]]$filename), sep = "")
active = list(
#' @field id Automatically generated UUID for each request. Read only.
id = function() {
#' @field date Request `Date` header converted to `POSIXct`.
date = function() {
dt = self$headers[["date"]]
if (is.character(dt)) dt = structure(dt, class = "HTTPDate")
return(as(dt, "POSIXct"))
#' @field accept Splitted `Accept` request header.
accept = function() {
res = "*/*"
if (!is.null(self$headers[["accept"]])) {
res = self$headers[["accept"]]
#' @field accept_json Request accepts JSON response.
accept_json = function() {
res = FALSE
if (!is.null(self$headers[["accept"]])) {
res = any(startsWith(self$headers[["accept"]], "application/json"))
#' @field accept_xml Request accepts XML response.
accept_xml = function() {
res = FALSE
if (!is.null(self$headers[["accept"]])) {
res = any(startsWith(self$headers[["accept"]], "text/xml"))
private = list(
request_id = NULL
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