Man pages for rfctbio-bsu/ORFhunteR
Predict open reading frames in nucleotide sequences

annotateORFsAnnotate open reading frames
classifyORFsCandidatesClassify the pseudo and true ORF candidates derived from RNA...
codonStartStopIdentify all potential start and stop codons in a nucleotide...
findORFsIdentify all variants of open reading frames in a nucleotide...
findPTCsIdentify the premature termination codons in nucleotide...
getSeqORFsExtract the sequences of identified open reading frames
loadTrExperLoad a set of transcripts
predictORFPredict the true ORFs in mRNA molecules
translateORFsTranslate open reading frames to proteins
vectorizeORFsVectorize the ORF(-s) sequence(-s) to sequence features
rfctbio-bsu/ORFhunteR documentation built on July 16, 2024, 10:40 a.m.