
#' @include MsBackendSql-functions.R

#' @title `Spectra` MS backend storing data in a SQL database
#' @aliases MsBackendSql-class
#' @aliases backendMerge,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases dataStorage,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases dbconn,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases filterDataOrigin,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases filterMsLevel,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases filterPrecursorMzRange,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases filterPrecursorMzValues,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases filterRt,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases peaksData,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases peaksVariables,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases reset,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases show,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases spectraData,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases supportsSetBackend,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases tic,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @aliases uniqueMsLevels,MsBackendOfflineSql-method
#' @description
#' The `MsBackendSql` is an implementation for the [MsBackend()] class for
#' [Spectra()] objects which stores and retrieves MS data from a SQL database.
#' New databases can be created from raw MS data files using
#' `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`.
#' @details
#' The `MsBackendSql` class is principally a *read-only* backend but by
#' extending the [MsBackendCached()] backend from the `Spectra` package it
#' allows changing and adding (**temporarily**) spectra variables **without**
#' changing the original data in the SQL database.
#' @note
#' The `MsBackendSql` backend keeps an (open) connection to the SQL database
#' with the data and hence does not support saving/loading of a backend to
#' disk (e.g. using `save` or `saveRDS`). Also, for the same reason, the
#' `MsBackendSql` does not support parallel processing. The `backendBpparam()`
#' method for `MsBackendSql` will thus always return a [SerialParam()] object.
#' The [MsBackendOfflineSql()] could be used as an alternative as it supports
#' saving/loading the data to/from disk and supports also parallel processing.
#' @section Creation of backend objects:
#' New backend objects can be created with the `MsBackendSql()` function.
#' SQL databases can be created and filled with MS data from raw data files
#' using the `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()` function or using
#' `backendInitialize()` and providing all data with parameter `data`. In
#' addition it is possible to create a database from a `Spectra` object
#' changing its backend to a `MsBackendSql` or `MsBackendOfflineSql` using
#' the [setBackend()] function.
#' Existing SQL databases (created previously with
#' `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()` or `backendInitialize()` with the `data`
#' parameter) can be loaded using the *conventional* way to create/initialize
#' `MsBackend` classes, i.e. using `backendInitialize()`.
#' - `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`: create a database and fill it with MS data.
#'   Parameter `dbcon` is expected to be a database connection, parameter `x`
#'   a `character` vector with the file names from which to import the data.
#'   Parameter `backend` is used for the actual data import and defaults to
#'   `backend = MsBackendMzR()` hence allowing to import data from mzML, mzXML
#'   or netCDF files. Parameter `chunksize` allows to define the number of
#'   files (`x`) from which the data should be imported in one iteration. With
#'   the default `chunksize = 10L` data is imported from 10 files in `x` at
#'   the same time (if `backend` supports it even in parallel) and this data
#'   is then inserted into the database. Larger chunk sizes will require more
#'   memory and also larger disk space (as data import is performed through
#'   temporary files) but might eventually be faster. Parameter `blob` allows
#'   to define whether m/z and intensity values from a spectrum should be
#'   stored as a *BLOB* SQL data type in the database (`blob = TRUE`, the
#'   default) or if individual m/z and intensity values for each peak should
#'   be stored separately (`blob = FALSE`). The latter case results in a much
#'   larger database and slower performance of the `peaksData` function, but
#'   would allow to define custom (manual) SQL queries on individual peak
#'   values.
#'   While data can be stored in any SQL database, at present it is suggested
#'   to use MySQL/MariaDB databases. For `dbcon` being a connection to a
#'   MySQL/MariaDB database, the tables will use the *ARIA* engine providing
#'   faster data access and will use *table partitioning*: tables are
#'   splitted into multiple partitions which can improve data insertion and
#'   index generation. Partitioning can be defined with the parameters
#'   `partitionBy` and `partitionNumber`. By default `partitionBy = "none"`
#'   no partitioning is performed. For `blob = TRUE` partitioning is usually
#'   not required. Only for `blob = FALSE ` and very large datasets it is
#'   suggested to enable table partitioning by selecting either
#'   `partitionBy = "spectrum"` or `partitionBy = "chunk"`. The first option
#'   assignes consecutive spectra to different partitions while the latter
#'   puts spectra from files part of the same *chunk* into the same partition.
#'   Both options have about the same performance but
#'   `partitionBy = "spectrum"` requires less disk space.
#'   Note that, while inserting the data takes a considerable amount of
#'   time, also the subsequent creation of database indices can take very
#'   long (even longer than data insertion for `blob = FALSE`).
#' - `backendInitialize()`: get access and initialize a `MsBackendSql` object.
#'   Parameter `object` is supposed to be a `MsBackendSql` instance, created
#'   e.g. with `MsBackendSql()`. Parameter `dbcon` is expected to be a
#'   connection to an existing *MsBackendSql* SQL database (created e.g. with
#'   `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`). `backendInitialize()` can alternatively
#'   also be used to create a **new** `MsBackendSql` database using the optional
#'   `data` parameter. In this case, `dbcon` is expected to be a writeable
#'   connection to an empty database and `data` a `DataFrame` with the **full**
#'   spectra data to be inserted into this database. The format of `data`
#'   should match the format of the `DataFrame` returned by the `spectraData()`
#'   function and requires columns `"mz"` and `"intensity"` with the m/z and
#'   intensity values of each spectrum. The `backendInitialize()` call will
#'   then create all necessary tables in the database, will fill these tables
#'   with the provided data and will return an `MsBackendSql` for this
#'   database. Thus, the `MsBackendSql` supports the `setBackend` method
#'   from `Spectra` to change from (any) backend to a `MsBackendSql`. Note
#'   however that chunk-wise (or parallel) processing needs to be disabled
#'   in this case by passing eventually `f = factor()` to the `setBackend()`
#'   call.
#' - `supportsSetBackend()`: whether `MsBackendSql` supports the `setBackend()`
#'   method to change the `MsBackend` of a `Spectra` object to a
#'   `MsBackendSql`. Returns `TRUE`, thus, changing the backend to a
#'   `MsBackendSql` is supported **if** a writeable database connection
#'   is provided in addition with parameter `dbcon` (i.e.
#'   `setBackend(sps, MsBackendSql(), dbcon = con)` with `con` being a
#'   connection to an **empty** database would store the full spectra
#'   data from the `Spectra` object `sps` into the specified database and
#'   would return a `Spectra` object that uses a `MsBackendSql`).
#' - `backendBpparam()`: whether a `MsBackendSql` supports parallel processing.
#'   Takes a `MsBackendSql` and a parallel processing setup (see [bpparam()]
#'   for details) as input and always returns a [SerialParam()] since
#'   `MsBackendSql` does **not** support parallel processing.
#' - `dbconn()`: returns the connection to the database.
#' @section Subsetting, merging and filtering data:
#' `MsBackendSql` objects can be subsetted using the `[` function. Internally,
#' this will simply subset the `integer` vector of the primary keys and
#' eventually cached data. The original data in the database **is not**
#' affected by any subsetting operation. Any subsetting operation can be
#' *undone* by resetting the object with the `reset()` function. Subsetting
#' in arbitrary order as well as index replication is supported.
#' Multiple `MsBackendSql` objects can also be merged (combined) with the
#' `backendMerge()` function. Note that this requires that all `MsBackendSql`
#' objects are connected to the **same** database. This function is thus
#' mostly used for combining `MsBackendSql` objects that were previously
#' splitted using e.g. `split()`.
#' In addition, `MsBackendSql` supports all other filtering methods available
#' through [MsBackendCached()]. Implementation of filter functions optimized
#' for `MsBackendSql` objects are:
#' - `filterDataOrigin()`: filter the object retaining spectra with `dataOrigin`
#'   spectra variable values matching the provided ones with parameter
#'   `dataOrigin`. The function returns the results in the order of the
#'   values provided with parameter `dataOrigin`.
#' - `filterMsLevel()`: filter the object based on the MS levels specified with
#'   parameter `msLevel`. The function does the filtering using SQL queries.
#'   If `"msLevel"` is a *local* variable stored within the object (and hence
#'   in memory) the default implementation in `MsBackendCached` is used
#'   instead.
#' - `filterPrecursorMzRange()`: filters the data keeping only spectra with a
#'   `precursorMz` within the m/z value range provided with parameter `mz`
#'   (i.e. all spectra with a precursor m/z `>= mz[1L]` and `<= mz[2L]`).
#' - filterPrecursorMzValues()`: filters the data keeping only spectra with
#'   precursor m/z values matching the value(s) provided with parameter `mz`.
#'   Parameters `ppm` and `tolerance` allow to specify acceptable differences
#'   between compared values. Lengths of `ppm` and `tolerance` can be either
#'   `1` or equal to `length(mz)` to use different values for ppm and
#'   tolerance for each provided m/z value.
#' - `filterRt()`: filter the object keeping only spectra with retention times
#'   within the specified retention time range (parameter `rt`). Optional
#'   parameter `msLevel.` allows to restrict the retention time filter only
#'   on the provided MS level(s) returning all spectra from other MS levels.
#' @section Accessing and *modifying* data:
#' The functions listed here are specifically implemented for `MsBackendSql`.
#' In addition, `MsBackendSql` inherits and supports all data accessor,
#' filtering functions and data manipulation functions from
#' [MsBackendCached()].
#' - `$`, `$<-`: access or set (add) spectra variables in `object`. Spectra
#'   variables added or modified using the `$<-` are *cached* locally within
#'   the object (data in the database is never changed). To restore an object
#'   (i.e. drop all cached values) the `reset` function can be used.
#' - `dataStorage()`: returns a `character` vector same length as there are
#'   spectra in `object` with the name of the database containing the data.
#' - `intensity<-`: not supported.
#' - `mz<-`: not supported.
#' - `peaksData()`: returns a `list` with the spectras' peak data. The length of
#'   the list is equal to the number of spectra in `object`. Each element of
#'   the list is a `matrix` with columns according to parameter `columns`. For
#'   an empty spectrum, a `matrix` with 0 rows is returned. Use
#'   `peaksVariables(object)` to list supported values for parameter
#'   `columns`.
#' - `peaksVariables()`: returns a `character` with the available peak
#'   variables, i.e. columns that could be queried with `peaksData()`.
#' - `reset()`: *restores* an `MsBackendSql` by re-initializing it with the
#'   data from the database. Any subsetting or cached spectra variables will
#'   be lost.
#' - `spectraData()`: gets general spectrum metadata. `spectraData()` returns
#'   a `DataFrame` with the same number of rows as there are spectra in
#'   `object`. Parameter `columns` allows to select specific spectra
#'   variables.
#' - `spectraNames()`, `spectraNames<-`: returns a `character` of length equal
#'   to the number of spectra in `object` with the primary keys of the spectra
#'   from the database (converted to `character`). Replacing spectra names
#'   with `spectraNames<-` is not supported.
#' - `uniqueMsLevels()`: returns the unique MS levels of all spectra in
#'   `object`.
#' - `tic()`: returns the originally reported total ion count (for
#'   `initial = TRUE`) or calculates the total ion count from the intensities
#'   of each spectrum (for `initial = FALSE`).
#' @section Implementation notes:
#' Internally, the `MsBackendSql` class contains only the primary keys for all
#' spectra stored in the SQL database. Keeping only these `integer` in memory
#' guarantees a minimal memory footpring of the object. Still, depending of
#' the number of spectra in the database, this `integer` vector might become
#' very large. Any data access will involve SQL calls to retrieve the data
#' from the database. By extending the [MsBackendCached()] object from the
#' `Spectra` package, the `MsBackendSql` supports to (temporarily, i.e. for
#' the duration of the R session) add or modify spectra variables. These are
#' however stored in a `data.frame` within the object thus increasing the
#' memory demand of the object.
#' @param backend For `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`: MS backend that can be
#'     used to import MS data from the raw files specified with
#'     parameter `x`.
#' @param blob For `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`: `logical(1)` whether
#'     individual m/z and intensity values should be stored separately
#'     (`blob = FALSE`) or if the m/z and intensity values for each spectrum
#'     should be stored as a single *BLOB* SQL data type (`blob = TRUE`,
#'     the default).
#' @param BPPARAM for `backendBpparam()`: `BiocParallel` parallel processing
#'     setup. See [bpparam()] for more information.
#' @param chunksize For `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`: `integer(1)` defining
#'     the number of input that should be processed per iteration. With
#'     `chunksize = 1` each file specified with `x` will be imported and its
#'     data inserted to the database. With `chunksize = 5` data from 5 files
#'     will be imported (in parallel) and inserted to the database. Thus,
#'     higher values might result in faster database creation, but require
#'     also more memory.
#' @param columns For `spectraData()`: `character()` optionally defining a
#'     subset of spectra variables that should be returned. Defaults to
#'     `columns = spectraVariables(object)` hence all variables are returned.
#'     For `peaksData` accessor: optional `character` with requested columns
#'     in the individual `matrix` of the returned `list`. Defaults to
#'     `columns = c("mz", "intensity")` but all columns listed by
#'     `peaksVariables` would be supported.
#' @param data For `backendInitialize()`: optional `DataFrame` with the full
#'     spectra data that should be inserted into a (new) `MsBackendSql`
#'     database. If provided, it is assumed that `dbcon` is a (writeable)
#'     connection to an empty database into which `data` should be inserted.
#'     `data` could be the output of `spectraData` from another backend.
#' @param dataOrigin For `filterDataOrigin()`: `character` with *data origin*
#'     values to which the data should be subsetted.
#' @param dbcon Connection to a database.
#' @param drop For `[`: `logical(1)`, ignored.
#' @param initial For `tic()`: `logical(1)` whether the original total ion count
#'     should be returned (`initial = TRUE`, the default) or whether it
#'     should be calculated on the spectras' intensities (`initial = FALSE`).
#' @param i For `[`: `integer` or `logical` to subset the object.
#' @param j For `[`: ignored.
#' @param msLevel For `filterMsLevel()`: `integer` specifying the MS levels to
#'     filter the data.
#' @param msLevel. For `filterRt(): `integer` with the MS level(s) on which the
#'     retention time filter should be applied (all spectra from other MS
#'     levels are considered for the filter and are returned *as is*). If not
#'     specified, the retention time filter is applied to all MS levels in
#'     `object`.
#' @param mz For `filterPrecursorMzRange()`: `numeric(2)` with the desired lower
#'     and upper limit of the precursor m/z range.
#'     For `filterPrecursorMzValues()`: `numeric` with the m/z value(s) to
#'     filter the object.
#' @param name For `<-`: `character(1)` with the name of the spectra variable
#'     to replace.
#' @param object A `MsBackendSql` instance.
#' @param partitionBy For `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`: `character(1)`
#'     defining if and how the peak data table should be partitioned. `"none"`
#'     (default): no partitioning, `"spectrum"`: peaks are assigned to the
#'     partition based on the spectrum ID (number), i.e. spectra are evenly
#'     (consecutively) assigned across partitions. For `partitionNumber = 3`,
#'     the first spectrum is assigned to the first partition, the second to
#'     the second, the third to the third and the fourth spectrum again to
#'     the first partition. `"chunk"`: spectra processed as part of the same
#'     *chunk* are placed into the same partition. All spectra from the next
#'     processed chunk are assigned to the next partition. Note that this is
#'     only available for MySQL/MariaDB databases, i.e., if `con` is a
#'     `MariaDBConnection`.
#'     See details for more information.
#' @param partitionNumber For `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`: `integer(1)`
#'     defining the number of partitions the database table will be
#'     partitioned into (only supported for MySQL/MariaDB databases).
#' @param ppm For `filterPrecursorMzValues()`: `numeric` with the m/z-relative
#'     maximal acceptable difference for a m/z value to be considered
#'     matching. Can be of length 1 or equal to `length(mz)`.
#' @param rt For `filterRt()`: `numeric(2)` with the lower and upper retention
#'     time. Spectra with a retention time `>= rt[1]` and `<= rt[2]` are
#'     returned.
#' @param tolerance For `filterPrecursorMzValues()`: `numeric` with the absolute
#'     difference for m/z values to be considered matching. Can be of length 1
#'     or equal to `length(mz)`.
#' @param value For all setter methods: replacement value.
#' @param x For `createMsBackendSqlDatabase()`: `character` with the names of
#'     the raw data files from which the data should be imported. For other
#'     methods an `MsqlBackend` instance.
#' @param ... For `[`: ignored. For `backendInitialize`, if parameter `data`
#'     is used: additional parameters to be passed to the function creating the
#'     database such as `blob`.
#' @name MsBackendSql
#' @return See documentation of respective function.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @exportClass MsBackendSql
#' @examples
#' ####
#' ## Create a new MsBackendSql database
#' ## Define a file from which to import the data
#' data_file <- system.file("microtofq", "MM8.mzML", package = "msdata")
#' ## Create a database/connection to a database
#' library(RSQLite)
#' db_file <- tempfile()
#' dbc <- dbConnect(SQLite(), db_file)
#' ## Import the data from the file into the database
#' createMsBackendSqlDatabase(dbc, data_file)
#' dbDisconnect(dbc)
#' ## Initialize a MsBackendSql
#' dbc <- dbConnect(SQLite(), db_file)
#' be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendSql(), dbc)
#' be
#' ## Original data source
#' head(be$dataOrigin)
#' ## Data storage
#' head(dataStorage(be))
#' ## Access all spectra data
#' spd <- spectraData(be)
#' spd
#' ## Available variables
#' spectraVariables(be)
#' ## Access mz values
#' mz(be)
#' ## Subset the object to spectra in arbitrary order
#' be_sub <- be[c(5, 1, 1, 2, 4, 100)]
#' be_sub
#' ## The internal spectrum IDs (primary keys from the database)
#' be_sub$spectrum_id_
#' ## Add additional spectra variables
#' be_sub$new_variable <- "B"
#' ## This variable is *cached* locally within the object (not inserted into
#' ## the database)
#' be_sub$new_variable

#' @importClassesFrom DBI DBIConnection
#' @noRd
setClassUnion("DBIConnectionOrNULL", c("DBIConnection", "NULL"))

#' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importClassesFrom Spectra MsBackendCached
    contains = "MsBackendCached",
    slots = c(
        dbcon = "DBIConnectionOrNULL",
        spectraIds = "integer",
        .tables = "list",
        peak_fun = "function"),
    prototype = prototype(
        dbcon = NULL,
        spectraIds = integer(),
        .tables = list(),
        peak_fun = .fetch_peaks_sql,
        readonly = TRUE, version = "0.2"))

#' @importFrom methods .valueClassTest is new validObject
#' @noRd
setValidity("MsBackendSql", function(object) {
    msg <- NULL
    if (length(object@spectraIds) != object@nspectra)
        msg <- paste0("Number of spectra IDs does not match the number ",
                      "of spectra")
    ## Can not validate the connection because of the MsBackendOfflineSql
    ## msg <- .valid_dbcon(object@dbcon)
    if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
    else msg

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra show
#' @exportMethod show
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("show", "MsBackendSql", function(object) {
    if (!is.null(.dbcon(object))) {
        info <- dbGetInfo(.dbcon(object))
        cat("Database: ", info$dbname, "\n", sep = "")

#' @exportMethod backendInitialize
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics backendInitialize
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("backendInitialize", "MsBackendSql",
          function(object, dbcon, data, ...) {
    if (missing(dbcon))
        stop("Parameter 'dbcon' is required for 'MsBackendSql'")
    ## if data is provided create a new database in dbcon with the data.
    if (!missing(data))
        .create_from_spectra_data(dbcon, data = data, ...)
    msg <- .valid_dbcon(dbcon)
    if (length(msg)) stop(msg)
    object@dbcon <- dbcon
    object@spectraIds <- dbGetQuery(
        dbcon, paste0("select spectrum_id_ from msms_spectrum ",
                      "order by spectrum_id_"))[, 1L]
    object@.tables <- list(
        msms_spectrum = colnames(
            dbGetQuery(dbcon, "select * from msms_spectrum limit 0")))
    ## Whether  m/z and intensity values are stored as BLOBs
    if (any(dbListTables(dbcon) == "msms_spectrum_peak_blob"))
        object@peak_fun <- .fetch_peaks_sql_blob
    ## Initialize cached backend
    object <- callNextMethod(
        object, nspectra = length(object@spectraIds),
        spectraVariables = c(unique(unlist(object@.tables))))

#' @exportMethod dataStorage
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics dataStorage
#' @importFrom DBI dbGetInfo
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("dataStorage", "MsBackendSql", function(object) {
    if (!is.null(.dbcon(object))) {
        info <- dbGetInfo(.dbcon(object))
        rep(info$dbname, length(object))
    } else character()

#' @exportMethod [
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils i2index
#' @importFrom methods slot<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors extractROWS
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("[", "MsBackendSql", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
    if (missing(i))
    i <- i2index(i, length(x), x@spectraIds)
    slot(x, "spectraIds", check = FALSE) <- x@spectraIds[i]
    x <- callNextMethod(x, i = i)

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics peaksData
#' @exportMethod peaksData
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
    "peaksData", "MsBackendSql",
    function(object, columns = c("mz", "intensity")) {
        pks <- object@peak_fun(object, columns)
        if (is.list(pks$mz) | is.list(pks$intensity)) {
            res <- do.call(
                mapply, args = c(pks[columns],
                                 list(FUN = base::cbind, SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                                      USE.NAMES = FALSE)))
            res[match(object@spectraIds, pks$spectrum_id_)]
        } else {
            f <- as.factor(pks$spectrum_id_)
            ## using levels does not work because we can have duplicates
            pks <- unname(
                split.data.frame(pks, f)[as.character(object@spectraIds)])
            idx <- seq_along(columns) + 1
            lapply(pks, function(z) {
                if (length(z) && nrow(z))
                    as.matrix(z[, idx, drop = FALSE], rownames.force = FALSE)
                else matrix(NA_real_, ncol = length(columns), nrow = 0,
                            dimnames = list(character(), columns))

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics peaksVariables
#' @exportMethod peaksVariables
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("peaksVariables", "MsBackendSql",
          function(object) .available_peaks_variables(object))

#' @exportMethod intensity<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics intensity<-
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setReplaceMethod("intensity", "MsBackendSql", function(object, value) {
    stop("Can not replace original intensity values in the database.")

#' @exportMethod mz<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics mz<-
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setReplaceMethod("mz", "MsBackendSql", function(object, value) {
    stop("Can not replace original data  in the database.")

#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("$", "MsBackendSql", function(x, name, value) {
    if (name %in% c("spectrum_id_"))
        stop("Spectra IDs can not be changed.", call. = FALSE)

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraData spectraVariables
#' @exportMethod spectraData
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("spectraData", "MsBackendSql",
          function(object, columns = spectraVariables(object)) {
              .spectra_data_sql(object, columns = columns)

#' @exportMethod reset
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra reset
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("reset", "MsBackendSql", function(object) {
    message("Restoring original data ...", appendLF = FALSE)
    if (is(object@dbcon, "DBIConnection"))
        object <- backendInitialize(MsBackendSql(), object@dbcon)

#' @exportMethod spectraNames
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraNames
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("spectraNames", "MsBackendSql", function(object) {

#' @exportMethod spectraNames<-
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraNames<-
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setReplaceMethod("spectraNames", "MsBackendSql", function(object, value) {
    stop("Replacing spectraNames is not supported for ", class(object)[1L])

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterMsLevel uniqueMsLevels
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @exportMethod filterMsLevel
    "filterMsLevel", "MsBackendSql",
    function(object, msLevel = uniqueMsLevels(object)) {
        if (!length(msLevel))
        if(.has_local_variable(object, "msLevel"))
        else {
            qry <- paste0(.id_query(object),
                          "msLevel in (", paste0(msLevel, collapse = ","),")")
            .subset_query(object, qry)

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterRt
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @exportMethod filterRt
setMethod("filterRt", "MsBackendSql", function(object, rt = numeric(),
                                              msLevel. = integer()) {
    if (!length(rt) || all(is.infinite(rt)))
    rt <- range(rt)
    if (.has_local_variable(object, c("msLevel", "rtime")) |
        (.has_local_variable(object, "msLevel") & length(msLevel.))) {
    } else {
        if (rt[1L] == -Inf)
            rt[1L] <- -1e12
        if (rt[2L] == Inf)
            rt[2L] <- 1e12
        if (length(msLevel.)) {
            msl <- paste0(msLevel., collapse = ",")
            qry <- paste0(.id_query(object),
                          "(rtime >= ", rt[1L], " and rtime <= ", rt[2L],
                          " and msLevel in (", msl, ")) or msLevel not in (",
                          msl, ")")
        } else {
            qry <- paste0(.id_query(object),
                          "rtime >= ", rt[1L], " and rtime <= ", rt[2L], "")
        .subset_query(object, qry)

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterDataOrigin dataOrigin
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @exportMethod filterDataOrigin
    "filterDataOrigin", "MsBackendSql", function(object,
                                                 dataOrigin = character()) {
        if (!length(dataOrigin))
        if (.has_local_variable(object, "dataOrigin"))
        else {
            qry <- paste0(.id_query(object), "dataOrigin in (",
                          paste0("'", dataOrigin, "'", collapse = ","),")")
            object <- .subset_query(object, qry)
            ## Need to ensure the order is correct.
            if (length(dataOrigin) > 1L)
                object <- object[order(match(dataOrigin(object), dataOrigin))]

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterPrecursorMzRange
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @exportMethod filterPrecursorMzRange
    "filterPrecursorMzRange", "MsBackendSql", function(object,
                                                       mz = numeric()) {
        if (length(mz)) {
            if (.has_local_variable(object, "precursorMz"))
            else {
                mz <- range(mz)
                qry <- paste0(.id_query(object), "precursorMz >= ", mz[1L],
                              " and precursorMz <= ", mz[2L])
                .subset_query(object, qry)
        } else object

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics filterPrecursorMzValues
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @exportMethod filterPrecursorMzValues
    "filterPrecursorMzValues", "MsBackendSql",
    function(object, mz = numeric(), ppm = 20, tolerance = 0) {
        if (length(mz)) {
            if (.has_local_variable(object, "precursorMz"))
            else {
                qry <- paste0(.id_query(object),
                              .precursor_mz_query(mz, ppm, tolerance))
                object <- .subset_query(object, qry)
        } else object

#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @exportMethod uniqueMsLevels
setMethod("uniqueMsLevels", "MsBackendSql", function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.null(.dbcon(object))) {
                   "select distinct msLevel from msms_spectrum")[, "msLevel"]
    } else integer()

#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics backendMerge
#' @exportMethod backendMerge
setMethod("backendMerge", "MsBackendSql", function(object, ...) {
    object <- unname(c(object, ...))
    not_empty <- lengths(object) > 0
    if (any(not_empty))
        res <- .combine(object[not_empty])
    else res <- object[[1L]]

#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics precScanNum
#' @exportMethod precScanNum
setMethod("precScanNum", "MsBackendSql", function(object) {
    spectraData(object, "precScanNum")[, 1L]

#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics centroided
#' @exportMethod centroided
setMethod("centroided", "MsBackendSql", function(object) {

#' @rdname MsBackendSql
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics smoothed
#' @exportMethod smoothed
setMethod("smoothed", "MsBackendSql", function(object) {

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics tic
#' @importFrom Spectra intensity
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils vapply1d
#' @exportMethod tic
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("tic", "MsBackendSql", function(object, initial = TRUE) {
    if (initial)
        spectraData(object, "totIonCurrent")[, 1L]
    else vapply1d(intensity(object), sum, na.rm = TRUE)

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra supportsSetBackend
#' @exportMethod supportsSetBackend
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("supportsSetBackend", "MsBackendSql", function(object, ...) {

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra backendBpparam
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SerialParam bpparam
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
    "backendBpparam", signature = "MsBackendSql",
    function(object, BPPARAM = bpparam()) {

#' @importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics dbconn
#' @rdname MsBackendSql
setMethod("dbconn", "MsBackendSql", .dbcon)

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics setBackend
#' @importFrom Spectra processingChunkFactor
#' @noRd
    "setBackend", c("Spectra", "MsBackendSql"),
    function(object, backend, f = processingChunkFactor(object), dbcon, ...,
             BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
        backend_class <- class(object@backend)[1L]
        if (missing(dbcon))
            stop("Parameter 'dbcon' is required for 'MsBackendSql'")
        if (length(object)) {
            .set_backend_insert_data(object, f = f, con = dbcon, ...)
            object@backend <- backendInitialize(backend, dbcon = dbcon)
        } else object@backend <- backendInitialize(
                   backend, data = spectraData(object@backend),
                   dbcon = dbcon, ...)
        object@processing <- Spectra:::.logging(object@processing,
                                                "Switch backend from ",
                                                backend_class, " to ",
rformassspectrometry/MsqlBackend documentation built on March 28, 2024, 7:16 p.m.