fnc_limit: Restriction of Mualem-vanGenuchten Values

View source: R/fnc_limit_MvG.R

fnc_limitR Documentation

Restriction of Mualem-vanGenuchten Values


The function fnc_PTF creates Mualem-vanGenuchten parameters from physical soil properties. Since some of these PTFs may extrapolate to values that are unrealistic, this function, if activated through limit_mvG in fnc_create_boden(), limits the parameters to parameter ranges as described in "U:\Brook90_2018\paul_schmidt_walter_2018\Dokumentation\2_Bodenparameter.nb".





a data frame containing soil properties including MvG-alpha (column alpha), MvG-alpha (column alpha), stone vol_% (column gravel), MvG-npar (column npar), saturated conductivity (column ksat), and tortuousity (column tort).


ranges are as follows:

  • alpha - between 0.1 and 500 m-1

  • gravel - max 95% if gravel > 95%

  • npar - npar between 2 and 1.1 (the latter reducing error: 'FWETK failed to determine wetness at KF')

  • ksat - min 0.01 mm/d if ksat < 0.01

  • tort - between -3 and 6


returns the same data frame, just with parameters limited as described in the function.

rhabel/modLWFB90 documentation built on Nov. 21, 2024, 3:28 a.m.