fnc_check_errors: Save error messages and simulation time

View source: R/fnc_check_errors.R

fnc_check_errorsR Documentation

Save error messages and simulation time


When running multiple points with run_multisite_LWFB90 and storing the results in an sqlite-database with fnc_write_to_sql, you lose the information on how long each simulation took (which is an indicator for flawed input data), and which ones failed and why. This function helps storing this information.


fnc_check_errors(res, meta = NA)



results of a run_multisite_LWFB90 execution, saved by an assignment operator, see example


a data frame with the following columns

  • ID_custom - unique matching the IDs of df.ids

  • modelled - status whether modelled or not. All 0 in the beginning. Will be changed to 1 if successful

  • err.code - potential error codes will be stored here. Recommended to be set to no error

  • sim_dur_s - an empty column of /codeNA_integer_

Will be created if not provided.


returns a the meta-dataframe with error messages and simulation times added


df.ids <- test_ids_bze

meta <- data.frame("ID_custom" = df.ids$ID_custom,
                   modelled = 0,
                   err.code = "no error",
                   sim_dur_s = NA_integer_)

ls.soil <- fnc_get_soil(df.ids,
                        soil_option = "BZE",
                        PTF_to_use = "WESSOLEK")

ls.parms <- fnc_get_params(df.ids = df.ids,
                           tree_species = "spruce")

ls.clim <- fnc_get_clim(df.ids = df.ids,
                        mindate = as.Date("2002-01-01"),
                        maxdate = as.Date("2003-12-31"))

# keep info which points have no soil info...
no_soil_data <- which(unlist(lapply(ls.soil, is.null))==T)
with_soil_data <- which(unlist(lapply(ls.soil, is.null))==F)
meta[no_soil_data, "err.code"] <- "no soil data"

# ...but remove for modelling...
ls.parms <- ls.parms[with_soil_data]
ls.soil <- ls.soil[with_soil_data]
ls.clim <- ls.clim[with_soil_data]

res <- run_multisite_LWFB90(options_b90 = set_optionsLWFB90(),

                            param_b90 = ls.parms,
                            soil = ls.soil,
                            climate = ls.clim,

                            output = -1,

                            cores = parallel::detectCores()-1,

                            rtrn_output = F,
                            rtrn_input = F,

                            timelimit = 15,

                            output_fun = fnc_write,
                            dailycols = c("rfal", "tran"),
                            dir_name= "./tmp/")

meta <- fnc_check_errors(res = res, meta = meta)

# can be written to sql as follows (see fnc_write_to_sql)
  dir.create("./tmp/meta/", recursive = T)

saveRDS(meta, file = "./tmp/meta/meta.rds")

# write to db
fnc_write_to_sql(db_name = "./tmp/testdb.sqlite",
                 dir_tmp = "./tmp/")

# check results
con <- dbConnect(drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname =  "./tmp/testdb.sqlite")
dbListTables(conn = con)
           "SELECT * FROM meta")

# # delete example tmp file
# unlink("./tmp/", recursive = T)

rhabel/modLWFB90 documentation built on Nov. 21, 2024, 3:28 a.m.