#' Save error messages and simulation time
#' When running multiple points with \code{\link[LWFBrook90]{run_multisite_LWFB90}} and storing the results in an sqlite-database with \code{\link{fnc_write_to_sql}}, you lose the information on how long each simulation took (which is an indicator for flawed input data), and which ones failed and why. This function helps storing this information.
#' @param res results of a \code{run_multisite_LWFB90} execution, saved by an assignment operator, see example
#' @param meta a data frame with the following columns
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ID_custom} - unique matching the IDs of df.ids
#' \item \code{modelled} - status whether modelled or not. All \code{0} in the beginning. Will be changed to \code{1} if successful
#' \item \code{err.code} - potential error codes will be stored here. Recommended to be set to \code{no error}
#' \item \code{sim_dur_s} - an empty column of /code{NA_integer_}
#' }
#' Will be created if not provided.
#' @return returns a the meta-dataframe with error messages and simulation times added
#' @example inst/examples/fnc_check_errors_ex.R
#' @import stringr
#' @export
fnc_check_errors <- function(res,
meta = NA){
ids_modelled <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res), " "), `[[`, 1))
meta <- data.frame("ID_custom" = ids_modelled,
modelled = 0,
err.code = "no error",
sim_dur_s = NA_integer_)
# which worked, which didn't
suc.mod <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(lapply(res, function(x) names(x)), "simulation_duration")],
" "), `[[`, 1))
err.mod <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(lapply(res, function(x) names(x)), "message")],
" "), `[[`, 1))
sim.dur.df <- data.frame("ID_custom" = unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res), " "), `[[`, 1)),
"sim_dur_s" = as.numeric(lapply(res, function(x) round(as.numeric(x$simulation_duration), 2))))
# retrieve potential errorcodes
err.mod.1 <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(res, "initial matrix")], " "), `[[`, 1))
err.mod.2 <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(res, "FWETK failed")], " "), `[[`, 1))
err.mod.3 <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(res, "inconsistent dates in climate")], " "), `[[`, 1))
err.mod.4 <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(res, "inconsistent dates in precipitation")], " "), `[[`, 1))
err.mod.5 <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(res, "wrong precipitation")], " "), `[[`, 1))
err.mod.6 <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(res, "negative soil water storage")], " "), `[[`, 1))
err.mod.7 <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(res, "water storage exceeds water capacity")], " "), `[[`, 1))
err.mod.8 <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(names(res)[stringr::str_detect(res, "Zeitlimit erreicht")], " "), `[[`, 1))
# change meta
meta <- meta %>%
mutate(modelled = case_when(ID_custom %in% suc.mod ~ 1,
ID_custom %in% err.mod ~ 0,
T ~ modelled),
err.code = case_when(ID_custom %in% err.mod.1 ~ "Simulation terminated abnormally: 'initial matrix psi > 0'",
ID_custom %in% err.mod.2 ~ "Simulation initialization failed: 'FWETK failed to determine wetness at KF'",
ID_custom %in% err.mod.3 ~ "Simulation terminated abnormally: 'inconsistent dates in climate!'",
ID_custom %in% err.mod.4 ~ "Simulation terminated abnormally: 'inconsistent dates in precipitation input!'",
ID_custom %in% err.mod.5 ~ "Simulation terminated abnormally: 'wrong precipitation interval input!'",
ID_custom %in% err.mod.6 ~ "Simulation terminated abnormally: 'negative soil water storage!'",
ID_custom %in% err.mod.7 ~ "Simulation terminated abnormally: 'water storage exceeds water capacity!'",
ID_custom %in% err.mod.8 ~ "Simulation terminated: 'time limit reached'",
T ~ err.code))
meta[which(!is.na(match(meta$ID_custom, sim.dur.df$ID_custom))), "sim_dur_s"] <- sim.dur.df$sim_dur_s
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