fnc_relateCoords: Relate coordinates to locations in climatic database

View source: R/fnc_relateCoords.R

fnc_relateCoordsR Documentation

Relate coordinates to locations in climatic database


Relate custom locations of interest to standard locations present in a climatic database by nearest neighbour operation.

The standard locations represent the center points of underlying climatic raster data cells located in forest areas of Baden-Württemberg.


fnc_relateCoords(df.ids, path_std = "R:/klima/whh/brook90_input/locations")



a data frame containing the following columns:

  • ID - a numbered ID that is created in fnc_get_clim for unique assignment within functions

  • ID_custom - a unique ID-column for assignment that all intermediate products as well as the output will be assigned to.

  • easting and northing - coordinates in UTM EPSG:32632


path to standard locations directory


Spatial resolution of the underlying raster data and therefore the grid of standard locations is 250 m. Coordinates reference system of the raster data is WGS84-UTM32N, EPSG:32632.

The climatic database provides daily information for several climatic variables at standard locations as input for the Brook90-model. The population of almost 230.000 standard locations is spatialised to 9 tranches, each tranche including approximately 25.000 locations.

Raster representation in the relation of custom to standard location is ensured Value = 1, as long as the custom location is inside the raster cell underlying the standard location. Therefore the distance from custom location to nearest standard location has to be <= sqrt((250/2)^2*2)) m.


A data frame containing:

  • id and coordinates of custom location and nearest standard location in CRS=EPSG:32632.

  • membership of location in tranche.


Thilo Wolf thilo.wolf@forst.bwl.de, adjusted by Raphael Habel raphael.habel@forst.bwl.de


Dietrich, H., Wolf, T., Kawohl, T., Wehberg, J., Kändler, G., Mette, T., Röder, A., Böhner, J. (2019): “Temporal and spatial high-resolution climate data from 1961 to 2100 for the German National Forest Inventory (NFI)”, Annals of Forest Sience, 76:6. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-018-0788-5


fnc_relateCoords(df.ids = test.ids.bds)

rhabel/modLWFB90 documentation built on Nov. 21, 2024, 3:28 a.m.