#' @title Relate coordinates to locations in climatic database
#' @description Relate custom locations of interest to standard locations present in a climatic database by nearest neighbour operation.
#' @description The standard locations represent the center points of underlying climatic raster data cells located in forest areas of Baden-Württemberg.
#' @param df.ids a data frame containing the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ID} - a numbered ID that is created in fnc_get_clim for unique assignment within functions
#' \item \code{ID_custom} - a unique ID-column for assignment that all intermediate products as well as the output will be assigned to.
#' \item \code{easting} and \code{northing} - coordinates in UTM EPSG:32632
#' }
#' @param path_std path to standard locations directory
#' @details Spatial resolution of the underlying raster data and therefore the grid of standard locations is 250 m. Coordinates reference system of the raster data is WGS84-UTM32N, EPSG:32632.
#' @details The climatic database provides daily information for several climatic variables at standard locations as input for the Brook90-model. The population of almost 230.000 standard locations is spatialised to 9 tranches, each tranche including approximately 25.000 locations.
#' @details Raster representation in the relation of custom to standard location is ensured \code{Value = 1}, as long as the custom location is inside the raster cell underlying the standard location. Therefore the distance from custom location to nearest standard location has to be <= sqrt((250/2)^2*2)) [m].
#' @references Dietrich, H., Wolf, T., Kawohl, T., Wehberg, J., Kändler, G., Mette, T., Röder, A., Böhner, J. (2019): “Temporal and spatial high-resolution climate data from 1961 to 2100 for the German National Forest Inventory (NFI)”, Annals of Forest Sience, 76:6. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-018-0788-5
#' @author Thilo Wolf <thilo.wolf@@forst.bwl.de>, adjusted by Raphael Habel <raphael.habel@@forst.bwl.de>
#' @return A data frame containing:
#' @return - id and coordinates of custom location and nearest standard location in CRS=EPSG:32632.
#' @return - membership of location in tranche.
#' @import sf tidyverse
#' @examples
#' fnc_relateCoords(df.ids = test.ids.bds)
#' @export
fnc_relateCoords <- function(df.ids,
path_std = "R:/klima/whh/brook90_input/locations") {
# create df to store standard locations ----
# standard_locations <- data.frame(id_standard = character(),
# tranche = numeric(),
# x_standard = numeric(),
# y_standard = numeric(),
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# # loop tranches ----
# for (tranche in 1:9) {
# # testing
# # tranche <- 1
# # read coordinates of standard locations ----
# xy_standard <- read.csv(file = paste0(path_std,
# "/x_y_tr",
# tranche,
# ".txt"),
# header = FALSE,
# sep = "\t",
# col.names = c("x_standard",
# "y_standard"))
# # create coordinates based id ----
# id_standard <- paste0(xy_standard$x_standard,
# xy_standard$y_standard)
# # concatenate id, tranche, coordinates ----
# standard_locations_loop <- cbind(id_standard,
# xy_standard,
# tranche)
# # append current df (current tr) to final df (all tr) ----
# standard_locations <- rbind.data.frame(standard_locations,
# standard_locations_loop)
# }
# saveRDS(standard_locations, paste0(path_UHH, "std_locations.rds"))
standard_locations <- readRDS(paste0(path_UHH, "std_locations.rds"))
# standard locations to sf-object ----
standard_locations_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(standard_locations,
crs = 32632,
coords = c("x_standard",
# custom locations to sf-object ----
custom_locations_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(df.ids,
coords = c("easting", "northing"),
crs = 32632)
# get index of std-locations nearest to cst-locations ----
standard_locations_ix <- sf::st_nearest_feature(x = custom_locations_sf,
y = standard_locations_sf)
# get sample of std-locations nearest to cst-locations ----
standard_locations_sample <- standard_locations[standard_locations_ix,]
# concatenate relations ----
location_relations <- cbind(standard_locations_sample,
# rename columns ----
colnames(location_relations) <- c("id_standard",
# return resulting df ----
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