fnc_transf_crs: UTM-GK3 transformation function

View source: R/fnc_transf_to_gk.R

fnc_transf_crsR Documentation

UTM-GK3 transformation function


Some of the data (i.e. DGM, regionalised BZE-data) is stored at the FVA in rasters with GK-3 projection. This function takes a dataframe of Coordinates in UTM (EPSG:32632) and projects them to GK-3 for data extraction of GK-3 rasters.


fnc_transf_crs(df, to_crs = "GK3")



a data frame containing the name of the ids ID, as well as the UTM-Coordinates in columns named easting and northing.


a string containing the coordinate system to be projected to. Either GK3, latlon, or UTM_25832. GK3 by default


A spatialpointsdataframe with the projected points in the respective. Data type changes because of further processing within fnc_soil_bze( ).


test.ids.utm <- data.frame("ID" = c(1,2, 3, 4, 5),
                           "easting" = c(493497, 503000, 515138, 501000, 503330),
                           "northing" = c(5281811, 5292500, 5289355, 5293600, 5291700))

fnc_transf_to_gk(df = test.ids.utm)

rhabel/modLWFB90 documentation built on Nov. 21, 2024, 3:28 a.m.