
Defines functions getOuterBorders

Documented in getOuterBorders

#' @title Extract Polygons Outer Borders
#' @description Outer borders are non-contiguous polygons borders (e.g.
#' maritime borders).
#' @name getBorders
#' @param x an sf object, a simple feature collection or a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.
#' @param id name of the identifier variable in x, default to the first column. (optional)
#' @param res resolution of the grid used to compute outer borders (in x units).
#' A high resolution will give more detailed borders. (optional)
#' @param width maximum distance between used to compute outer borders (in x units).
#' A higher width will build borders between units that are farther apart. (optional)
#' @examples
#' library(sf)
#' \dontrun{
#' mtq <- st_read(system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography"))
#' # extract
#' m <- mtq[c(29, 9), ]
#' # Get borders
#' m_borders <- getOuterBorders(x = m)
#' # Plot polygons
#' plot(st_geometry(m))
#' # Plot borders
#' plot(st_geometry(m_borders),
#'      col = sample(x = rainbow(nrow(m_borders))),
#'      lwd = c(4, 1), add = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
getOuterBorders <- function(x, id, res = NULL, width = NULL){

      spdf <- methods::as(x, "Spatial")
      spdf <- x

  if (missing(id)) {
    id <- names(spdf@data)[1]
    spdf$idxd <- 1:nrow(spdf)
    spdf$idxd <- spdf@data[, id]

  boundingBox <- sp::bbox(spdf)
  w <- (boundingBox[1,2] - boundingBox[1,1])
  h <- (boundingBox[2,2] - boundingBox[2,1])
    res <- round(max(c(w, h)) / 150, 0)
    width <- round(max(c(w, h)) / 20, 0)
  # Create raster of spdf
  ex <- raster::extent(spdf)
  ex[1] <- ex[1] - width
  ex[2] <- ex[2] + width
  ex[3] <- ex[3] - width
  ex[4] <- ex[4] + width
  r <- raster::raster(ex, resolution = res)
  r <- raster::rasterize(x = spdf, y = r, field = 'idxd')
  dist <- raster::distance(r)
  dist[dist > width] <- NA
  # you can also set a maximum distance: dist[dist > maxdist] <- NA
  direct <- raster::direction(r, from = FALSE)
  # NA raster
  rna <- is.na(r) # returns NA raster
  # store coordinates in new raster: http://stackoverflow.com/a/35592230/3752258
  na.x <- raster::init(rna, 'x')
  na.y <- raster::init(rna, 'y')
  # calculate coordinates of the nearest Non-NA pixel
  # assume that we have a orthogonal, projected CRS, 
  # so we can use (Pythagorean) calculations
  co.x <- na.x + dist * sin(direct)
  co.y <- na.y + dist * cos(direct)
  # matrix with point coordinates of nearest non-NA pixel
  co <- cbind(co.x[], co.y[])
  # extract values of nearest non-NA cell with coordinates co
  NAVals <- raster::extract(r, co, method='simple')
  r.NAVals <- rna # initiate new raster
  r.NAVals[] <- NAVals # store values in raster
  pB <- raster::rasterToPolygons(r.NAVals, dissolve = TRUE)
  pB@data$id <- spdf@data[pB@data$layer, id]
  pBBorder <- getBorders(x = pB, id = "id" )
  result <- sf::st_simplify(x=pBBorder, dTolerance = res, 
                            preserveTopology = FALSE)
  row.names(result) <- paste0(row.names(result), "_o")
riatelab/cartography documentation built on Sept. 17, 2023, 3:29 p.m.