
Defines functions unknown_driver RSQLite_driver DuckDB_driver bigrquery_driver RMySQL_driver RPostgres_driver db_tbl

Documented in db_tbl

#                 _         _    _      _                _    
#                (_)       | |  | |    | |              | |   
#   _ __    ___   _  _ __  | |_ | |__  | |  __ _  _ __  | | __
#  | '_ \  / _ \ | || '_ \ | __|| '_ \ | | / _` || '_ \ | |/ /
#  | |_) || (_) || || | | || |_ | |_) || || (_| || | | ||   < 
#  | .__/  \___/ |_||_| |_| \__||_.__/ |_| \__,_||_| |_||_|\_\
#  | |                                                        
#  |_|                                                        
#  This file is part of the 'rstudio/pointblank' project.
#  Copyright (c) 2017-2024 pointblank authors
#  For full copyright and license information, please look at
#  https://rstudio.github.io/pointblank/LICENSE.html

# nocov start

#' Get a table from a database
#' @description
#' If your target table is in a database, the `db_tbl()` function is a handy way
#' of accessing it. This function simplifies the process of getting a `tbl_dbi`
#' object, which usually involves a combination of building a connection to a
#' database and using the `dplyr::tbl()` function with the connection and the
#' table name (or a reference to a table in a schema). You can use `db_tbl()` as
#' the basis for obtaining a database table for the `tbl` parameter in
#' [create_agent()] or [create_informant()]. Another great option is supplying a
#' table-prep formula involving `db_tbl()` to [tbl_store()] so that you have
#' access to database tables though single names via a table store.
#' The username and password are supplied through environment variable names. If
#' desired, values for the username and password can be supplied directly by
#' enclosing such values in [I()].
#' @param table The name of the table, or, a reference to a table in a schema
#'   (two-element vector with the names of schema and table). Alternatively,
#'   this can be supplied as a data table to copy into an in-memory database
#'   connection. This only works if: (1) the `db` is chosen as either `"sqlite"`
#'   or `"duckdb"`, (2) the `dbname` was is set to `":memory:"`, and (3) the
#'   object supplied to `table` is a data frame or a tibble object.
#' @param dbtype Either an appropriate driver function (e.g.,
#'   `RPostgres::Postgres()`) or a shortname for the database type. Valid names
#'   are: `"postgresql"`, `"postgres"`, or `"pgsql"` (PostgreSQL, using the
#'   `RPostgres::Postgres()` driver function); `"mysql"` (MySQL, using
#'   `RMySQL::MySQL()`); `bigquery` or `bq` (BigQuery, using
#'   `bigrquery::bigquery()`); `"duckdb"` (DuckDB, using `duckdb::duckdb()`);
#'   and `"sqlite"` (SQLite, using `RSQLite::SQLite()`).
#' @param dbname The database name.
#' @param host,port The database host and optional port number.
#' @param user,password The environment variables used to access the username
#'   and password for the database. Enclose in [I()] when using literal username
#'   or password values.
#' @param bq_project,bq_dataset,bq_billing If accessing a table from a
#'   *BigQuery* data source, there's the requirement to provide the table's
#'   associated project (`bq_project`) and dataset (`bq_dataset`) names. By
#'   default, the project to be billed will be the same as the one provided for
#'   `bq_project` but the `bq_billing` argument can be changed to reflect a
#'   different BigQuery project.
#' @return A `tbl_dbi` object.
#' @section Examples:
#' ## Obtaining in-memory database tables
#' You can use an in-memory database table and by supplying it with an in-memory
#' table. This works with the DuckDB database and the key thing is to use
#' `dbname = ":memory"` in the `db_tbl()` call.
#' ```r
#' small_table_duckdb <- 
#'   db_tbl(
#'     table = small_table,
#'     dbtype = "duckdb",
#'     dbname = ":memory:"
#'   )
#' small_table_duckdb
#' ```
#' \preformatted{## # Source:   table<small_table> [?? x 8]
#' ## # Database: duckdb_connection
#' ##    date_time           date           a b         c      d e     f    
#' ##    <dttm>              <date>     <int> <chr> <dbl>  <dbl> <lgl> <chr>
#' ##  1 2016-01-04 11:00:00 2016-01-04     2 1-bc…     3  3423. TRUE  high 
#' ##  2 2016-01-04 00:32:00 2016-01-04     3 5-eg…     8 10000. TRUE  low  
#' ##  3 2016-01-05 13:32:00 2016-01-05     6 8-kd…     3  2343. TRUE  high 
#' ##  4 2016-01-06 17:23:00 2016-01-06     2 5-jd…    NA  3892. FALSE mid  
#' ##  5 2016-01-09 12:36:00 2016-01-09     8 3-ld…     7   284. TRUE  low  
#' ##  6 2016-01-11 06:15:00 2016-01-11     4 2-dh…     4  3291. TRUE  mid  
#' ##  7 2016-01-15 18:46:00 2016-01-15     7 1-kn…     3   843. TRUE  high 
#' ##  8 2016-01-17 11:27:00 2016-01-17     4 5-bo…     2  1036. FALSE low  
#' ##  9 2016-01-20 04:30:00 2016-01-20     3 5-bc…     9   838. FALSE high 
#' ## 10 2016-01-20 04:30:00 2016-01-20     3 5-bc…     9   838. FALSE high 
#' ## # … with more rows}
#' The in-memory option also works using the SQLite database. The only change
#' required is setting the `dbtype` to `"sqlite"`:
#' ```r
#' small_table_sqlite <- 
#'   db_tbl(
#'     table = small_table,
#'     dbtype = "sqlite",
#'     dbname = ":memory:"
#'   )
#' small_table_sqlite
#' ```
#' \preformatted{## # Source:   table<small_table> [?? x 8]
#' ## # Database: sqlite 3.37.0 [:memory:]
#' ##     date_time  date     a b             c      d     e f    
#' ##         <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl> <int> <chr>
#' ##  1 1451905200 16804     2 1-bcd-345     3  3423.     1 high 
#' ##  2 1451867520 16804     3 5-egh-163     8 10000.     1 low  
#' ##  3 1452000720 16805     6 8-kdg-938     3  2343.     1 high 
#' ##  4 1452100980 16806     2 5-jdo-903    NA  3892.     0 mid  
#' ##  5 1452342960 16809     8 3-ldm-038     7   284.     1 low  
#' ##  6 1452492900 16811     4 2-dhe-923     4  3291.     1 mid  
#' ##  7 1452883560 16815     7 1-knw-093     3   843.     1 high 
#' ##  8 1453030020 16817     4 5-boe-639     2  1036.     0 low  
#' ##  9 1453264200 16820     3 5-bce-642     9   838.     0 high 
#' ## 10 1453264200 16820     3 5-bce-642     9   838.     0 high 
#' ## # … with more rows}
#' It's also possible to obtain a table from a remote file and shove it into an
#' in-memory database. For this, we can use the all-powerful [file_tbl()] +
#' `db_tbl()` combo.
#' ```r
#' all_revenue_large_duckdb <-
#'   db_tbl(
#'     table = file_tbl(
#'       file = from_github(
#'         file = "sj_all_revenue_large.rds",
#'         repo = "rich-iannone/intendo",
#'         subdir = "data-large"
#'       )
#'     ),
#'     dbtype = "duckdb",
#'     dbname = ":memory:"
#'   )
#' all_revenue_large_duckdb
#' ```
#' \preformatted{## # Source:   table<sj_all_revenue_large.rds> [?? x 11]
#' ## # Database: duckdb_connection
#' ##    player_id       session_id   session_start       time               
#' ##    <chr>           <chr>        <dttm>              <dttm>             
#' ##  1 IRZKSAOYUJME796 IRZKSAOYUJM… 2015-01-01 00:18:41 2015-01-01 00:18:53
#' ##  2 CJVYRASDZTXO674 CJVYRASDZTX… 2015-01-01 01:13:01 2015-01-01 01:13:07
#' ##  3 CJVYRASDZTXO674 CJVYRASDZTX… 2015-01-01 01:13:01 2015-01-01 01:23:37
#' ##  4 CJVYRASDZTXO674 CJVYRASDZTX… 2015-01-01 01:13:01 2015-01-01 01:24:37
#' ##  5 CJVYRASDZTXO674 CJVYRASDZTX… 2015-01-01 01:13:01 2015-01-01 01:31:01
#' ##  6 CJVYRASDZTXO674 CJVYRASDZTX… 2015-01-01 01:13:01 2015-01-01 01:31:43
#' ##  7 CJVYRASDZTXO674 CJVYRASDZTX… 2015-01-01 01:13:01 2015-01-01 01:36:01
#' ##  8 ECPANOIXLZHF896 ECPANOIXLZH… 2015-01-01 01:31:03 2015-01-01 01:31:27
#' ##  9 ECPANOIXLZHF896 ECPANOIXLZH… 2015-01-01 01:31:03 2015-01-01 01:36:57
#' ## 10 ECPANOIXLZHF896 ECPANOIXLZH… 2015-01-01 01:31:03 2015-01-01 01:37:45
#' ## # … with more rows, and 7 more variables: item_type <chr>,
#' ## #   item_name <chr>, item_revenue <dbl>, session_duration <dbl>,
#' ## #   start_day <date>, acquisition <chr>, country <chr>}
#' And that's really it.
#' ## Obtaining remote database tables
#' For remote databases, we have to specify quite a few things but it's a
#' one-step process nonetheless. Here's an example that accesses the `rna` table
#' (in the *RNA Central* public database) using `db_tbl()`. Here, for the `user`
#' and `password` entries we are using the literal username and password values
#' (publicly available when visiting the *RNA Central* website) by enclosing the
#' values in `I()`.
#' ```r
#' rna_db_tbl <- 
#'   db_tbl(
#'     table = "rna",
#'     dbtype = "postgres",
#'     dbname = "pfmegrnargs",
#'     host = "hh-pgsql-public.ebi.ac.uk",
#'     port = 5432,
#'     user = I("reader"),
#'     password = I("NWDMCE5xdipIjRrp")
#'   )
#' rna_db_tbl
#' ```
#' \preformatted{## # Source:   table<rna> [?? x 9]
#' ## # Database: postgres
#' ## #   [reader@hh-pgsql-public.ebi.ac.uk:5432/pfmegrnargs]
#' ##          id upi    timestamp           userstamp crc64   len seq_short
#' ##     <int64> <chr>  <dttm>              <chr>     <chr> <int> <chr>    
#' ##  1 25222431 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    E65C…   521 AGAGTTTG…
#' ##  2 25222432 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    6B91…   520 AGAGTTCG…
#' ##  3 25222433 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    03B8…   257 TACGTAGG…
#' ##  4 25222434 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    E925…   533 AGGGTTTG…
#' ##  5 25222435 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    C2D0…   504 GACGAACG…
#' ##  6 25222436 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    9EF6…   253 TACAGAGG…
#' ##  7 25222437 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    685A…   175 GAGGCAGC…
#' ##  8 25222438 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    4228…   556 AAAACATC…
#' ##  9 25222439 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    B7CC…   515 AGGGTTCG…
#' ## 10 25222440 URS00… 2019-12-02 13:26:46 rnacen    038B…   406 ATTGAACG…
#' ## # … with more rows, and 2 more variables: seq_long <chr>, md5 <chr>}
#' You'd normally want to use the names of environment variables (envvars) to
#' more securely access the appropriate username and password values when
#' connecting to a DB. Here are all the necessary inputs:
#' ```r
#' example_db_tbl <- 
#'   db_tbl(
#'     table = "<table_name>",
#'     dbtype = "<database_type_shortname>",
#'     dbname = "<database_name>",
#'     host = "<connection_url>",
#'     port = "<connection_port>",
#'     user = "<DB_USER_NAME>",
#'     password = "<DB_PASSWORD>"
#'   )
#' ```
#' Environment variables can be created by editing the user `.Renviron` file and
#' the `usethis::edit_r_environ()` function makes this pretty easy to do.
#' ## DB table access and prep via the table store
#' Using table-prep formulas in a centralized table store can make it easier to
#' work with DB tables in **pointblank**. Here's how to generate a table store
#' with two named entries for table preparations involving the [tbl_store()] and
#' `db_tbl()` functions.
#' ```r
#' store <-
#'   tbl_store(
#'     small_table_duck ~ db_tbl(
#'       table = pointblank::small_table,
#'       dbtype = "duckdb",
#'       dbname = ":memory:"
#'     ),
#'     small_high_duck ~ {{ small_table_duck }} %>%
#'       dplyr::filter(f == "high")
#'   )
#' ```
#' Now it's easy to obtain either of these tables via [tbl_get()]. We can
#' reference the table in the store by its name (given to the left of the `~`).
#' ```r
#' tbl_get(tbl = "small_table_duck", store = store)
#' ```
#' \preformatted{## # Source:   table<pointblank::small_table> [?? x 8]
#' ## # Database: duckdb_connection
#' ##    date_time           date           a b           c      d e    
#' ##    <dttm>              <date>     <int> <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl> <lgl>
#' ##  1 2016-01-04 11:00:00 2016-01-04     2 1-bcd-…     3  3423. TRUE 
#' ##  2 2016-01-04 00:32:00 2016-01-04     3 5-egh-…     8 10000. TRUE 
#' ##  3 2016-01-05 13:32:00 2016-01-05     6 8-kdg-…     3  2343. TRUE 
#' ##  4 2016-01-06 17:23:00 2016-01-06     2 5-jdo-…    NA  3892. FALSE
#' ##  5 2016-01-09 12:36:00 2016-01-09     8 3-ldm-…     7   284. TRUE 
#' ##  6 2016-01-11 06:15:00 2016-01-11     4 2-dhe-…     4  3291. TRUE 
#' ##  7 2016-01-15 18:46:00 2016-01-15     7 1-knw-…     3   843. TRUE 
#' ##  8 2016-01-17 11:27:00 2016-01-17     4 5-boe-…     2  1036. FALSE
#' ##  9 2016-01-20 04:30:00 2016-01-20     3 5-bce-…     9   838. FALSE
#' ## 10 2016-01-20 04:30:00 2016-01-20     3 5-bce-…     9   838. FALSE
#' ## # … with more rows, and 1 more variable: f <chr>}
#' The second table in the table store is a mutated
#' version of the first. It's just as easily obtainable via [tbl_get()]:
#' ```
#' tbl_get(tbl = "small_high_duck", store = store)
#' ```
#' \preformatted{## # Source:   lazy query [?? x 8]
#' ## # Database: duckdb_connection
#' ##   date_time           date           a b             c     d e    
#' ##   <dttm>              <date>     <int> <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
#' ## 1 2016-01-04 11:00:00 2016-01-04     2 1-bcd-345     3 3423. TRUE 
#' ## 2 2016-01-05 13:32:00 2016-01-05     6 8-kdg-938     3 2343. TRUE 
#' ## 3 2016-01-15 18:46:00 2016-01-15     7 1-knw-093     3  843. TRUE 
#' ## 4 2016-01-20 04:30:00 2016-01-20     3 5-bce-642     9  838. FALSE
#' ## 5 2016-01-20 04:30:00 2016-01-20     3 5-bce-642     9  838. FALSE
#' ## 6 2016-01-30 11:23:00 2016-01-30     1 3-dka-303    NA 2230. TRUE 
#' ## # … with more rows, and 1 more variable: f <chr>}
#' The table-prep formulas in the `store` object could also be used in functions
#' with a `tbl` argument (like [create_agent()] and [create_informant()]). This
#' is accomplished most easily with the [tbl_source()] function.
#' ```r
#' agent <- 
#'   create_agent(
#'     tbl = ~ tbl_source(
#'       tbl = "small_table_duck",
#'       store = tbls
#'     )
#'   )
#' ```
#' ```r
#' informant <- 
#'   create_informant(
#'     tbl = ~ tbl_source(
#'       tbl = "small_high_duck",
#'       store = tbls
#'     )
#'   )
#' ```
#' @family Planning and Prep
#' @section Function ID:
#' 1-6
#' @export
db_tbl <- function(
    dbname = NULL,
    host = NULL,
    port = NULL,
    user = NULL,
    password = NULL,
    bq_project = NULL,
    bq_dataset = NULL,
    bq_billing = bq_project
) {
  # For BigQuery, the `bq_*` arguments are to be provided but there is
  # some redundancy with `dbname`; this copies the `bq_project` name
  # to `dbname` for the later connection statement
  if (
    is.null(dbname) &&
    !is.null(bq_project) &&
    !is.null(bq_dataset) &&
  ) {
    dbname <- bq_project
  if (!requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Accessing a database table requires the DBI package:\n",
      "* It can be installed with `install.packages(\"DBI\")`.",
      call. = FALSE
  if (is.character(dbtype)) {
    dbtype <- tolower(dbtype)
    # nolint start
    driver_function <- 
        postgresql = ,
        postgres = ,
        pgsql = RPostgres_driver(),
        mysql = RMySQL_driver(),
        bq = ,
        bigquery = bigrquery_driver(),
        duckdb = DuckDB_driver(),
        sqlite = RSQLite_driver(),
    # nolint end
  } else {
    driver_function <- dbtype

  # Create the DB connection object
  if (any(c("bq", "bigquery") %in% tolower(dbtype))) {
    # Connection object for BigQuery
    # Stop function if any of the required values for
    # BigQuery are missing
    if (
      is.null(bq_project) ||
      is.null(bq_dataset) ||
    ) {
        "When getting a BigQuery table, all `bq_*` arguments are required.",
        call. = FALSE
    connection <-
        drv = driver_function,
        project = bq_project,
        dataset = bq_dataset,
        billing = bq_billing
  } else {
    connection <-
        drv = driver_function,
        user = ifelse(
          inherits(user, "AsIs"),
          user, Sys.getenv(user)
        password = ifelse(
          inherits(password, "AsIs"),
          password, Sys.getenv(password)
        host = host,
        dbname = dbname
  # Insert data if is supplied, in the right format, and
  # if the DB connection is in-memory
  if (
    dbname == ":memory:" &&
    is.data.frame(table) && 
    tolower(dbtype) %in% c("duckdb", "sqlite")
  ) {
    # Obtain the name of the data table
    if ("pb_tbl_name" %in% names(attributes(table))) {
      table_name <- table_stmt <- attr(table, "pb_tbl_name", exact = TRUE)
    } else {
      table_name <- table_stmt <- deparse(match.call()$table)[1]
    # Copy the tabular data into the `connection` object
      dest = connection, 
      df = table,
      name = table_name,
      temporary = FALSE
  if (is.character(table)) {
    if (any(c("bq", "bigquery") %in% tolower(dbtype))) {
      table_name <- paste0(bq_dataset, ".", table)
      table_stmt <- table
    } else if (length(table) == 1) {
      table_stmt <- table
      table_name <- table
    } else if (length(table) == 2) {
      table_stmt <- dbplyr::in_schema(schema = table[1], table = table[2])
      table_name <- table[2]
    } else {
        "The length of `table` should be either 1 or 2.",
        call. = FALSE
  access_time <- Sys.time()
  x <- dplyr::tbl(src = connection, table_stmt)
  con_desc <- dbplyr::db_connection_describe(con = connection)
  attr(x, "pb_tbl_name") <- table_name
  attr(x, "pb_con_desc") <- con_desc
  attr(x, "pb_access_time") <- access_time
  if (any(c("bq", "bigquery") %in% tolower(dbtype))) {
    attr(x, "pb_bq_project") <- bq_project
    attr(x, "pb_bq_dataset") <- bq_dataset

# nolint start

RPostgres_driver <- function() {
  if (!requireNamespace("RPostgres", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Accessing a PostgreSQL table requires the RPostgres package:\n",
      "* It can be installed with `install.packages(\"RPostgres\")`.",
      call. = FALSE

RMySQL_driver <- function() {
  if (!requireNamespace("RMySQL", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Accessing a MariaDB or MySQL table requires the RMySQL package:\n",
      "* It can be installed with `install.packages(\"RMySQL\")`.",
      call. = FALSE

bigrquery_driver <- function() {
  if (!requireNamespace("bigrquery", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Accessing a BigQuery table requires the bigrquery package:\n",
      "* It can be installed with `install.packages(\"bigrquery\")`.",
      call. = FALSE

DuckDB_driver <- function() {
  if (!requireNamespace("duckdb", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Accessing a DuckDB table requires the duckdb package:\n",
      "* It can be installed with `install.packages(\"duckdb\")`.",
      call. = FALSE

RSQLite_driver <- function() {
  if (!requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "Accessing a SQLite table requires the RSQLite package:\n",
      "* It can be installed with `install.packages(\"RSQLite\")`.",
      call. = FALSE

# nolint end

unknown_driver <- function() {
      "The supplied value for `db` doesn't correspond to a supported ",
      "database type:\n",
      "* Acceptable values are: \"postgres\", \"mysql\", ",
      "\"sqlite\", and \"duckdb\".", 
      call. = FALSE

# nocov end
rich-iannone/pointblank documentation built on June 29, 2024, 4:09 p.m.