Man pages for richelbilderbeek/rbeast2
Control 'BEAST2'

babette-packagebabette: A package for Bayesian phylogenetics.
bbt_continueContinue a BEAST2 run
bbt_delete_temp_filesDelete all the temporary files created by bbt_run_from_model
bbt_runRun BEAST2
bbt_run_from_modelRun BEAST2
bbt_self_testDo a self test to verify babette that works correctly.
check_beast2_pkgsChecks if 'bbt_run' has the 'BEAST2' packages needed to...
create_test_bbt_run_outputGet an example output of 'bbt_run' or 'bbt_run_from_model'.
create_test_ns_outputCreate NS testing output
default_params_docThis function does nothing. It is intended to inherit is...
get_alignment_ids_from_xmlGet the alignment IDs from one or more 'BEAST2' XML input...
get_babette_pathGet the full path of a file in the 'inst/extdata' folder
get_babette_pathsGet the full paths of files in the 'inst/extdata' folder
parse_beast2_outputProcess the 'BEAST2' output dependent on 'BEAST2' package...
parse_beast2_output_to_nsParse BEAST2 NS output
plot_densitreeDraw multiple trees on top of one another.
prepare_file_creationInternal function to prepare for 'BEAST2' creating files
update_babetteDeprecated function.
richelbilderbeek/rbeast2 documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:39 p.m.