feature-optimization: Optimization of feature finding and grouping parameters

feature-optimizationR Documentation

Optimization of feature finding and grouping parameters


Automatic optimization of feature finding and grouping parameters through Design of Experiments (DoE).


  templateParams = list(),
  paramRanges = list(),
  maxIterations = 50,
  maxModelDeviation = 0.1,
  parallel = TRUE

generateFGroupsOptPSet(algorithm, ...)


  templateParams = list(),
  paramRanges = list(),
  isoIdent = if (algorithm == "openms") "OpenMS" else "IPO",
  checkPeakShape = "none",
  CAMERAOpts = list(),
  maxIterations = 50,
  maxModelDeviation = 0.1,
  parallel = TRUE

generateFeatureOptPSet(algorithm, ...)

getDefFeaturesOptParamRanges(algorithm, method = "centWave")



A features object with the features that should be used to optimize grouping.


The algorithm used for finding or grouping features (see findFeatures and groupFeatures).


One or more lists with parameter sets (see below) (for optimizeFeatureFinding and optimizeFeatureGrouping). Alternatively, named arguments that set (and possibly override) the parameters that should be returned from generateFeatureOptPSet or generateFGroupsOptPSet.


Template parameter set (see below).


A list with vectors containing absolute parameter ranges (minimum/maximum) that constrain numeric parameters choosen during experiments. See the getDefFeaturesOptParamRanges and getDefFGroupsOptParamRanges functions for defaults. Values should be Inf when no limit should be used.


Maximum number of iterations that may be performed to find optimimum values. Used to restrict neededless long optimization procedures. In IPO this was fixed to ‘⁠50⁠’.


See the ⁠Potential suboptimal results by optimization model⁠ section below.


If set to TRUE then code is executed in parallel through the futures package. Please see the parallelization section in the handbook for more details.


Analysis info table (passed to findFeatures).


Sets the algorithm used to identify isotopes. Valid values are: "IPO", "CAMERA" and "OpenMS". The latter can only be used when OpenMS is used to find features, and is highly recommended in this situation.


Additional peak shape checking of isotopes. Only used if isoIdent="IPO". Valid values: "none", "borderIntensity", "sinusCurve" or "normalDistr".


A list with additional arguments passed to CAMERA::findIsotopes when isoIdent="CAMERA".


Method used by XCMS to find features (only if algorithm="xcms").


Many different parameters exist that may affect the output quality of feature finding and grouping. To avoid time consuming manual experimentation, functionality is provided to largely automate the optimization process. The methodology, which uses design of experiments (DoE), is based on the excellent Isotopologue Parameter Optimization (IPO) R package. The functionality of this package is directly integrated in patRoon. Some functionality was added or changed, however, the principle algorithm workings are nearly identical.

Compared to IPO, the following functionality was added or changed:

  • The code was made more generic in order to include support for other feature finding/grouping algorithms (e.g. OpenMS, enviPick, XCMS3).

  • The methodology of FeatureFinderMetabo (OpenMS) may be used to find isotopes.

  • The maxModelDeviation parameter was added to potentially avoid suboptimal results (issue discussed here).

  • The use of multiple 'parameter sets' (discussed below) which, for instance, allow optimizing qualitative paremeters more easily (see ⁠examples⁠).

  • More consistent optimization code for feature finding/grouping.

  • More consistent output using S4 classes (i.e. optimizationResult class).

  • Parallelization is performed via the future package instead of BiocParallel. If this is enabled (parallel=TRUE) then any parallelization supported by the feature finding or grouping algorithm is disabled.


The optimizeFeatureFinding and optimizeFeatureGrouping return their results in a optimizationResult object.

Parameter sets

Which parameters should be optimized is determined by a parameter set. A set is defined by a named list containing the minimum and maximum starting range for each parameter that should be tested. For instance, the set list(chromFWHM = c(5, 10), mzPPM = c(5, 15)) specifies that the chromFWHM and mzPPM parameters (used by OpenMS feature finding) should be optimized within a range of ‘⁠5⁠’-‘⁠10⁠’ and ‘⁠5⁠’-‘⁠15⁠’, respectively. Note that this range may be increased or decreased after a DoE iteration in order to find a better optimum. The absolute limits are controlled by the paramRanges function argument.

Multiple parameter sets may be specified (i.e. through the ... function argument). In this situation, the optimization algorithm is repeated for each set, and the final optimum is determined from the parameter set with the best response. The templateParams function argument may be useful in this case to define a template for each parameter set. Actual parameter sets are then constructed by joining each parameter set with the set specified for templateParams. When a parameter is defined in both a regular and template set, the parameter in the regular set takes precedence.

Parameters that should not be optimized but still need to be set for the feature finding/grouping functions should also be defined in a (template) parameter set. Which parameters should be optimized is determined whether its value is specified as a vector range or a single fixed value. For instance, when a set is defined as list(chromFWHM = c(5, 10), mzPPM = 5), only the chromFWHM parameter is optimized, whereas mzPPM is kept constant at ‘⁠5⁠’.

Using multiple parameter sets with differing fixed values allows optimization of qualitative values (see examples below).

The parameters specified in parameter sets are directly passed through the findFeatures or groupFeatures functions. Hence, grouping and retention time alignment parameters used by XCMS should (still) be set through the groupArgs and retcorArgs parameters.

NOTE: For XCMS3, which normally uses parameter classes for settings its options, the parameters must be defined in a named list like any other algorithm. The set parameters are then used passed to the constructor of the right parameter class object (e.g. CentWaveParam, ObiwarpParam). For grouping/alignment sets, these parameters need to be specified in nested lists called groupParams and retAlignParams, respectively (similar to groupArgs/retcorArgs for algorithm="xcms"). Finally, the underlying XCMS method to be used should be defined in the parameter set (i.e. by setting the method field for feature parameter sets and the groupMethod and retAlignMethod for grouping/aligning parameter sets). See the examples below for more details.

NOTE: Similar to IPO, the peakwidth and prefilter parameters for XCMS feature finding should be split in two different values:

  • The minimum and maximum ranges for peakwidth are optimized by setting min_peakwidth and max_peakwidth, respectively.

  • The k and I parameters contained in prefilter are split in prefilter and value_of_prefilter, respectively.

Similary, for KPIC2, the following parameters should be split:

  • the width parameter (feature optimization) is optimized by specifying the min_width and max_width parameters.

  • the tolerance and weight parameters (feature grouping optimization) are optimized by setting mz_tolerance/rt_tolerance and mz_weight/rt_weight parameters, respectively.


The optimizeFeatureFinding and optimizeFeatureGrouping are the functions to be used to optimize parameters for feature finding and grouping, respectively. These functions are analogous to optimizeXcmsSet and optimizeRetGroup from IPO.

The generateFeatureOptPSet and generateFGroupsOptPSet functions may be used to generate a parameter set for feature finding and grouping, respectively. Some algorithm dependent default parameter optimization ranges will be returned. These functions are analogous to getDefaultXcmsSetStartingParams and getDefaultRetGroupStartingParams from IPO. However, unlike their IPO counterparts, these functions will not output default fixed values. The generateFGroupsOptPSet will only generate defaults for density grouping if algorithm="xcms".

The getDefFeaturesOptParamRanges and getDefFGroupsOptParamRanges return the default absolute optimization parameter ranges for feature finding and grouping, respectively. These functions are useful if you want to set the paramRanges function argument.

Potential suboptimal results by optimization model

After each experiment iteration an optimimum parameter set is found by generating a model containing the tested parameters and their responses. Sometimes the actual response from the parameters derived from the model is actually signficantly lower than expected. When the response is lower than the maximum reponse found during the experiment, the parameters belonging to this experimental maximum may be choosen instead. The maxModelDeviation argument sets the maximum deviation in response between the modelled and experimental maxima. The value is relative: ‘⁠0⁠’ means that experimental values will always be favored when leading to improved responses, whereas 1 will effectively disable this procedure (and return to 'regular' IPO behaviour).


The code and methodology is a direct adaptation from the IPO R package.





# example data from patRoonData package
dataDir <- patRoonData::exampleDataPath()
anaInfo <- generateAnalysisInfo(dataDir)
anaInfo <- anaInfo[1:2, ] # only focus on first two analyses (e.g. training set)

# optimize mzPPM and chromFWHM parameters
ftOpt <- optimizeFeatureFinding(anaInfo, "openms", list(mzPPM = c(5, 10), chromFWHM = c(4, 8)))

# optimize chromFWHM and isotopeFilteringModel (a qualitative parameter)
ftOpt2 <- optimizeFeatureFinding(anaInfo, "openms",
                                 list(isotopeFilteringModel = "metabolites (5% RMS)"),
                                 list(isotopeFilteringModel = "metabolites (2% RMS)"),
                                 templateParams = list(chromFWHM = c(4, 8)))

# perform grouping optimization with optimized features object
fgOpt <- optimizeFeatureGrouping(optimizedObject(ftOpt), "xcms",
                                 list(groupArgs = list(bw = c(22, 28)),
                                      retcorArgs = list(method = "obiwarp")))

# same, but using the XCMS3 interface
fgOpt2 <- optimizeFeatureGrouping(optimizedObject(ftOpt), "xcms3",
                                  list(groupMethod = "density", groupParams = list(bw = c(22, 28)),
                                       retAlignMethod = "obiwarp"))

# plot contour of first parameter set/DoE iteration
plot(ftOpt, paramSet = 1, DoEIteration = 1, type = "contour")

# generate parameter set with some predefined and custom parameters to be
# optimized.
pSet <- generateFeatureOptPSet("openms", chromSNR = c(3, 9),
                               useSmoothedInts = FALSE)

rickhelmus/patRoon documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:32 p.m.