
Defines functions makeWrappedModel makeWrappedModel.Learner print.WrappedModel getLearnerModel getLearnerModel.WrappedModel isFailureModel isFailureModel.WrappedModel getFailureModelMsg getFailureModelMsg.WrappedModel getFailureModelDump getFailureModelDump.WrappedModel

Documented in getFailureModelDump getFailureModelMsg getLearnerModel isFailureModel makeWrappedModel

#' @title Induced model of learner.
#' @description
#' Result from \code{\link{train}}.
#' It internally stores the underlying fitted model,
#' the subset used for training, features used for training, levels of factors in the
#' data set and computation time that was spent for training.
#' Object members: See arguments.
#' The constructor \code{makeWrappedModel} is mainly for internal use.
#' @template arg_learner
#' @param learner.model [any]\cr
#'   Underlying model.
#' @template arg_taskdesc
#' @template arg_subset
#' @param features [\code{character}]\cr
#'   Features used for training.
#' @param factor.levels [named \code{list} of \code{character}]\cr
#'   Levels of factor variables (features and potentially target) in training data.
#'   Named by variable name, non-factors do not occur in the list.
#' @param time [\code{numeric(1)}]\cr
#'   Computation time for model fit in seconds.
#' @template ret_wmodel
#' @export
#' @aliases WrappedModel
makeWrappedModel = function(learner, learner.model, task.desc, subset, features, factor.levels, time) {

#' @export
makeWrappedModel.Learner = function(learner, learner.model, task.desc, subset, features, factor.levels, time) {
  dump = NULL
  if (is.error(learner.model)) {
    learner.model = as.character(learner.model)
    time = NA_real_
    cl = c("FailureModel", "WrappedModel")
    if (getLearnerOptions(learner, "on.error.dump")$on.error.dump) {
      dump = addClasses(get("last.dump", envir = .GlobalEnv), "mlr.dump")
  } else {
    cl = "WrappedModel"
    learner = learner,
    learner.model = learner.model,
    task.desc = task.desc,
    subset = subset,
    features = features,
    factor.levels = factor.levels,
    time = time,
    dump = dump

#' @export
print.WrappedModel = function(x, ...) {
    "Model for learner.id=", x$learner$id, "; learner.class=", getClass1(x$learner), "\n",
    sprintf("Trained on: task.id = %s; obs = %i; features = %i",
      x$task.desc$id, length(x$subset), length(x$features)), "\n",
    "Hyperparameters: ", getHyperParsString(x$learner, show.missing.values = TRUE), "\n",
    sep = ""
  if (isFailureModel(x))
    catf("Training failed: %s", getFailureModelMsg(x))

#' Get underlying R model of learner integrated into mlr.
#' @param model [\code{\link{WrappedModel}}]\cr
#'   The model, returned by e.g., \code{\link{train}}.
#' @param more.unwrap [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#'   Some learners are not basic learners from R, but implemented in mlr as meta-techniques.
#'   Examples are everything that inherits from \code{HomogeneousEnsemble}.
#'   In these cases, the \code{learner.model} is often a list of mlr \code{\link{WrappedModel}}s.
#'   This option allows to strip them further to basic R models.
#'   The option is simply ignored for basic learner models.
#'   Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return [any]. A fitted model, depending the learner / wrapped package. E.g., a
#'   model of class \code{\link[rpart]{rpart}} for learner \dQuote{classif.rpart}.
#' @export
getLearnerModel = function(model, more.unwrap = FALSE) {

getLearnerModel.WrappedModel = function(model, more.unwrap) {

#' @title Is the model a FailureModel?
#' @description
#' Such a model is created when one sets the corresponding option in \code{\link{configureMlr}}.
#' For complex wrappers this getter returns \code{TRUE} if ANY model contained in it failed.
#' @template arg_wrappedmod
#' @return [\code{logical(1)}].
#' @export
isFailureModel = function(model) {

#' @export
# by default the model is never a failure. if a failure happens we have the derived class FailureModel
isFailureModel.WrappedModel = function(model) {

#' @title Return error message of FailureModel.
#' @description
#' Such a model is created when one sets the corresponding option in \code{\link{configureMlr}}.
#' If no failure occurred, \code{NA} is returned.
#' For complex wrappers this getter returns the first error message encountered in ANY model that failed.
#' @template arg_wrappedmod
#' @return [\code{character(1)}].
#' @export
getFailureModelMsg = function(model) {

#' @export
getFailureModelMsg.WrappedModel = function(model) {

#' @title Return the error dump of FailureModel.
#' @description
#' Returns the error dump that can be used with \code{debugger()} to evaluate errors.
#' If \code{\link{configureMlr}} configuration \code{on.error.dump} is \code{FALSE}, this returns
#' \code{NULL}.
#' @template arg_wrappedmod
#' @return [\code{last.dump}].
#' @export
getFailureModelDump = function(model) {

#' @export
getFailureModelDump.WrappedModel = function(model) {
riebetob/mlr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:58 p.m.