
#' Biplots of \code{cnfa} and \code{enfa} objects.
#' @param x an object of class \code{cnfa} or \code{enfa} describing the
#'   occupied habitat
#' @param y an object of class \code{GLcenfa} describing the global reference
#'   habitat
#' @param xax the column number of the x-axis
#' @param yax the column number of the y-axis
#' @param p the proportion of observations to include in the calculations of
#'   the minimum convex polygons
#' @param n the number of projected variables to label
#' @param ... additional \code{plot} arguments
#' @examples
#' mod <- cnfa(x = climdat.hist, s.dat = ABPR, field = "CODE")
#' glc <- GLcenfa(x = climdat.hist)
#' scatter(x = mod, y = glc)
#' @importFrom grDevices chull
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stats ecdf sd
#' @importFrom graphics abline arrows legend par points polygon
# @importFrom raster quantile
#' @return Returns a biplot of the \code{cnfa} or \code{enfa} object.
#' @include CENFA.R cnfa-class.R enfa-class.R GLcenfa-class.R
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{biplot}}
#' @export

setGeneric("scatter", function(x, y, xax = 1, yax = 2, p = 0.99, n = 5, ...){

#' @rdname scatter
          signature(x = "cnfa", y = "GLcenfa"),
          function(x, y, xax = 1, yax = 2, p = 0.99, n = 5, ...){

  s.ras <- raster(x)
  g.ras <- raster(y)

  good <- c(xax, yax) %in% 1:nlayers(s.ras)

  if(FALSE %in% good) {
    xax <- 1
    yax <- 2
    warning("selected axes not meaningful, using first two axes instead.")

  co <- x@co[, c(xax, yax)]
  g.dat <- na.omit(values(g.ras))
  g <- g.dat %*% co
  s <- na.omit(values(s.ras)[, c(xax, yax)])
  g.centroid  <- colMeans(g)
  s.centroid  <- colMeans(s)

  if(p < 1 & p > 0) {

    gdists <- sweep(g, 2, g.centroid, "-")
    r1 <- ecdf(gdists[ ,1])
    r2 <- ecdf(gdists[, 2])
    outs <- sqrt(r1(gdists[ ,1])^2 + r2(gdists[ ,2])^2)
    g.qn <- which(outs < quantile(outs, p))
    g.in <- g[g.qn, ]
    g.ch <- chull(g.in)

    sdists <- sweep(s, 2, s.centroid, "-")
    r1 <- ecdf(sdists[ ,1])
    r2 <- ecdf(sdists[, 2])
    outs <- sqrt(r1(sdists[ ,1])^2 + r2(sdists[ ,2])^2)
    s.qn <- which(outs < quantile(outs, p))
    s.in <- s[s.qn, ]
    s.ch <- chull(s.in)
  } else if(p == 1) {
    g.in <- g
    s.in <- s
    g.ch <- chull(g.in)
    s.ch <- chull(s.in)
  } else stop("p must be in the range [0, 1]")

  xmin <- min(g.in[ ,1], s.in[ ,1], co[ ,1])
  xmax <- max(g.in[ ,1], s.in[ ,1], co[ ,1])
  xfact <- xmax - xmin
  xmin <- xmin - xfact*.25
  xmax <- xmax + xfact*.25

  ymin <- min(g.in[ ,2], s.in[ ,2], co[ ,2])
  ymax <- max(g.in[ ,2], s.in[ ,2], co[ ,2])
  yfact <- ymax - ymin
  ymin <- ymin - yfact*.25
  ymax <- ymax + yfact*.25

  mags <- apply(co, 1, norm, "2") %>% order(decreasing = T) %>% .[1:n]

  #par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
  plot(NA, xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax),
       xlab = NA, ylab = NA, axes = F, ann = F, ...)
  abline(v = g.centroid[1], h = g.centroid[2])#, col = "grey70")
  polygon(g.in[g.ch, ])
  polygon(s.in[s.ch, ], col = "grey60", xpd = T)
  points(s.centroid[1], s.centroid[2], pch = 21, bg = "white")

  .adjust_arrows(x = co[, 1], y = co[, 2], xfact / 2, yfact / 2, xpd=T, length = .05)
  .adjust_labels(co[mags, 1], co[mags, 2], xfact / 1.8, yfact / 1.8, labels = rownames(co[mags, ]), cex = .7, xpd = T)
         legend = c("reference habitat",
                    "species habitat",
                    as.expression(bquote(xax == .(names(s.ras)[xax]))),
                    as.expression(bquote(yax == .(names(s.ras)[yax]))),
                    as.expression(bquote(~~~p == .(p)))),
         fill = c("white", "grey60", NA, NA, NA),
         border = c("black", "black", NA, NA, NA),
         bty = "n")

#' @rdname scatter
          signature(x = "enfa", y = "GLcenfa"),
          function(x, y, xax = 1, yax = 2, p = 0.99, n = 5, ...){

  s.ras <- raster(x)
  g.ras <- raster(y)

  good <- c(xax, yax) %in% 1:nlayers(s.ras)

  if(FALSE %in% good) {
    xax <- 1
    yax <- 2
    warning("selected axes not meaningful, using first two axes instead.")

  co <- x@co[, c(xax, yax)]
  g.dat <- na.omit(values(g.ras))
  g <- g.dat %*% co
  s <- na.omit(values(s.ras)[, c(xax, yax)])
  g.centroid  <- colMeans(g)
  s.centroid  <- colMeans(s)

  if(p < 1 & p > 0) {

    gdists <- sweep(g, 2, g.centroid, "-")
    r1 <- ecdf(gdists[ ,1])
    r2 <- ecdf(gdists[, 2])
    outs <- sqrt(r1(gdists[ ,1])^2 + r2(gdists[ ,2])^2)
    g.qn <- which(outs < quantile(outs, p))
    g.in <- g[g.qn, ]
    g.ch <- chull(g.in)

    sdists <- sweep(s, 2, s.centroid, "-")
    r1 <- ecdf(sdists[ ,1])
    r2 <- ecdf(sdists[, 2])
    outs <- sqrt(r1(sdists[ ,1])^2 + r2(sdists[ ,2])^2)
    s.qn <- which(outs < quantile(outs, p))
    s.in <- s[s.qn, ]
    s.ch <- chull(s.in)
  } else if(p == 1) {
    g.in <- g
    s.in <- s
    g.ch <- chull(g.in)
    s.ch <- chull(s.in)
  } else stop("p must be in the range [0, 1]")

  xmin <- min(g.in[ ,1], s.in[ ,1])
  xmax <- max(g.in[ ,1], s.in[ ,1])
  xfact <- xmax - xmin
  xmin <- min(g.in[ ,1], s.in[ ,1], co[ ,1] * xfact)
  xmax <- max(g.in[ ,1], s.in[ ,1], co[ ,1] * xfact)
  xmin <- xmin - xfact*.1
  xmax <- xmax + xfact*.1

  ymin <- min(g.in[ ,2], s.in[ ,2])
  ymax <- max(g.in[ ,2], s.in[ ,2])
  yfact <- ymax - ymin
  ymin <- min(g.in[ ,2], s.in[ ,2], co[ ,2] * yfact)
  ymax <- max(g.in[ ,2], s.in[ ,2], co[ ,2] * yfact)
  ymin <- ymin - yfact*.1
  ymax <- ymax + yfact*.1

  mags <- apply(co, 1, norm, "2") %>% order(decreasing = T) %>% .[1:n]

  #par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
  plot(NA, xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax),
       xlab = NA, ylab = NA, axes = F, ann = F, ...)
  abline(v = g.centroid[1], h = g.centroid[2])#, col = "grey70")
  polygon(g.in[g.ch, ])
  polygon(s.in[s.ch, ], col = "grey60", xpd = T)
  points(s.centroid[1], s.centroid[2], pch = 21, bg = "white")

  .adjust_arrows(x = co[, 1], y = co[, 2], xfact / 2, yfact / 2, xpd=T, length = .05)
  .adjust_labels(co[mags, 1], co[mags, 2], xfact / 1.8, yfact / 1.8, labels = rownames(co[mags, ]), cex = .7, xpd = T)
         legend = c("reference habitat",
                    "species habitat",
                    as.expression(bquote(xax == .(names(s.ras)[xax]))),
                    as.expression(bquote(yax == .(names(s.ras)[yax]))),
                    as.expression(bquote(~~~p == .(p)))),
         fill = c("white", "grey60", NA, NA, NA),
         border = c("black", "black", NA, NA, NA),
         bty = "n")

#' @keywords internal
.adjust_labels <- function(x, y, xfact, yfact, ...) {

  p <- rep(xfact/40, length(x))
  p[x < 0] <- -p[x < 0]
  q <- rep(yfact/40, length(y))
  q[y < 0] <- -q[y < 0]
  graphics::text(x * xfact + p, y * yfact + q, ...)

#' @keywords internal
.adjust_arrows <- function(x, y, xfact, yfact, ...) {
  arrows(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = x * xfact, y1 = y * yfact, ...)
rinnan/CENFA documentation built on July 19, 2023, 12:58 p.m.