dp.inputs.adult.art.allocation: Check parameters used to determine ART initiation timing

View source: R/extract-dp.R

dp.inputs.adult.art.allocationR Documentation

Check parameters used to determine ART initiation timing


Check parameters used to determine ART initiation timing


  direction = "wide",
  first.year = NULL,
  final.year = NULL



DemProj module data in raw format, as returned by read.raw.dp()


Ignored; included for compatibility with similar functions.


A list with named elements 'Method' and 'Weight'


Spectrum uses one of four methods to determine how new ART patients are drawn from the ART-eligible population by CD4 category:

  1. Method=1: ART initiations are proportional to the expected number of HIV-related deaths in each CD4 category.

  2. Method=2: ART initiations are proportional to the number of people in each CD4 category.

  3. Method=3: ART initiations are a weighted combination of methods 1 and 2.

  4. Method=4: ART initiations are drawn from the lowest CD4 categories first.

The return value element "Weight"=(w1, w2) is a two-element vector that describes the weight placed on method 1 (w1) and method 2 (w2) when using methods 1, 2, or 3. Spectrum ignores these weights when method 4 is used.

rlglaubius/SpectrumUtils documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 3:25 a.m.