dp.inputs.csavr.data.options: Check which data were selected for CSAVR incidence estimation

View source: R/extract-dp.R

dp.inputs.csavr.data.optionsR Documentation

Check which data were selected for CSAVR incidence estimation


Check which data were selected for CSAVR incidence estimation


dp.inputs.csavr.data.options(dp.raw, direction = "wide")



DemProj module data in raw format, as returned by read.raw.dp


Request "wide" (default) or "long" format data.


The incidence model name as a factor (see "Details" below for factor levels)


The CSAVR fitting tool can estimate incidence using three different kinds of data

  1. New HIV diagnoses

  2. HIV-related deaths

  3. CD4 cell counts at diagnosis (as of 2022)

Use dp.inputs.incidence.model() to check if CSAVR was used to estimate incidence; use dp.inputs.incidence() to get the incidence estimate itself.

Since CD4 counts at diagnoses were reintroduced in Spectrum for the 2022 round of UNAIDS HIV estimates, this function may not work correctly with files produced with older versions of Spectrum.

rlglaubius/SpectrumUtils documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 3:25 a.m.