dp.inputs.epp.adjustment.cap: Get the maximum amount that AIM can adjust incidence...

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dp.inputs.epp.adjustment.capR Documentation

Get the maximum amount that AIM can adjust incidence estimates from EPP


EPP hands AIM estimated HIV incidence and prevalence trends. EPP and AIM have different structures, so EPP's incidence may produce a somewhat different prevalence trend than EPP provides. EPP estimates its trends using HIV prevalence data, so AIM may adjust the incidence it gets from EPP to better match EPP's prevalence estimate, subject to a user-specified maximum allowed adjustment. This function returns that maximum. The minimum adjustment is equal to the reciprocal of the maximum.


dp.inputs.epp.adjustment.cap(dp.raw, direction = "wide")



DemProj module data in raw format, as returned by read.raw.dp()


Ignored; included for compatibility with similar functions.


the maximum allowed adjustment.

rlglaubius/SpectrumUtils documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 3:25 a.m.