dp.inputs.anc.testing: Get data on HIV testing during antenatal care

View source: R/extract-dp.R

dp.inputs.anc.testingR Documentation

Get data on HIV testing during antenatal care


Extract Spectrum inputs on antenatal clinic (ANC) attendance and HIV testing


  direction = "wide",
  first.year = NULL,
  final.year = NULL



DemProj module data in raw format, as returned by read.raw.dp()


Request "wide" (default) or "long" format data.


First year of the projection. If first.year=NULL, it will be filled in using dp.inputs.first.year()


Final year of the projection. If final.year=NULL, it will be filled in using dp.inputs.final.year()


a data frame.


Spectrum users may enter validation data on HIV testing at ANC in their Spectrum files. These consist of:

  1. Program reported births: Live births reported to the national program

  2. First ANC visits: number of women with a first ANC visit during their current pregnancy

  3. Tested: number of women who received at least one HIV test at ANC

  4. Tested HIV+: number of women who tested HIV+ at the first test of their current pregnancy

  5. Known HIV+: number of women whose HIV-positive status was known at their first ANC visit

  6. Known HIV-: number of women whose HIV-negative status was known at their first ANC visit

  7. ANC HIV%: HIV prevalence at ANC. Calculated as (Tested HIV+ + Known HIV+) / (Tested + Known HIV+)

  8. Retested: number of women who were tested for HIV at least once after their first HIV test during their current pregnancy

  9. Retested HIV+: number of women who tested HIV+ during retesting

Some of these data were not collected in earlier versions of Spectrum and are not available in projections last saved in those versions.

rlglaubius/SpectrumUtils documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 3:25 a.m.