
Defines functions procspec

Documented in procspec

#' Process spectra
#' Applies normalization and/or smoothing to spectra for further analysis or plotting.
#' @inheritParams aggplot
#' @param opt what type of processing options to apply. User can select multiple
#' options by providing a vector. Possibilities are:
#' * `"none"` does not perform any processing (default).
#' * `"smooth"` applies LOESS smoothing to each spectrum using [loess.smooth()].
#' Optimal smoothing parameter can be assessed by using [plotsmooth()].
#' * `"minimum"` subtracts the minimum from each individual spectra.
#' * `"maximum"` divides each spectrum by its maximum value.
#' * `"sum"` divides each spectrum by summed values.
#' * `"bin"` bins each spectrum into the specified number of bins. `bins`
#' argument must be set.
#' * `"center"` centers individual spectra by subtracting mean reflectance from
#' all values.
#' @param fixneg how to handle negative values. Possibilities are:
#' * `"none"` does not perform negative value correction (default).
#' * `"zero"` sets all negative values to zero.
#' * `"addmin"` adds the absolute value of the maximally negative values of each
#' spectra to the reflectance at all other wavelengths (setting the minimum
#' value to zero, but scaling other values accordingly).
#' @param span sets the smoothing parameter used by [loess.smooth()].
#' @param bins sets the number of equally sized wavelength bins for `opt = "bin"`.
#' @return A data frame of class `rspec` with the processed data.
#' @importFrom stats loess predict median
#' @export
#' @author Chad Eliason \email{cme16@@zips.uakron.edu}
#' @examples
#' data(teal)
#' plot(teal, select = 10)
#' # Smooth data to remove noise
#' teal.sm <- procspec(teal, opt = "smooth", span = 0.25)
#' plot(teal.sm, select = 10)
#' # Normalize to max of unity
#' teal.max <- procspec(teal, opt = c("max"))
#' plot(teal.max, select = 10)
#' @seealso [loess.smooth()], [plotsmooth()]
#' @references Cuthill, I., Bennett, A. T. D., Partridge, J. & Maier, E. 1999.
#'  Plumage reflectance and the objective assessment of avian sexual dichromatism.
#'  The American Naturalist, 153, 183-200.
#' @references Montgomerie R. 2006. Analyzing colors. In Hill, G.E, and McGraw,
#'  K.J., eds. Bird Coloration. Volume 1 Mechanisms and measurements. Harvard
#'  University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
#' @references White, T. E., Dalrymple, R. L., Noble D. W. A., O'Hanlon, J. C.,
#' Zurek, D. B., Umbers, K. D. L. 2015. Reproducible research in the study
#' of biological coloration. Animal Behaviour, 106, 51-57.

procspec <- function(rspecdata, opt = c(
                       "none", "smooth", "maximum", "minimum",
                       "bin", "sum", "center"
                     fixneg = c("none", "addmin", "zero"),
                     span = 0.25, bins = 20) {
  opt <- match.arg(opt, several.ok = TRUE)

  fixneg <- match.arg(fixneg)

  applied <- "processing options applied:"

  if (any(opt == "none")) {
    # remove other opt arguments (so they are not called further on, but still
    # allowing for fixneg to work)
    opt <- "none"

    if (fixneg == "none") {
      stop("No processing options selected", call. = FALSE)

  wl <- isolate_wl(rspecdata, keep = "wl")
  rspecdata <- isolate_wl(rspecdata, keep = "spec")

  nam <- names(rspecdata)

  if (any(opt == "smooth")) {
    # We use loess() instead of the high-level wrapper loess.smooth() because,
    # as per the docs, loess.smooth() can only evaluate at equally spaced
    # points, which doesn't work with uninterpolated spectra (since the wl are
    # not spaced evenly)
    rspecdata <- apply(rspecdata, 2, function(z) {
          z ~ wl,
          span = span, degree = 2,
          family = "gaussian"
    applied <- c(applied, paste("smoothing spectra with a span of", span))

  mins <- apply(rspecdata, 2, min)
  maxs <- apply(rspecdata, 2, max)

  if (fixneg == "addmin") {
    rspecdata <- t(t(rspecdata) + abs(pmin(0, mins)))
    applied <- c(applied, "Negative value correction: added min to all reflectance")

  if (fixneg == "zero") {
    rspecdata[rspecdata < 0] <- 0
    applied <- c(applied, "Negative value correction: converted negative values to zero")

  if (any(opt == "minimum")) {
    rspecdata <- t(t(rspecdata) - mins)
    applied <- c(applied, "Scaling spectra to a minimum value of zero")

  if (any(opt == "maximum")) {
    rspecdata <- t(t(rspecdata) / maxs)
    applied <- c(applied, "Scaling spectra to a maximum value of 1")

  if (any(opt == "sum")) {
    rspecdata <- t(t(rspecdata) / colSums(rspecdata))
    applied <- c(applied, "Scaling spectra to a total area of 1")

  if (any(opt == "center")) {
    rspecdata <- t(t(rspecdata) - colMeans(rspecdata))
    applied <- c(applied, "Centering spectra to a mean of zero")

  # Calculate medians according to # of bins specified for use in PCA
  # Method follows Cuthill et al. (1999)
  if (any(opt == "bin")) {
    bw <- floor(length(wl) / (bins - 1))
    wl_bin <- wl_bin <- seq(min(wl), by = bw, length.out = bins)
    rspecdata <- by(rspecdata, findInterval(wl, wl_bin), function(x) apply(x, 2, median)) # nolint
    rspecdata <- do.call(rbind, rspecdata)
    rspecdata <- cbind(wl_bin, rspecdata)
    applied <- c(applied, paste0("binned spectra to ", bw, "-nm intervals"))
  } else {
    rspecdata <- cbind(wl, rspecdata)

  rspecdata <- as.data.frame(rspecdata)
  names(rspecdata) <- c("wl", nam)
  class(rspecdata) <- c("rspec", "data.frame")

  applied <- paste(applied, collapse = "\n")

rmaia/pavo documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 6:24 p.m.