Hurricanes: Hurricane fatalities and gender of names

HurricanesR Documentation

Hurricane fatalities and gender of names


Data used in Jung et al 2014 analysis of effect of gender of name on hurricane fatalities. Note that hurricanes Katrina (2005) and Audrey (1957) were removed from the data.




  1. name : Given name of hurricane

  2. year : Year of hurricane

  3. deaths : number of deaths

  4. category : Severity code for storm

  5. min_pressure : Minimum pressure, a measure of storm strength; low is stronger

  6. damage_norm : Normalized estimate of damage in dollars

  7. female : Indicator variable for female name

  8. femininity : 1-11 scale from totally masculine (1) to totally feminine (11) for name. Average of 9 scores from 9 raters.


Jung et al. 2014. Female hurricanes are deadlier than male hurricanes. PNAS.

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