col.alpha: Color utility functions

View source: R/colors.r

col.alphaR Documentation

Color utility functions


Functions for calculating transparent and desaturated colors.


col.alpha( acol , alpha = 0.2 )
col.desat( acol , amt = 0.5 )
col.dist( x , mu = 0 , sd = 1 , col="slateblue" )
grau( alpha = 0.5 )



A color name or RGB color


alpha transparency, where 1 means fully opaque and 0 fully transparent


amount of desaturation of color to apply, where 1 means totally desaturated (grayscale)


A vector of values to use for calculating distances. See details below.


Value (or vector of values) to use for calculating distances


Standard deviation of distance function used to calculate transparency


A color to apply transparency to, based on distance


Transparency of black (used by grau function)


These functions allow for calculating transparency and desaturation for colors. col.alpha makes a base color transparent, while col.desat makes a color have less saturation.

col.dist is used to make a list of transparent colors of differing alpha level. The levels are chosen based upon Gaussian distance from a chosen value, mu, with a chosen width of the function that determines how quickly colors become fully transparent, sd. For example, if x contains a column of data, then col.dist will return a vector of same length with transparency increasing as each value in x is distant from mu. This is useful for plotting data that emphasize points near some value or values.

grau simply returns a transparent version of black, producing effective gray values.


Richard McElreath

See Also

col2rgb, rgb2hsv, rgb

rmcelreath/rethinking documentation built on Aug. 26, 2024, 5:54 p.m.