eviatlas <- c(
"TY - JOUR",
"AU - Haddaway, Neal R.",
"AU - Feierman, Andrew",
"AU - Grainger, Matthew J.",
"AU - Gray, Charles T.",
"AU - Tanriver-Ayder, Ezgi",
"AU - Dhaubanjar, Sanita",
"AU - Westgate, Martin J.",
"PY - 2019",
"DA - 2019/06/04",
"TI - EviAtlas: a tool for visualising evidence synthesis databases",
"JO - Environmental Evidence",
"SP - 22",
"VL - 8",
"IS - 1",
"SN - 2047-2382",
"UR - https://doi.org/10.1186/s13750-019-0167-1",
"DO - 10.1186/s13750-019-0167-1",
"ID - Haddaway2019",
"ER - "
litsearchr <- c(
title={An automated approach to identifying search terms for systematic reviews using keyword co-occurrence networks},
author={Grames, Eliza M and Stillman, Andrew N and Tingley, Morgan W and Elphick, Chris S},
journal={Methods in Ecology and Evolution},
publisher={Wiley Online Library}
res_synth_methods <-
"PMID- 32336025",
"OWN - NLM",
"STAT- Publisher",
"LR - 20200426",
"IS - 1759-2887 (Electronic)",
"IS - 1759-2879 (Linking)",
"DP - 2020 Apr 26",
"TI - Risk-Of-Bias VISualization (robvis): an R package and Shiny web app for",
" visualizing risk-of-bias assessments.",
"LID - 10.1002/jrsm.1411 [doi]",
"AB - Despite a major increase in the range and number of software offerings now",
" available to help researchers produce evidence syntheses, there is currently no",
" generic tool for producing figures to display and explore the risk-of-bias",
" assessments that routinely take place as part of systematic review. However,",
" tools such as the R programming environment and Shiny (an R package for building ",
" interactive web apps) have made it straightforward to produce new tools to help",
" in producing evidence syntheses. We present a new tool, robvis (Risk-Of-Bias",
" VISualization), available as an R package and web app, which facilitates rapid",
" production of publication-quality risk-of-bias assessment figures. We present a",
" timeline of the tool's development and its key functionality. This article is",
" protected by copyright. All rights reserved.",
"CI - This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.",
"FAU - McGuinness, Luke A",
"AU - McGuinness LA",
"AUID- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8730-9761",
"AD - MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.",
"AD - Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol,",
" Bristol, UK.",
"FAU - Higgins, Julian Pt",
"AU - Higgins JP",
"AD - MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.",
"AD - Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol,",
" Bristol, UK.",
"LA - eng",
"PT - Journal Article",
"DEP - 20200426",
"PL - England",
"TA - Res Synth Methods",
"JT - Research synthesis methods",
"JID - 101543738",
"SB - IM",
"OT - Data visualization",
"OT - Evidence synthesis",
"OT - R",
"OT - Risk of bias",
"EDAT- 2020/04/27 06:00",
"MHDA- 2020/04/27 06:00",
"CRDT- 2020/04/27 06:00",
"PHST- 2020/02/27 00:00 [received]",
"PHST- 2020/04/16 00:00 [revised]",
"PHST- 2020/04/18 00:00 [accepted]",
"PHST- 2020/04/27 06:00 [entrez]",
"PHST- 2020/04/27 06:00 [pubmed]",
"PHST- 2020/04/27 06:00 [medline]",
"AID - 10.1002/jrsm.1411 [doi]",
"PST - aheadofprint",
"SO - Res Synth Methods. 2020 Apr 26. doi: 10.1002/jrsm.1411.",
"PMID- 31355546",
"OWN - NLM",
"STAT- In-Process",
"LR - 20200226",
"IS - 1759-2887 (Electronic)",
"IS - 1759-2879 (Linking)",
"VI - 10",
"IP - 4",
"DP - 2019 Dec",
"TI - revtools: An R package to support article screening for evidence synthesis.",
"PG - 606-614",
"LID - 10.1002/jrsm.1374 [doi]",
"AB - The field of evidence synthesis is growing rapidly, with a corresponding increase",
" in the number of software tools and workflows to support the construction of",
" systematic reviews, systematic maps, and meta-analyses. Despite much progress,",
" however, a number of problems remain, including slow integration of new",
" statistical or methodological approaches into user-friendly software, low",
" prevalence of open-source software, and poor integration among distinct software ",
" tools. These issues hinder the utility and transparency of new methods to the",
" research community. Here, I present revtools, an R package to support article",
" screening during evidence synthesis projects. It provides tools for the import",
" and deduplication of bibliographic data, screening of articles by title or",
" abstract, and visualization of article content using topic models. The software",
" is entirely open-source and combines command-line scripting for experienced",
" programmers with custom-built user interfaces for casual users, with further",
" methods to support article screening to be added over time. revtools provides",
" free access to novel methods in an open-source environment and represents a",
" valuable step in expanding the capacity of R to support evidence synthesis",
" projects.",
"CI - (c) 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.",
"FAU - Westgate, Martin J",
"AU - Westgate MJ",
"AUID- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0854-2034",
"AD - Fenner School of Environment & Society, The Australian National University,",
" Acton, ACT, Australia.",
"LA - eng",
"PT - Journal Article",
"DEP - 20191018",
"PL - England",
"TA - Res Synth Methods",
"JT - Research synthesis methods",
"JID - 101543738",
"SB - IM",
"OT - data visualization",
"OT - meta-analysis",
"OT - natural language processing",
"OT - systematic review",
"OT - topic models",
"EDAT- 2019/07/30 06:00",
"MHDA- 2019/07/30 06:00",
"CRDT- 2019/07/30 06:00",
"PHST- 2019/02/25 00:00 [received]",
"PHST- 2019/06/12 00:00 [revised]",
"PHST- 2019/07/23 00:00 [accepted]",
"PHST- 2019/07/30 06:00 [pubmed]",
"PHST- 2019/07/30 06:00 [medline]",
"PHST- 2019/07/30 06:00 [entrez]",
"AID - 10.1002/jrsm.1374 [doi]",
"PST - ppublish",
"SO - Res Synth Methods. 2019 Dec;10(4):606-614. doi: 10.1002/jrsm.1374. Epub 2019 Oct ",
" 18."
tmp1 <- tempfile(pattern = "eviatlas")
tmp2 <- tempfile(pattern = "litsearchr")
tmp3 <- tempfile(pattern = "res_synth")
writeLines(eviatlas, tmp1)
writeLines(litsearchr, tmp2)
writeLines(res_synth_methods, tmp3)
df <-
read_refs(c(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3), return_df = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
expect(nrow(df) == 4,
"Number of imported example files differs from expectation")
expect(any(grep("EviAtlas", df[1,])), "First article is not expected article")
expect(any(grep("litsearchr", df[2,])), "Second article is not expected article")
expect(any(grep("robvis", df[3,])), "Third article is not expected article")
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