
#' notifies job status
#' sends tweets to users about the job status
#' @param jobRun the function call to evaluate (default is empty function)
#' @param jobID text string to associate with job call
#' @param userID the users to notify as a character vector. See Details for more information.
#' @param addNow add current date-time to tweet text
#' @param testTweet if TRUE, print the tweets instead of actually tweeting them
#' @details 
#' To send the same tweet to multiple users separately, pass in a character
#' vector of \code{userID}s, in the form of \code{c("userID1", "userID2")}.
#' A single tweet to multiple users 
#' can be done instead by supplying a \code{userID} of the form \code{("userID1 userID2")}.
#' Note that the \code{jobID} will be truncated to make the text fit into Twitter's
#' 140 character limit. Also, setting \code{addNow = FALSE} is generally a bad idea
#' because the time at second resolution makes the tweet text unique, which in turn
#' will keep Twitter from blocking the tweets.
#' @export
#' @importFrom twitteR tweet
#' @importFrom lubridate now
jobNotify <- function(jobRun = function(){}, jobID, userID = "", addNow = TRUE, testTweet = FALSE){
  outData <- tryCatch(jobRun, 
                      error = function(c){
                        outData <- conditionMessage(c)
                        outData <- invisible(structure(outData, class = "job-error"))
  jobStatus <- "COMPLETED"
  if (class(outData) == "job-error"){
    jobStatus <- "ERRORED OUT"
  t <- ""
  if (addNow){
    t <- now()
  tweetTexts <- vapply(userID, constructTweet, character(1), jobID, jobStatus, t)
  if (!testTweet){
    lapply(tweetTexts, tweet)
  } else {
    lapply(tweetTexts, print)
  if (class(outData) == "job-error"){
  } else {

#' notify after
#' Instead of wrapping the function call into the tweet notify call, call it after
#' and check for any errors using \code{geterrmessage}.

#' constructs and checks tweets
#' given a userID, jobID, status text and datestring, constructs a tweet where the tweet
#' length is <= 140 characters, trimming the jobID as necessary to make everything fit.
#' @param userID the userID to tweet to
#' @param jobID text string identifying the job
#' @param jobStatus the job status
#' @param dateString the date string to add to the tweet
#' @param charAllow the number of characters allowed in a tweet (currently 140)
#' @return character string
constructTweet <- function(userID, jobID, jobStatus, dateString, charAllow = 140){
  nUser <- nchar(userID)
  nJob <- nchar(jobID)
  nStatus <- nchar(jobStatus)
  nDate <- nchar(dateString)
  totalChar <- nchar(userID) + nchar(jobID) + nchar(jobStatus) + nchar(dateString) + 3
  ellipsChar <- 5
  if (totalChar >= charAllow){
    nJobAllow <- charAllow - ellipsChar - nUser - nStatus - nDate - 5
    jobID <- paste(substring(jobID, 1, nJobAllow), " ...", sep = "")
  return(paste(userID, jobID, jobStatus, dateString, sep = " "))
rmflight/tweetJobStatus documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:32 a.m.