
# You can learn more about package authoring with RStudio at:
#   http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/
# Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:
#   Build and Reload Package:  'Cmd + Shift + B'
#   Check Package:             'Cmd + Shift + E'
#   Test Package:              'Cmd + Shift + T'
#' Team statistics of NFL teams for years 1966 through 2014.
#' @format A dataframe with 10,653 rows and 13 variables:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{Week}{Week of NFL season}
#'  \item{Day}{Day of week game was played}
#'  \item{Date}{Date game was played}
#'  \item{Col4}{Score type (boxscore)}
#'  \item{Winner/tie}{Name of the team that won or tied}
#'  \item{Col6}{Flag that indicates the winning team is the home team if it
#'  is \@ and it is the away team if it is NA}
#'  \item{Loser/tie}{Name of the team that lost or tied}
#'  \item{PtsW}{Number of points for the winner}
#'  \item{PtsL}{Number of points for the loser}
#'  \item{YdsW}{Yards of offence for the winner}
#'  \item{TOW}{Turnovers by winner}
#'  \item{YdsL}{Yards of offence for loser}
#'  \item{TOL}{Turnovers by loser}}
#' Takes values from a database connection string and returns a database
#' connection object to the local NFL database.
#' @param host character string with hostname or IP address
#' @param port character string with the database port number
#' @param dbname character string of the name of the database to connect
#' @param user character string of the username
#' @param pwd character string of the user's password
#' @return A database connection object for the \code{nfl} local database.
#' @import DBI
#' @import RPostgreSQL
#' @export
connectDB <- function(host = "localhost", port = "5432",
                        dbname = "nfl", user = "msharp",
                        pwd = "nflpassword") {
  # Set the driver
  drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")

  # Open connection to database
  conn <- dbConnect(drv,
                      host = host,
                      port = port,
                      dbname = dbname,
                      user = user,
                      password = pwd)
#' Checks to see if one or more postgreSQL tables exists in the PostgreSQL
#' database returns logical vector with TRUE if a table exists and FALSE if
#' it does not.
#' @param conn database connection object
#' @param table_names character vector
#' @import RPostgreSQL
#' @import stringi
#' @export
does_postgreSQL_table_exist <- function(conn, table_names) {
  tables_exist <- logical(length(table_names))
  for (i in seq_along(table_names)) {
    sql_txt <- stri_c("SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r'
                    AND relname = '", table_names[i], "'
                      AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(oid) LIMIT 1")
    status <- dbFetch(dbSendQuery(conn, sql_txt))
    tables_exist[i] <- length(status) == 1
#' Takes start_year and last_year (defaults to current year) and returns
#' an integer vector representing a set of consecutive years.
#' @param start_year integer vector of length 1 indication first year for
#' which to get NFL data.
#' @param last_year integer vector of length 1 indication last year for
#' which to get NFL data.
#' @return integer vector representing consecutive years.
#' @export
get_years <- function(start_year = 1966,
                      last_year = as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))) {
#' Returns NFL regular season team statistics from the web.
#' Takes an integer vector representing consecutive years and data found
#' at \url{"http://www.pro-football-reference.com} and returns in a
#' dataframe the NFL team statistics for the regular season games in those
#' years.
#' @param years integer vector of four digit version of a years
#' @return dataframe with NFL team data for all years
#' @import stringi
#' @import XML
#' @seealso \code{get_nfl_data_from_postgreSQL} and
#' \code{get_nfl_data_from_excel} for alternative functions returning NFL
#' team statistics.
#' @export
get_nfl_data_from_web <- function(years) {
  df_games <- data.frame()
  for (year in years) {
    ## Get the raw HTML data
    tables <- suppressWarnings(readHTMLTable(
             year, "/games.htm"), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    tmp_games <- tables[["games"]] # ignoring games left
    tmp_games[tmp_games[ , 6] == "", 6] <- NA
    tmp_games$Date <- as.Date(paste(tmp_games$Date, year, sep = ", "),
                              "%B %d, %Y")
    df_games <- rbind(df_games, tmp_games)
  names(df_games) <- c("Week", "Day", "Date", "Col4", "Winner/tie", "Col6",
                       "Loser/tie", "PtsW", "PtsL", "YdsW", "TOW", "YdsL",
#' Runs java garbage collection
#' @import rJava
#' @return NULL
jgc <- function() {
  rJava::.jcall("java/lang/System", method = "gc")
#' Returns NFL regular season team statistics from Excel file.
#' Takes an integer vector representing consecutive years and returns a
#' dataframe with NFL team statictics from each year found in the Excel file.
#' @param years integer vector of four digit years.
#' @return dataframe of NFL game data from local Excel file.
#' @import stringi
#' @import readxl
#' @import XLConnect
#' @seealso \code{get_nfl_data_from_postgreSQL} and
#' \code{get_nfl_data_from_web} for alternative functions returning NFL
#' team statistics.
#' @export
get_nfl_data_from_excel <- function(years) {
  options(java.parameters = "-Xmx4g")
  excel_file <- "inst/extdata/NFL_Reference.xlsx"
  wb <- loadWorkbook(filename = excel_file)
  nfl <- data.frame()
  for (year in as.character(years)) {
    ## Excel data
    if (existsSheet(wb, year)) {
      #tmp_nfl <- readWorksheetFromFile(file = excel_file, sheet = year,
       #                                check.names = FALSE)
      tmp_nfl <- suppressWarnings(
        read_excel(path = excel_file, sheet = as.character(year),
                   na = "", col_types = c(rep("text", 2), "date",
                                          rep("text", 10))))
      names(tmp_nfl) <- c("Week", "Day", "Date", "Col4", "Winner/tie", "Col6",
                           "Loser/tie", "PtsW", "PtsL", "YdsW", "TOW", "YdsL",
      tmp_nfl$Date <- as.Date(stri_c(year, stri_sub(tmp_nfl$Date, 5, 10)))
    } else {
      warning(stri_c("Excel file: ", excel_file, " does not have sheet: '",
                     year, "'."))
    nfl <- rbind(nfl, tmp_nfl)
#' Get all the scores from the postgreSQL \emph{nfl} database.
#' Takes a database connection object to the \emph{nfl} database, selects all of
#' the data found in the \code{scores} table, and returns a
#' dataframe with NFL team statictics from each year.
#' @return dataframe of NFL game data from postgreSQL database table.
#' @param conn database connection object
#' @import RPostgreSQL
#' @seealso \code{get_nfl_data_from_web} and
#' \code{get_nfl_data_from_excel} for alternative functions returning NFL
#' team statistics.
#' @export
get_nfl_data_from_postgreSQL <- function(conn) {
  if (does_postgreSQL_table_exist(conn, "scores")) {
    nfl_df <- dbFetch(dbSendQuery(conn,"select * from scores"))
  } else {
    stop("The postgreSQL database table 'scores' was not found.")
#' Returns dataframe of regular season games by removing extra headings,
#' playoff games, the by week, and any blank lines.
#' @param df_games dataframe of NFL game data
#' @export
get_regular_season_games <- function(df_games) {
  ### Remove additional headlines, playoff games, by week, and blank lines
  df_games <- suppressWarnings(df_games[
    !is.na(as.numeric(as.character(df_games$Week))), ])
  df_games <- df_games[df_games[,4] != "", ]
#' Returns dataframe with selected columns converted from character or factor
#' to numeric.
#' If the column contains values that cannot be converted to a numeric value,
#' they will be coerced to NAs and a warning will be generated.
#' @param my_df dataframe with columns.
#' @param cols character vector with column names of columns to be converted
#' to numeric.
#' @import stringi
#' @export
factor_to_numeric <- function(my_df, cols) {
  if (!all(suppressWarnings(sapply(cols, function(col) {
    any(stri_detect_fixed(colnames(my_df), col))}))))
    stop("All columns must be in the dataframe.")
  for (col in cols) {
    my_df[ , col] <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(as.character(my_df[ , col])))
#' Changes NFL game results for Winning and Losing team format to Home and Away
#' format.
#' @return dataframe of NFL game results with team names and results switched
#' according to game location. Changes NFL game results for Winning and Losing
#' team format to Home and Away format.
#' @param my_df dataframe with NFL game results
#' @param new_col character vector with the names of the new dataframe
#' columns
#' @param take_first logical vector of length equal to \code{nrow(my_df)}.
#' TRUE indicates that the loser is the Home team and columns indicated by
#' \code{replace_1} are assigned to \code{new_col} otherwise \code{replace_2}
#' is.
#' @param replace_1 character vector of the losing team results in an order
#' that corresponds to the winning team result columns in replace_2
#' @param replace_2 character vector of the losing team results in an order
#' that corresponds to the winning team result columns in replace_1
#' @examples
#' data(nfl)
#' home_away_cols <- c("Home", "Away", "PtsH", "PtsA", "YdsH", "YdsA", "TOH", "TOA")
#'   nfl <-
#' win_lose_2_home_away(nfl,
#'                      take_first = !is.na(nfl$Col6),
#'                      new_col = home_away_cols,
#'                      replace_1 = c("Loser/tie", "Winner/tie", "PtsL",
#'                                    "PtsW", "YdsL", "YdsW", "TOL",
#'                                    "TOW"),
#'                      replace_2 = c("Winner/tie", "Loser/tie", "PtsW",
#'                                    "PtsL", "YdsW", "YdsL", "TOW",
#'                                    "TOL"))

#' @export
win_lose_2_home_away <- function(my_df, take_first, new_col, replace_1,
                                 replace_2) {
  for (i in seq_along(replace_1)) {
    my_df[new_col[i]] <- NA
    my_df[take_first, new_col[i]] <-
      my_df[take_first, replace_1[i]]
    my_df[!take_first, new_col[i]] <-
      my_df[!take_first, replace_2[i]]

#' Returns a dataframe of NFL game data harvested from web.
#' @return dataframe with NFL game data from one year of regular season games
#' @param years integer vector of years for which to collect data.
#' @export
harvest_nfl_game_stats <- function(years) {
  df_games <- get_nfl_data_from_web(years)
  ## Clean up data
  df_games <- get_regular_season_games(df_games)
  ### Add missing column names

  ### Set correct variable types
  df_games <- factor_to_numeric(df_games, c("Week", "PtsW", "PtsL", "YdsW",
                                            "YdsL", "TOW", "TOL"))
  df_games$`Winner/tie` <- as.character(df_games$`Winner/tie`)
  df_games$`Loser/tie` <- as.character(df_games$`Loser/tie`)

  ## Recode data
  home_away_cols <- c("Home", "Away", "PtsH", "PtsA", "YdsH", "YdsA", "TOH",
  df_games <-
                         new_col = home_away_cols,
                         take_first = !is.na(df_games$Col6),
                         replace_1 = c("Loser/tie", "Winner/tie", "PtsL",
                                       "PtsW", "YdsL", "YdsW", "TOL",
                         replace_2 = c("Winner/tie", "Loser/tie", "PtsW",
                                       "PtsL", "YdsW", "YdsL", "TOW",
  ### Remove unnessesary columns
  df_games[ , c("Week", "Date", home_away_cols)]

#' Update the postgreSQL database \code{nfl} with one or more seasons of team
#' data within a dataframe
#' @param nfl_db database connection object
#' @param df_games dataframe with regular sesson NFL team results.
#' @import DBI
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
update_db_with_new <- function(nfl_db, df_games) {
  ## If run in update mode, get the last db entry and only add new data
  sql <- stri_c("select Date, Home
         from scores
         WHERE Date = (select max(Date) from scores);")
  last.results <- dbFetch(dbSendQuery(nfl_db, sql))
  df_games <- df_games %>%
    filter(Date > max(last.results$Date))

  dbWriteTable(nfl_db, name = "scores", df_games, append = TRUE,
               row.names = FALSE)
#' Makes an incidence matrix using wins and losses found in the
#' supplied dataframe.
#' @param df dataframe of game statistics in Home Away format.
#' @param w numeric vector of weights used in making the incidence matrix
#' @return list with colley matrix and dataframe with results for colley matrix
#' @export
get_incidence_matrix <- function(df, w) {
  ## Create a incidence matrix
  ## Start with an empty matrix
  A <- matrix(nrow = nlevels(df$Home), ncol = nlevels(df$Home), 0)

  ## Compare results of home and away team and set set 1 for the winner
  ## where is row the home team and column the away team with the index number
  ## equal to the factor of the variable.
  for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    # Get the position of the current team in the matrix
    a <- as.numeric(df$Home[i])
    b <- as.numeric(df$Away[i])

    # Fill in the values
    if (df$PtsH[i] > df$PtsA[i]) {
      A[a, b] <- A[a, b] + 1 * w[i]
    } else if (df$PtsH[i] < df$PtsA[i]) {
      A[b, a] <- A[b, a] + 1 * w[i]
    } else {
      A[a, b] <- A[a, b] + 0.5 * w[i]
      A[b, a] <- A[b, a] + 0.5 * w[i]
  B <- A
  # Get the position of the current team in the matrix
  a <- as.numeric(df$Home)
  b <- as.numeric(df$Away)

  # Fill in the values
  home <- df$PtsH > df$PtsA
  away <- df$PtsH < df$PtsA
  tie <- !(home | away)
  B[a[home], b[home]] <- B[a[home], b[home]] + 1 * w[home]
  B[b[away], a[away]] <- B[b[away], a[away]] + 1 * w[away]
  B[a[tie], b[tie]] <- B[a[tie], b[tie]] + 0.5 * w[tie]
  B[b[tie], a[tie]] <- B[b[tie], a[tie]] + 0.5 * w[tie]
  if (all(A == B)) {
    print("A and B are identical")
#' Uses the dataframe of NFL game statistics, a weighting value,

#' @param df dataframe with game statistics
#' @param gamma do not know what this is yet
#' @param week do not know what this is used for
#' @import fBasics
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
get_colley <- function(df, gamma = 1, week = 2) {
  # Prepare data for the calculations

  suppressWarnings(df$Week[is.na(as.numeric(df$Week))] <- 18)

  ## Set team names to factors for sorting in matrix
  df$Home <- as.factor(df$Home)
  df$Away <- as.factor(df$Away)

  ## Define a weight
  w <- pmax((Sign(as.numeric(df$Week) - (week - 0.5)) * gamma), 1)

  A <- get_incidence_matrix(df, w)

  # Colley Calculations
  ## Create colley matrix
  colley.m <- -(A + t(A)) + diag(rowSums(A) + colSums(A) + 2)

  ## Create result data frame
  colley.r <-
        TeamID = levels(sort(df$Home)), # Name of the team
        Wins = rowSums(A), # How many wins
        Loss = colSums(A), # How many loss
        WinP = rowSums(A) / (Wins + Loss), # win-loss ratio
        Colley = solve(colley.m, (0.5 * (rowSums(A) - colSums(A)) + 1)) # solved colley equation

  list(colly.r = colley.r, colley.m = colley.m)
rmsharp/sportsanalyticsr documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:56 a.m.