
# Beware. Here lie meta-tests.

bag_of_objects <- list(force, 1, NULL, "foo", list(), new.env())

describe("invalid inputs", {
  lapply(Filter(Negate(is.character), bag_of_objects), function(object) {
    test_that(paste("it fails when test_engine is called with a", class(object)), {
      expect_error(test_engine(object), "Please pass a")

describe("missing tests", {
  test_that("it fails due to missing tests for the engines1 project", {
    expect_error(test_engine("projects/engines1/main"), "Tests are missing")
    expect_error(test_engine("projects/engines1/main"), "main_resource")

describe("missing tests can be overwritten using optional tests", {
  test_that("it does not fail due to missing tests for the optional_tests project", {

describe("passing tests", {
  test_that("it passes with a simple example test", {

  test_that("it passes with a calculation of pi", {

describe("failing tests", {
  has_failed_test <- function(test_summary) {
    any(vapply(test_summary, function(summand) {
      any(vapply(summand[[1L]]$results, function(result) {
        # The former condition is backwards-compatible with older versions of testthat
        identical(result$passed, FALSE) ||
        is(result, "expectation_failure")
      }, logical(1)))
    }, logical(1)))

  test_that("it fails with a simple example test", {
    # TODO: (RK) Prevent test suite reporter mangling.
    sink(tempfile()); on.exit(sink())
                                            error_on_failure = FALSE)))

describe("setup hook", {
  test_that("it fails with a setup hook failure", {
    expect_error(test_engine("projects/test_simple_setup_failure"), "setup test hook failed")

describe("teardown hook", {
  test_that("it fails with a teardown hook failure", {
    expect_error(test_engine("projects/test_simple_teardown_failure"), "teardown test hook failed")
robertzk/syberia documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:37 a.m.