
Defines functions create_file_structure within_file_structure

Documented in create_file_structure within_file_structure

#' Create a file structure for tests.
#' A helper function for creating hierarchical file structures
#' when, e.g., testing functions which rely on presence of files.
#' For example, when files need to be present for a function we are testing,
#' it would be very cumbersome to create these files manually. Instead, we can
#' do the following:
#' \code{test_dir <- create_file_structure(list(dir1 = list('file1',
#'    file2.r = 'print("Sample R code")'), file3.csv = "a,b,c\n1,2,3"))}
#' with the return value being a test directory containing these structured files.
#' An additional feature is that expressions can be evaluated within the scope
#' of the hierarchical files existing, with the files getting deleted after
#' the expression executes:
#' \code{create_file_structure(list(a = "hello\nworld"),
#'   cat(readLines(file.path(tempdir, 'a'))[[2]]))}
#' The above will print \code{"world"}. (\code{tempdir} is set automatically
#' within the scope of the expression to the directory that was created for
#' the temporary files.)
#' @param files character or list or NULL. A nested file structure. The names of the
#'    list will decide the names of the files, and the terminal nodes should be
#'    strings which will populate the file bodies. One can also specify a
#'    character (for example, \code{files = c('a','b','c')} will create three
#'    files with those filenames). By default, \code{files = NULL} in which case
#'    simply an empty directory will be created.
#' @param expr expression. An expression to evaluate within which the files
#'    should exist, but outside of which the files should be unlinked. If
#'    missing, the directory of the will be returned. Otherwise, the
#'    value obtained in this expression will be returned.
#' @param dir character. The directory in which to create the files. If
#'    missing, a temporary directory will be created instead using
#'    the built-in \code{tempfile()} helper.
#' @return the directory in which this file structure exists, if \code{expr}
#'    is not missing. If \code{expr} was provided, its return value will be
#'    returned instead.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   library(testthat)
#'   test_dir <- create_file_structure(list(test = 'blah', 'test2'))
#'   # Now test_dir is the location of a directory containing a file 'test'
#'   # with the string 'blah' and an empty file 'test2'.
#'   test_dir <- create_file_structure(list(alphabet = as.list(LETTERS)))
#'   # Now test_dir is the location of a directory containing a subdirectory
#'   # 'alphabet' with the files 'A', 'B', ..., 'Z' (all empty).
#'   test_dir <- create_file_structure(list(a = 'hello'), {
#'     cat(readLines(file.path(tempdir, 'a')))
#'   })
#' }
create_file_structure <- function(files, expr, dir) {
  if (missing(files)) files <- NULL
  files <- as.list(files)

  if (missing(dir)) {
    dir <- tempfile() 
  dir.create(dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  lapply(seq_along(files), function(i) {
    name_is_blank <- function(x)
      !(is.character(x) && length(x) == 1 && !is.na(x) && nchar(x) > 0)
    if (name_is_blank(name <- names(files)[i]) && !is.character(files[[i]])) {
      stop("You must either provide a filename as the name of a list element, ",
           "or a character list element itself.")

    if (name_is_blank(name)) { name <- files[[i]]; body <- '' }
    else body <- files[[i]]

    if (!any(sapply(c('list', 'NULL', 'character'), is, object = body))) {
      stop("Only NULL, character, or list values are allowed in the nested list.")

    if (is.list(body)) {
      dir.create(subdir <- file.path(dir, name),
                 showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
      create_file_structure(body, dir = subdir)
    } else writeLines(body %||% '', file.path(dir, name))

  if (!missing(expr)) {
    value <- eval.parent(substitute({
      tempdir <- dir
    unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
  } else dir

#' An alias for create_file_structure that only allows expressions.
#' @rdname create_file_structure
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(testthat)
#' expect_output(within_file_structure(list(a = 'hello'), {
#'   cat(readLines(file.path(tempdir, 'a')))
#' }), 'hello')
#' # The above will create a directory with a file named "a" containing the string
#' # 'hello', print it by reading the file, and then unlink the directory.
within_file_structure <- function(files, expr, dir) {
  if (missing(expr))
    stop("You must provide an expression to evaluate for ",
  eval.parent(substitute(testthatsomemore::create_file_structure(files, expr, dir)))
robertzk/testthatsomemore documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:38 a.m.