
Defines functions simulate_demand

Documented in simulate_demand simulate_demand

simulate_demand <-
	n <- nyears*seasondays*periods

	# forecast demand difference of annual average demand
	afit <- predict(sim$a,newdata=afcast,se=TRUE)
	avar <- afit$se^2 + summary(sim$a)$sigma^2
	# rnorm
	afit <- rep(rnorm(nyears,afit$fit,sqrt(avar)),each=seasondays*periods)

	# total below should equal to sim$demand
	total <- c(sim$hhfit)+c(sim$hhres)
	# use log for both annual and half-hourly sim
	dem <- exp(total[1:n]) * afit
	annmax <- blockstat(dem,seasondays,max,fill=FALSE,periods=periods)
	dem <- matrix(dem,nrow=seasondays*periods,byrow=FALSE)
robjhyndman/MEFM-package documentation built on June 14, 2024, 11:20 a.m.