
Defines functions anomaly findnextoutlier

Documented in anomaly

anomaly <- function(x, n = 10, method = c("hdr", "ahull"), robust = TRUE, 
    ordered=FALSE, plot = TRUE, labels = TRUE, col) {
  # x: a matrix returned by `tsmeasures` function
  nc <- nrow(x)
  if (nc < n) {
    stop("Your n is too large.")
  x[is.infinite(x)] <- NA # ignore inf values
  naomit.x <- na.omit(x) # ignore missing values
  na.act <- na.action(naomit.x)
  if (is.null(na.act)) {
    avl <- 1:nc
  } else {
    avl <- (1:nc)[-na.action(naomit.x)]
  method <- match.arg(method)
  # robust PCA space (scaling version)
  if (robust) {
    rbt.pca <- pcaPP::PCAproj(naomit.x, k = 2, center = mean, scale = sd)
  } else {
    rbt.pca <- princomp(scale(naomit.x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE), 
                        cor = TRUE)
  scores <- rbt.pca$scores[,1:2] #make non-robust PCA work, prevent dimension mismatch below
  scoreswNA <- matrix(, nrow = nc, ncol = 2)
  scoreswNA[avl, ] <- scores[, 1:2]
  tmp.idx <- vector(length = n)
  if (method == "hdr") {
    ordered <- TRUE
    hdrinfo <- hdrcde::hdr.2d(x = scores[, 1], y = scores[, 2], 
                              kde.package = "ks")
    tmp.idx <- order(hdrinfo$fxy)[1:n]
    main <- "Lowest densities on anomalies"
  } else { # alpha hull using binary split
    if(ordered) { # slower
      tmp.idx <-  numeric(length=n)
      nextout <- findnextoutlier(scores, 10, NULL, 1)
      tmp.idx[1] <- nextout$outlier
      if(n > 1)
        for(i in 2:n)
          nextout <- findnextoutlier(scores, nextout$alpha, tmp.idx[1:(i-1)])
          tmp.idx[i] <- nextout$outlier
    else {
      tmp.idx <- findnextoutlier(scores, 10, NULL, n)$outlier
    main <- "alpha-hull on anomalies"
  idx <- avl[tmp.idx] # Put back with NA
  if (plot) {
    if (missing(col)) {
      col <- c("grey", "darkblue")
    } else {
      lencol <- length(col)
      if (lencol == 1L) {
        col <- rep(col, 2)
      } else {
        col <- unique(col)[1:2]
    xrange <- range(scores[, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
    yrange <- range(scores[, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
    plot(x = scores[-tmp.idx, 1], y = scores[-tmp.idx, 2], 
         pch = 19, col = col[1L], xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", main = main,
         xlim = xrange, ylim = yrange)
    points(scores[tmp.idx, 1], scores[tmp.idx, 2], 
           col = col[2L], pch = 17)
    if (labels & ordered) {
      text(scores[tmp.idx, 1] + 0.3, scores[tmp.idx, 2], 
           col = col[2L], label = 1:length(idx), cex = 1.2)
    return(invisible(structure(list(index = idx, scores = scoreswNA))))
    return(structure(list(index = idx, scores = scoreswNA)))

# Function to find the next nfind most outlying points in 2d pc space
# given those already found are indexed by outliers and
# the value of alpha corresponding to the last outlier was highalpha

findnextoutlier <- function(scores, highalpha, outliers, nfind=1)
  niter <- 500
  first <- 0
  last <- highalpha
  len.out <- 0
  numiter <- 0
  n <- length(outliers)+nfind
  while (len.out != n && (numiter <- numiter + 1) <= niter) {
    fit <- alphahull::ahull(scores, alpha = half <- (first + last)/2)
    radius <- fit$arcs[, 3]
    check <- radius == 0
    len.out <- length(radius[check])
    if (len.out >= 1 && len.out <= n) {
      xpos <- fit$arcs[check, 1]
      xidx <- which(is.element(scores[, 1], xpos))
      tmp.idx <- xidx
    if (len.out >= 0 && len.out <= n) {
      last <- half
    } else {
      first <- half
  if(numiter > niter)
    stop("Too hard. Please reduce the number of outliers requested")
  newoutlier <- setdiff(tmp.idx, outliers)
  if(length(newoutlier) != nfind)
    stop("Found too many or too few outliers")
  return(list(outlier=newoutlier, alpha=half))
robjhyndman/anomalous-acm documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:40 a.m.