
Defines functions an ac .onAttach

#FLR4MFCL - R4MFCL built with FLR classes
#Copyright (C) 2018  Rob Scott

# zzz.R
# FLR4MFCL/R/zzz.R

.onAttach <- function(lib,pkg) {
  pkgdesc <- packageDescription("FLR4MFCL")
  builddate <- gsub(';.*$', '', pkgdesc$Packaged)
  if(length(builddate) == 0)
    builddate <- date()
#  packageStartupMessage(paste("FLR4MFCL (Version ", pkgdesc$Version, ", packaged: ", builddate, "): Pissing with the big dogs", sep = ""))
  packageStartupMessage(paste("FLR4MFCL ", pkgdesc$Version, "(",builddate,")"," -- "," 'anonymous albacore'", sep = ""))  

# ac
ac <- function(x, ...)
  as.character(x, ...)

# an
an <- function(x, ...)
  as.numeric(x, ...)
robscott3/FLR4MFCL documentation built on April 9, 2024, 3:31 p.m.