
Defines functions ts2clm

Documented in ts2clm

#' Make a climatology from a daily time series.
#' Creates a daily climatology from a time series of daily temperatures using a
#' user-specified sliding window for the mean and threshold calculation, followed
#' by an optional moving average smoother as used by Hobday et al. (2016).
#' @import Rcpp
#' @importFrom data.table %between%
#' @useDynLib heatwaveR
#' @param data A data frame with two columns. In the default setting (i.e. omitting
#' the arguments \code{x} and \code{y}; see immediately below), the data set is
#' expected to have the headers \code{t} and \code{temp}. The \code{t} column is a
#' vector of dates of class \code{Date}, while \code{temp} is the measured variable
#' (by default it is assumed to be temperature). Note that one may also provide
#' hourly time series with the class \code{POSIXct}, but these values must be
#' in even hourly steps (e.g. 2012-01-22 23:00:00 not 2012-01-22 23:01:33).
#' @param x This column is expected to contain a vector of dates. If a column
#' headed \code{t} is present in the dataframe, this argument may be omitted;
#' otherwise, specify the name of the column with dates here.
#' @param y This is a column containing the measurement variable. If the column
#' name differs from the default (i.e. \code{temp}), specify the name here.
#' @param climatologyPeriod Required. To this argument should be passed two values
#' (see example below). The first value should be the chosen date for the start of
#' the climatology period, and the second value the end date of said period. This
#' chosen period (preferably 30 years in length) is then used to calculate the
#' seasonal cycle and the extreme value threshold. Note that these values are
#' always provided as dates, even if hourly data are being input into the function.
#' @param maxPadLength Specifies the maximum length of days over which to
#' interpolate (pad) missing data (specified as \code{NA}) in the input
#' temperature time series; i.e., any consecutive blocks of NAs with length
#' greater than \code{maxPadLength} will be left as \code{NA}. The default is
#' \code{FALSE}. Set as an integer to interpolate. Setting \code{maxPadLength}
#' to \code{TRUE} will return an error. Note that this will be the number of hours
#' over which to interpolate if an hourly time series is provided.
#' @param windowHalfWidth Width of sliding window about day-of-year (to one
#' side of the center day-of-year) used for the pooling of values and
#' calculation of climatology and threshold percentile. Default is \code{5}
#' days, which gives a window width of 11 days centred on the 6th day of the
#' series of 11 days. Note that this will be the number of hours
#' over which to smooth if an hourly time series is provided.
#' @param pctile Threshold percentile (\%) for detection of events (MHWs).
#' Default is \code{90}th percentile. Should the intent be to use these
#' threshold data for MCSs, set \code{pctile = 10}. Or some other low value.
#' @param smoothPercentile Boolean switch selecting whether to smooth the
#' climatology and threshold percentile time series with a moving average of
#' \code{smoothPercentileWidth}. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param smoothPercentileWidth Full width of moving average window for smoothing
#' climatology and threshold. The default is \code{31}.
#' @param clmOnly Choose to calculate and return only the climatologies.
#' The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param var This argument has been introduced to allow the user to choose if
#' the variance of the seasonal signal per doy should be calculated. The default of
#' \code{FALSE} will prevent the calculation, potentially increasing speed of calculations
#' on gridded data and reducing the size of the output. The variance was initially
#' introduced as part of the standard output from Hobday et al. (2016), but few
#' researchers use it and so it is generally regarded now as unnecessary.
#' @param roundClm This argument allows the user to choose how many decimal places
#' the \code{seas} and \code{thresh} outputs will be rounded to. Default is 4. To
#' prevent rounding set \code{roundClm = FALSE}. This argument may only be given
#' numeric values or FALSE.
#' @param returnDF The default (\code{TRUE}) tells the function to return the results as
#' type \code{data.frame}. \code{FALSE} will return the results as a \code{data.table}.
#' @details
#' \enumerate{
#' \item This function assumes that the input time series consists of continuous
#' daily values with few missing values. Time ranges which start and end
#' part-way through the calendar year are supported.
#' \item It is recommended that a period of at least 30 years is specified in
#' order to produce a climatology that smooths out any decadal thermal
#' periodicities that may be present. When calculated over at least 30 years of
#' data, such a climatology is called a 'climatological normal.' It is further
#' advised that full the start and end dates for the climatology period result
#' in full years, e.g. "1982-01-01" to "2011-12-31" or "1982-07-01" to
#' "2012-06-30"; if not, this may result in an unequal weighting of data
#' belonging with certain months within a time series. A daily climatology will
#' be created; that is, the climatology will be comprised of one mean
#' temperature for each day of the year (365 or 366 days, depending on how
#' leap years are dealt with), and the mean will be based on a sample size that
#' is a function of the length of time determined by the start and end values
#' given to \code{climatologyPeriod} and the width of the sliding window
#' specified in \code{windowHalfWidth}.
#' \item This function supports leap years. This is done by ignoring Feb 29s
#' for the initial calculation of the climatology and threshold. The values
#' for Feb 29 are then linearly interpolated from the values for Feb 28 and
#' Mar 1.
#' \item Previous versions of \code{ts2clm()} tested to see if some rows are
#' duplicated, or if replicate temperature readings are present per day, but
#' this has now been disabled. Should the user be concerned about such repeated
#' measurements, we suggest that the necessary checks and fixes are implemented
#' prior to feeding the time series to \code{ts2clm()}.
#' }
#' The original Python algorithm was written by Eric Oliver, Institute for
#' Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Feb 2015, and is
#' documented by Hobday et al. (2016).
#' @return The function will return a tibble (see the \code{tidyverse}) with the
#' input time series and the newly calculated climatology. The climatology contains
#' the daily climatology and the threshold for calculating MHWs. The software was
#' designed for creating climatologies of daily temperatures, and the units
#' specified below reflect that intended purpose. However, various other kinds
#' of climatologies may be created, and if that is the case, the appropriate
#' units need to be determined by the user.
#'   \item{doy}{Julian day (day-of-year). For non-leap years it runs 1...59 and
#'   61...366, while leap years run 1...366.}
#'   \item{t}{The date vector in the original time series supplied in \code{data}. If
#'   an alternate column was provided to the \code{x} argument, that name will rather
#'   be used for this column.}
#'   \item{temp}{The measurement vector as per the the original \code{data} supplied
#'   to the function. If a different column was given to the \code{y} argument that
#'   will be shown here.}
#'   \item{seas}{Daily climatological cycle [deg. C].}
#'   \item{thresh}{Daily varying threshold (e.g., 90th
#'   percentile) [deg. C]. This is used in \code{\link{detect_event}} for the
#'   detection/calculation of events (MHWs).}
#'   \item{var}{Daily varying variance (standard deviation) [deg. C]. This
#'   column is not returned if \code{var = FALSE} (default).}
#' Should \code{clmOnly} be enabled, only the 365 or 366 day climatology will be
#' returned.
#' @author Albertus J. Smit, Robert W. Schlegel, Eric C. J. Oliver
#' @references Hobday, A.J. et al. (2016). A hierarchical approach to defining
#' marine heatwaves, Progress in Oceanography, 141, pp. 227-238,
#' doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2015.12.014
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- ts2clm(sst_WA, climatologyPeriod = c("1983-01-01", "2012-12-31"))
#' res[1:10, ]
#' # Or if one only wants the 366 day climatology
#' res_clim <- ts2clm(sst_WA, climatologyPeriod = c("1983-01-01", "2012-12-31"),
#'                    clmOnly = TRUE)
#' res_clim[1:10, ]
#' # Or if one wants the variance column included in the results
#' res_var <- ts2clm(sst_WA, climatologyPeriod = c("1983-01-01", "2012-12-31"),
#'                   var = TRUE)
#' res_var[1:10, ]
ts2clm <- function(data,
                   x = t,
                   y = temp,
                   maxPadLength = FALSE,
                   windowHalfWidth = 5,
                   pctile = 90,
                   smoothPercentile = TRUE,
                   smoothPercentileWidth = 31,
                   clmOnly = FALSE,
                   var = FALSE,
                   roundClm = 4,
                   returnDF = TRUE) {

  if (missing(climatologyPeriod))
    stop("Oops! Please provide a period (two dates) for calculating the climatology.")
  if (length(climatologyPeriod) != 2)
    stop("Bummer! Please provide BOTH start and end dates for the climatology period.")
  if (maxPadLength != FALSE & !is.numeric(maxPadLength))
    stop("Please ensure that 'maxPadLength' is either FALSE or a numeric/integer value.")
  if (!(is.numeric(pctile)))
    stop("Please ensure that 'pctile' is a numeric/integer value.")
  if (!(is.numeric(windowHalfWidth)))
    stop("Please ensure that 'windowHalfWidth' is a numeric/integer value.")
  if (!(is.logical(smoothPercentile)))
    stop("Please ensure that 'smoothPercentile' is either TRUE or FALSE.")
  if (!(is.numeric(smoothPercentileWidth)))
    stop("Please ensure that 'smoothPercentileWidth' is a numeric/integer value.")
  if (!(is.logical(clmOnly)))
    stop("Please ensure that 'clmOnly' is either TRUE or FALSE.")
  if (!(is.numeric(roundClm))) {
    if (!roundClm == FALSE) {
      stop("Please ensure that 'roundClm' is either a numeric value or FALSE.")

  clim_start <- climatologyPeriod[1]
  clim_end <- climatologyPeriod[2]
  temp <- doy <- hoy <- .SD <-  NULL

  ts_x <- eval(substitute(x), data)
  if (is.null(ts_x) | is.function(ts_x))
    stop("Please ensure that a column named 't' is present in your data.frame or that you have assigned a column to the 'x' argument.")
  ts_y <- eval(substitute(y), data)
  if (is.null(ts_y) | is.function(ts_y))
    stop("Please ensure that a column named 'temp' is present in your data.frame or that you have assigned a column to the 'y' argument.")
  # rm(data) # NB: Need to keep this for the end

  if (!inherits(ts_x[1], "Date"))
    if (!inherits(ts_x[1], "POSIXct"))
      stop("Please ensure your date values are either type 'Date' or 'POSIXct'.
           This may be done with either 'as.Date()' or 'as.POSIXct()'.")
  if (inherits(ts_x[1], "POSIXct")){
    ts_x_hourly <- round(ts_x, units = "hours")
    if (any(!ts_x == ts_x_hourly))
      stop("Please ensure that timesteps are even hours.
           E.g. data$x <- round(data$x, units = 'hours')")
  if (!is.numeric(ts_y[1]))
    stop("Please ensure the temperature values you are providing are type 'num' for numeric.")

  # testing...
  # data <- ts_WA; ts_x <- ts_WA$t; ts_y <- ts_WA$temp
  # data <- ts_WA_hourly; ts_x <- ts_WA_hourly$t; ts_y <- ts_WA_hourly$temp

  ts_xy <- data.table::data.table(ts_x = ts_x, ts_y = ts_y)[base::order(ts_x)]
  rm(list = c("ts_x", "ts_y"))

  ts_whole <- make_whole_fast(ts_xy)

  if (length(stats::na.omit(ts_whole$ts_y)) < length(ts_whole$ts_y) & is.numeric(maxPadLength)) {
    if("hoy" %in% colnames(ts_whole)){
      hoy_col <- ts_whole$hoy
      ts_whole <- na_interp(doy = ts_whole$doy,
                            x = ts_whole$ts_x,
                            y = ts_whole$ts_y,
                            maxPadLength = maxPadLength)
      ts_whole$hoy <- hoy_col; rm(hoy_col)
      data.table::setcolorder(ts_whole, c("doy", "hoy", "ts_x", "ts_y"))
    } else {
      ts_whole <- na_interp(doy = ts_whole$doy,
                            x = ts_whole$ts_x,
                            y = ts_whole$ts_y,
                            maxPadLength = maxPadLength)

  if (ts_whole$ts_x[1] > clim_start)
    stop(paste("The specified start date precedes the first day of series, which is",

  if (clim_end > utils::tail(ts_whole$ts_x, 1))
    stop(paste("The specified end date follows the last day of series, which is",

  if (as.Date(clim_end) - as.Date(clim_start) < 1095)
    stop("The climatologyPeriod must be at least three years to calculate thresholds")

  ts_wide <- clim_spread(ts_whole, clim_start, clim_end, windowHalfWidth)

  if (any(nrow(stats::na.omit(ts_wide)) < nrow(ts_wide) | var | nrow(ts_wide) > 400)) {
    ts_mat <- clim_calc(ts_wide, windowHalfWidth, pctile)
    ts_mat[is.nan(ts_mat)] <- NA
  } else {
    ts_mat <- clim_calc_cpp(ts_wide, windowHalfWidth, pctile)

  if (smoothPercentile) {
    ts_clim <- smooth_percentile(ts_mat, smoothPercentileWidth, var)
  } else {
    ts_clim <- data.table::data.table(ts_mat)

  cols <- names(ts_clim)
  if (is.numeric(roundClm)) {
    ts_clim[,(cols) := round(.SD, roundClm), .SDcols = cols]

  if (clmOnly) {

    if(returnDF) data.table::setDF(ts_clim)

  } else {

    if("hoy" %in% colnames(ts_whole)) {
      data.table::setkey(ts_whole, doy, hoy)
      data.table::setkey(ts_clim, doy, hoy)
    } else {
      data.table::setkey(ts_whole, doy)
      data.table::setkey(ts_clim, doy)

    ts_res <- merge(ts_whole, ts_clim, all = TRUE)
    rm(ts_whole); rm(ts_clim)
    data.table::setorder(ts_res, ts_x)

    if("hoy" %in% colnames(ts_res)) {
      names(ts_res)[3] <- paste(substitute(x))
      names(ts_res)[4] <- paste(substitute(y))
    } else {
      names(ts_res)[2] <- paste(substitute(x))
      names(ts_res)[3] <- paste(substitute(y))

    if (ncol(data) > 2) {
      # It would be better to order the columns
      ts_res <- merge(data, ts_res, all = TRUE)

    if(returnDF) data.table::setDF(ts_res)

robwschlegel/heatwaveR documentation built on April 23, 2024, 10:24 p.m.