
##' Single Verb Quiz
##' This function uses the globally defined verbFile object to run the verb 
##' conjugation quiz.  The verbFile should be a data.table with 5 columns: 
##' category (either person, tense, or verb), word, active, attempts, and 
##' successes.  category is needed as the one file contains the persons (io, tu,
##' ...) to be tested, the verbs to be conjugated, and the tenses to use.
##' @param name The username provided previously.  This is used to specify what 
##'   the verbFile should be saved as (i.e. the file name).
##' @param mode Specify how the function is being run.  If "interactive", then
##'   it's from the command line.  If "shiny", then it's being run from within a
##'   shiny app.
##' @param dataDir The directory where the data files are stored.

wrapVerbQuiz = function(name, mode = "interactive", dataDir = getwd()){
    stopifnot(mode %in% c("interactive", "shiny"))
        verbFile = fread(paste0(dataDir, name, "Verb.csv"))
        verbFile <<- verbFile
    ## Access dataset
    verbFile[, attempts := as.integer(attempts)]
    verbFile[, successes := as.integer(successes)]
    verbFile[, active := as.integer(active)]
    load(paste0(dataDir, "finalVerbDatabase.RData"))
    finalDatabase <<- finalDatabase
    ## Subset verbFile
    filter = verbFile[, active == 1 & (word %in% finalDatabase$italianVerb |
                                       category != "verb")]
    verbFile[filter, successProbability := (successes + 0.5) / (attempts + 1)]
    verbFile[filter, selectProbability :=
                 (1 - successProbability) / sum(1 - successProbability),
             by = category]
    verbFile[filter, cumulativeProbability := cumsum(selectProbability),
             by = category]
    ## persn instead of person to avoid global definition:
    persn <<- verbFile[category == "person" & filter,
                        .(word, cumulativeProbability)]
    tense <<- verbFile[category == "tense" & filter,
                       .(word, cumulativeProbability)]
    verb <<- verbFile[category == "verb" & filter,
                      .(word, cumulativeProbability)]
    if(mode == "interactive"){
        continue = TRUE
        prompt = -1
        while(!prompt %in% 1:1000){
            cat("What would you like to do?\n")
            cat("(1) Quit\n")
            cat("(2-1000) Continue quiz for 2-1000 words\n")
            prompt = readline()
            continue = FALSE
        if(prompt %in% 2:1000){
            for(i in 1:prompt){
                cat(i, "/", prompt)
                verbFile = singleVerbQuiz(verbFile = verbFile)
        ## Update statistics
    } else if(mode == "shiny"){
        # Nothing required, needed objects are defined in global env.
    } else {
        stop("mode currently not implemented!")

rockclimber112358/Italian documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:15 p.m.