
# Helper functions
.l1R <- function(x) sum(abs(x))
.l1Rprox <- function(x, alpha) sign(x) * (abs(x) - alpha) * (abs(x) > alpha)

#' Parse the input to SR3
#' Sets default values and checks types (within reason)
#' @param A double precision real or complex matrix (dimension, say, MxN)
#' @param b double precision real or complex vector (length M)
#' @param m number of rows of A
#' @param n number of columns of A
#' @param ... optional arguments
#' @return List of \code{R} and \code{Rprox}
sr3_parse_input <- function(A, b, m, n) {

  defaultx0 <- matrix(0, n, 1)
  defaultw0 <- matrix(0, n, 1)
  defaultC <- diag(n) # TODO: Convert this to sparse
  defaultlam <- 1.0
  defaultkap <- 1.0
  defaultitm <- 100
  defaulttol <- 1e-6
  defaultptf <- 0
  defaultmode <- '1'
  defaultl0w <- 0.0
  defaultl1w <- 0.0
  defaultl2w <- 0.0
  defaultR <- .l1R
  defaultRprox <- .l1Rprox
  defaultifusenormal <- 0
  defaultifuselsqr <- 0

  isdouble <- function(x) checkmate::expect_double(x)
  isdoublep <- function(x) checkmate::expect_double(x, lower = 0) && all(x > 0)
  isdoublepp <- function(x) checkmate::expect_double(x, lower = 0)
  isdoublem <- function(x) checkmate::expect_double(x, len = m)
  isdoublen <- function(x) checkmate::expect_double(x, len = n)
  isnumericp <- function(x) checkmate::expect_numeric(x) && x > 0
  isnumericpp <- function(x) checkmate::expect_numeric(x, lower = 0)
  isfunhandle <- function(x) checkmate::expect_function(x)

  isdoublen(defaultx0) # x0
  isdouble(defaultw0)# w0

  # TODO: Check if default mode is char

  # TODO: Check if these variables are numeric
  # defaultifusenormal
  # defaultifuselsqr

  parse <- list(A, b, defaultx0, defaultw0, defaultC, defaultlam,
                defaultkap, defaultitm, defaulttol, defaultptf,
                defaultmode, defaultl0w, defaultl1w, defaultl2w,
                defaultR, defaultRprox, defaultifusenormal, defaultifuselsqr)
  names(parse) <- c("A", "b", "x0", "w0", "C", "lam", "kap",
                    "itm", "tol", "ptf", "mode", "l0w", "l1w",
                    "l2w", "R", "Rprox", "ifusenormal", "ifuselsqr")

#' Prox operators
#' Function to return prox operator and regularization function
#' @param p The argument to \code{sr3_parse_input} which is a list that
#' contains the mode variable for regularization
#' @param alpha Penalty term for R (\code{lam}) divided by penalty term for
#'  relaxed expression (\code{kap}).
#' @return A list of \code{R} and \code{Rprox}
reg_prox <- function(p, alpha) {
  # Call l012Rprox function with ifprox and without ifprox
  # l012Rprox <- function(x,alpha,l0w,l1w,l2w,ifprox) {
  l0w <- p$l0w
  l1w <- p$l1w
  l2w <- p$l2w
#   R <- function(x) l1w*sum(abs(x))
#   Rprox <- function(x, alpha) {
#     alpha1 <- l1w*alpha
#     sign(x) * (abs(x) - alpha1) * (abs(x) > alpha1)
#   }
  R <- function(x) l012Rprox(x, alpha,l0w,l1w,l2w,FALSE)
  Rprox <- function(x ,alpha) l012Rprox(x, alpha,l0w,l1w,l2w,TRUE)

  return(list(R = R, Rprox = Rprox))

#' SR3
#' SR3 Relaxed pursuit method for regularized least squares problems
#' of the form:
#'    \code{0.5*norm(A*x-b,2)^2 + lam*R(w) + 0.5*kap*norm(C*x-w,2)^2}
#' over x and w. The output w represents a regularized solution of
#' the least squares problem described by A and b.
#' @param A double precision real or complex matrix (dimension, say, MxN)
#' @param b double precision real or complex vector (length M)
#' @param ... Optional arguments
sr3 <- function(A, b, mode = '1', l0w = 0, l1w = 0, l2w = 0) {
  m <- dim(A)[1]
  n <- dim(A)[2]
  parsed <- sr3_parse_input(A, b, m, n)
  x <- parsed$x0
  w <- parsed$w0
  C <- parsed$C
  lam <- parsed$lam
  kap <- parsed$kap
  itm <- parsed$itm
  tol <- parsed$tol
  ptf <- parsed$ptf
  ifusenormal <- parsed$ifusenormal
  ifuselsqr <- parsed$ifuselsqr
  md <- nrow(C)
  if (md != n) w <- matrix(0L, nrow = md, ncol = 1)
  rootkap <- sqrt(kap)
  alpha <- lam/kap
  Rfunc <- parsed$R
  Rprox <- parsed$Rprox
  # Use this to override defaults
  # results <- reg_prox(parsed, alpha)
  # Rfunc <- results$R
  # Rprox <- results$Rprox
  # TODO: use the normal equations and Cholesky factorization
  ## Least squares
  # sys <- rbind(A, rootkap * C)
  # u <- rbind(b, rootkap * w)
  # x = lsqr(sys,u,tol/2,100,[],[], x); 
  # TODO: Do not use solve, use lm?
  # x <- solve(sys, u, tol/2)
  # TODO: QR
  X <- qr(rbind(A, rootkap*C))
  Q <- qr.Q(X)
  R <- qr.R(X)
  wm <- w
  err <- 2.0 * tol
  noi <- 0
  normb <- norm(b, type = '2')
  while (err >= tol) {
#    if (ifuselsqr) {
#      u <- rbind(b, rootkap * w)
#      x <- solve(sys, u, tol/2) 
#    }
    # QR
    u <- t(Q) %*% rbind(b, rootkap * w)
    # optimize for upper triangular as in MATLAB code
    x <- solve(R, u)
    y <- C %*% x
    w <- Rprox(y, alpha)
    # TODO: write obj
    # obj = 0.5*sum((A*x-b).^2) + lam*Rfunc(w) + 0.5*kap*sum((y-w).^2);
    obj <- 0.5 * sum((A %*% x - b)^2) + lam * Rfunc(w) + 0.5 * kap * sum((y - w)^2)
    err <- sqrt(sum((w - wm)^2)) / normb
    wm <- w
    noi <- noi + 1
    # print(paste0("pts", ptf))
    # print(paste0("noi", noi))
    # modptfnoi <-  noi %% ptf
    # print(paste0("ptf %% noi", modptfnoi))
    if ((noi %% ptf == 0) | ptf == 0) {
      print('iter'); print(noi)
      print('obj'); print(obj)
      print('err'); print(err)
    if (noi >= itm) {
rohitchauhan5/SR3 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 5:42 a.m.