
#' @importFrom rlang set_names list2 quos expr new_function eval_tidy missing_arg caller_env
#' @importFrom rlang is_formula f_rhs abort is_vector dots_n f_env env sym f_lhs env_parent expr_print
#' @importFrom rlang eval_bare enexpr
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom purrr map map_dbl map_lgl map_int map_chr map_dfr map_raw iwalk
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
#' @importFrom dplyr is_grouped_df tbl_vars group_vars
#' @importFrom utils globalVariables
#' @importFrom vctrs vec_size vec_c vec_rbind vec_cbind
#' @importFrom zeallot %<-%
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
is_bare_vector <- function(x) {
  is_vector(x) && !is.object(x) && is.null(attr(x, "class"))

#' @export

globalVariables(c(".::index::.", ".::rhs::.", "lambda", "mapper", "name", "."))

observation_matrix <- function(.) {
  expr( (!!.)[`.::index::.`, , drop = FALSE])

observation_data_frame <- function(.) {
  expr( (!!.)[`.::index::.`, , drop = FALSE])

observation_object <- function(.) {
  expr( (!!.)[[`.::index::.`]])

observation_bare_vector <- function(.) {
  expr( .subset2(!!., `.::index::.`))

rapper_args <- function(.tbl, env) {
  args <- set_names(
    map(.tbl, ~ if (is.data.frame(.) ){
    } else if(is.matrix(.)){
    } else if (is_bare_vector(.)) {
    } else {
  list2(`.::index::.` = missing_arg(), !!!args, ..data = quote(environment()), ..env = env )

map_for_type <- function(.ptype, combine = vec_c) {
  function(.x, .f, ...) {
    out <- map(.x, function(x){
      res <- .f(x, ...)
      stopifnot(vec_size(res) == 1L)
    combine(!!!out, .ptype = .ptype)

map_for <- function(.ptype) {
  if (identical(.ptype, list())) {
  } else if(identical(.ptype, integer())) {
  } else if(identical(.ptype, double())) {
  } else if(identical(.ptype, raw())) {
  } else if(identical(.ptype, character())) {
  } else if(identical(.ptype, logical())) {
  } else if(is.data.frame(.ptype)) {
    if (ncol(.ptype) == 0L){
      map_for_type(NULL, vec_rbind)
    } else {
      map_for_type(.ptype, vec_rbind)
  } else {
    map_for_type(.ptype, vec_c)

# borrowed from https://github.com/r-lib/rlang/blob/148a166481ba19551afec649570efe2de53f0248/R/eval.R#L314
value <- function(expr) {
  eval_bare(enexpr(expr), caller_env())

prepare_wap <- function(.tbl, .f, check = TRUE) {
  if (check) {
      msg  = ".f should be formula"
  lhs <- f_lhs(.f)

  # the type
  .ptype <- if (is.null(lhs)) list() else eval_tidy(lhs, env = f_env(.f))

  # the lambda
  body <- expr({
  env <- f_env(.f)
  lambda <- new_function(rapper_args(.tbl, env = env_parent(env)), body, env = env(value = value, env))
  attr(lambda, "class") <- "rap_lambda"

  # the mapper
  .map <- map_for(.ptype)

    lambda = lambda,
    mapper = .map

#' Map over columns of a data frame simultaneously
#' @param .tbl A data frame
#' @param .f a single formula
#' @param ... formulas
#'  The *rhs* of each formula uses columns of `.tbl`, and each stands for a single
#'  observation.
#'  The *lhs* of each formula indicates the type, in the [vctrs::vec_c()] sense.
#'  - empty or `list()`: no check is performed on the results of
#'  the rhs expression and a list is returned.
#'  - `data.frame()`:  to indicate that the rhs should evaluate
#'  to a data frame of 1 row. The data frames don't need to be of a specific types
#'  and are are combined with [vctrs::vec_rbind()].
#'  - A data frame of a specific type, e.g. `data.frame(x = integer(), y = double())`
#'  The rhs should evaluate to a data frame of that type with 1 row.
#'  - Any other ptype that makes sense for [vctrs::vec_c()]. Each result must
#'  validate `vctrs::vec_size(.) == 1L` and are combined with
#'  `vctrs::vec_c(!!!, .ptype = .ptype)`
#'  In `rap()` if the formula is named, the result becomes a new column of the
#'  `tbl`, otherwise the formula is only used for side effects.
#' @return
#'   - `wap()` returns a vector of the type specified by the lhs of the formula.
#'             The vector validates `vec_size() == nrow(.tbl)`. This is similar
#'             to [purrr::pmap()]
#'   - `rap()` adds a column to `.tbl` per formula in `...`
#' @examples
#' library(purrr)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tibble)
#' tbl <- tibble(cyl_threshold = c(4, 6, 8), mpg_threshold = c(30, 25, 20))
#' # ----- wap
#' # returns a list of 3 elements
#' tbl %>%
#'   wap(       ~ filter(mtcars, cyl == cyl_threshold, mpg < mpg_threshold))
#' # same, i.e. list() is equivalent to empty
#' tbl %>%
#'   wap(list() ~ filter(mtcars, cyl == cyl_threshold, mpg < mpg_threshold))
#' # can specify the output type with the formula lhs
#' tbl %>%
#'   wap(integer() ~ nrow(filter(mtcars, cyl == cyl_threshold, mpg < mpg_threshold)))
#' # to make data frames
#' starwars %>%
#'   wap(data.frame() ~ data.frame(species = length(species), films = length(films)))
#' # ----- rap: add columns
#' tbl %>%
#'   rap(
#'      x =           ~ filter(mtcars, cyl == cyl_threshold, mpg < mpg_threshold),
#'      n = integer() ~ nrow(x)
#'   )
#' # rap is especially useful for iterating over multiple models
#' starwars %>%
#'   group_nest(gender) %>%
#'   rap(
#'     model =          ~ lm(height ~ mass + birth_year, data = data),
#'     perf  = double() ~ summary(model)$adj.r.squared
#'   )
#' @rdname rap
#' @export
wap <- function(.tbl, .f) {
  c(lambda, mapper) %<-% prepare_wap(.tbl, .f = .f, check = TRUE)
  mapper(seq_len(nrow(.tbl)), lambda)

#' @rdname rap
#' @export
lap <- function(.tbl, .f) {
  prepare_wap(.tbl, .f, check = TRUE)$lambda

#' @export
print.rap_lambda <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname rap
#' @export
rap <- function(.tbl, ...) {
  formulas <- list2(...)
  if(is.null(names(formulas))) {
    names(formulas) <- rep("", length(formulas))
    all(map_lgl(formulas, is_formula)),
    msg = "`...` should be a list of formulas"

  iwalk(formulas, ~{
    c(lambda, mapper) %<-% prepare_wap(.tbl, .x, check = FALSE)

    if (is_grouped_df(.tbl) && .y %in% group_vars(.tbl)) {
      abort("cannot rap() a grouping variable")

    res <- mapper(seq_len(nrow(.tbl)), lambda)
    if (.y != "") {
      # res is a column
      .tbl[[.y]] <<- res
    } else {
      # res is a list of one-row tibbles, so
      # assemble them together and auto splice
      .tbl <<- vec_cbind(.tbl, vec_rbind(!!!res))


#' pmap adapter
#' `slam()` is typically used in [purrr::pmap()] calls to transform a
#' formula that uses the raw names into a function. `slam()` is not quite
#' [rap()].
#' @param .tbl a tibble
#' @param formula a formula that uses columns from the tibble
#' @examples
#' library(purrr)
#' library(gapminder)
#' library(dplyr)
#' oceania <- gapminder::gapminder %>%
#'   filter(continent == "Oceania") %>%
#'   mutate(yr1952 = year - 1952) %>%
#'   select(-continent) %>%
#'   group_nest(country)
#' # the idea of slam is to promote a formula expressed with the
#' # column names into a pmap() ready function
#' formula <- ~broom::tidy(stats::lm(lifeExp ~ yr1952, data))
#' oceania %>%
#'   pmap(slam(oceania, formula))
#' # this is similar to e.g.
#' oceania %>%
#'   wap(~broom::tidy(stats::lm(lifeExp ~ yr1952, data)))
#' @export
slam <- function(.tbl, formula) {
  args <- set_names(rep(list(missing_arg()), ncol(.tbl)), tbl_vars(.tbl))
  body <- expr({
  env <- env(f_env(formula), value = value)

  new_function(args, body, env)
romainfrancois/rap documentation built on June 8, 2019, 5:42 p.m.