Man pages for romanhaa/cerebroPrepare
Export data for visualization in Cerebro.

addPercentMtRiboAdd percentage of mitochondrial and ribosomal transcripts.
calculatePercentGenesCalculate percentage of transcripts of gene list.
exportFromSeuratExport Seurat object to Cerebro.
extractMonocleTrajectoryExtract trajectory from Monocle and add to Seurat object.
getEnrichedPathwaysGet enriched pathways based on marker genes from EnrichR.
getMarkerGenesGet marker genes for every sample and cluster in Seurat...
getMostExpressedGenesGet most expressed genes for every sample and cluster in...
performGeneSetEnrichmentAnalysisPerform gene set enrichment analysis with GSVA.
read_GMT_fileRead GMT file.
send_enrichr_queryGene enrichment using Enrichr.
romanhaa/cerebroPrepare documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 4:01 p.m.