Bees: American Foulbrood affecting honey bees larvae

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Data on Paenibacillus larvae spore forming bacteria infecting queen, drone and worker larvae




Larvae of bees (Apies mellifera) are affected by AFB (American foulbrood disease) caused by Paenibacillus larvae and can cause colony collapse. The infectious form of the bacterium, the spores, enters the larvae gut and continue to multiply until death of the said larvae. Adults are not directly affected, but day-to-day hive work by adults may contribute to its spread within and between colonies.

AFB is highly contagious, hard to cure and lethal at the colony level. Economically, it makes sense to detect early outbreaks. Detecting is done by sampling of adult bees and Hornitzky and Karlovskis (1989) have devised a way to culture adult honey bees for AFB and demonstrated that spores can be detected from colonies without clinical symptoms.

This dataset includes data on 24 hives with three nested observations per hive. In the book, authors used this dataset to demonstrate mixed effects modeling, including modeling variance structure using generalized least squares.

Available variables are:


Hornitzky MAZ and Karlovskis S. 1989. A culture technique for the Bacillus larvae in honeybees. Journal of apicultural research 28(2): 118-120.

Zuur et al. 2009. Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R. Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-87457-9.

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