Biodiversity: Benthic macrofaunal diversity data

Description Usage Details References


Influence of benthic macrofauna on nutrient release experiment dataset




This dataset is comprised of published (Ieno et al. 2006) and unpublished data (Oceanlab, University of Aberdeen). It is a mesocosm replication experiment where density of a bristle worm (Hediste diversicolor, Polychaeta) was manipulated along with habitat heterogeneity (presence or absence of algae) and sediment nutrient release measured. Bioturbation is an important aspect of nutrient recycling in oceanic and to a degree in lotic and lentic (think rivers and lakes) sediments.

Variables contained within this dataset are:


Ieno EN, Solan M, Batty P, Pierce GJ. 2006. Distinguishing between the effects of infaunal species richness, identity an density in the marine benthos. Marine ecology progress series 311:263-271

Zuur et al. 2009. Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R. Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-87457-9.

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