
#' Write \code{adegenet}'s \code{genind} object to GENEPOP format
#' Function will write \code{adegenet}'s \code{genind} object to GENEPOP as defined at
#' \url{http://genepop.curtin.edu.au/help_input.html}. First line is a comment, second line is loci names and the rest consists
#' of lines "pop" and genotype names and their allele values on corresponding loci. This function differs from
#' \code{\link{writeGenePop}}, relies on defined \code{strata} and is more general.
#' @param gi A \code{\link[adegenet]{genind}} object with defined strata and population. See \code{\link[adegenet]{setPop}}. If
#' a \code{list}, each list element will be written as a population. It is assumed that loci for all \code{genind} elements in
#' a list are identical.
#' @param file.name A character string defining file name. You will have to specify the extension as well.
#' @param comment A character string with a desired comment that will be prepended to the beginning of the file.
#' @return A file on disk, function return NULL to R.
#' @importFrom adegenet pop locNames indNames genind2df popNames
#' @export
#' @author Roman Lustrik (\email{roman.lustrik@@biolitika.si})
#' @title Write genind as GENEPOP file
#' @examples
#' library(adegenet)
#' data(nancycats)
#' # Genind object must have a population defined. This is trivial with strata.
#' other(nancycats)$pop <- sample(letters[1:4], size = nInd(nancycats), replace = TRUE)
#' strata(nancycats) <- data.frame(pop = other(nancycats)$pop)
#' setPop(nancycats) <- ~pop
#' # write the file and remove it
#' writeGenPop(nancycats, file.name = "test.gen", comment = "is a no comment")
#' file.remove("test.gen")

writeGenPop <- function(gi, file.name, comment) {

    if (is.list(gi)) {
        # do all genind objects have the same number of loci?
        if (length(unique(sapply(gi, nLoc))) != 1) stop("Number of loci per individual genind object in a list is not equal for all.")
        gi.char <- gi[[1]]
        loc.names <- locNames(gi[[1]])
    } else {
        gi.char <- gi
        loc.names <- locNames(gi)

    # Calculate the length of two alleles.
    lng <- as.character(na.omit(genind2df(gi.char)[, locNames(gi.char)[1]]))
    lng <- unique(nchar(lng))

    stopifnot(length(lng) == 1)

    cat(paste(comment, "\n"), file = file.name)
    cat(paste(paste(loc.names, collapse = ", "), "\n"), file = file.name, append = TRUE)

    if (is.list(gi)) {
        pop.names <- seq_len(length(gi))
    } else {
        pop.names <- popNames(gi)

    for (i in pop.names) {
        cat("pop\n", file = file.name, append = TRUE)
        if (is.list(gi)) {
            intm <- gi[[i]]
            loc.names <- locNames(gi[[i]])
        } else {
            intm <- gi[pop(gi) == i, drop = FALSE]
        ind.names <- indNames(intm)
        intm <- genind2df(intm, sep = "")
        intm[is.na(intm)] <- paste(rep("0", lng), collapse = "")
        out <- cbind(names = paste(ind.names, ",", sep = ""), intm[, loc.names])
        write.table(out, file = file.name, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE)

romunov/zvau documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:50 p.m.