
#' Create a customized VPC theme
#' @param update list containing the plot elements to be updated. Run `new_vpc_theme()` with no arguments to show an overview of available plot elements.
#' @details
#' This function creates a theme that customizes how the VPC looks, i.e. colors, fills, transparencies, linetypes, sizes, etc. The following arguments can be specified in the input list:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{obs_color}: color for observations points
#'  \item{obs_size}: size for observation points
#'  \item{obs_median_color}: color for median observation line
#'  \item{obs_median_linetype}: linetype for median observation line
#'  \item{obs_median_linewidth}: linewidth for median observation line
#'  \item{obs_ci_fill}: color for observation CI fill
#'  \item{obs_ci_color}: color for observation CI lines
#'  \item{obs_ci_linetype}: linetype for observation CI lines
#'  \item{obs_ci_linewidth}: linewidth for observations CI lines
#'  \item{sim_pi_fill}: fill color for simulated prediction interval areas
#'  \item{sim_pi_alpha}: transparency for simulated prediction interval areas
#'  \item{sim_pi_color}: color for simulated prediction interval lines
#'  \item{sim_pi_linetype}: linetype for simulated prediction interval lines
#'  \item{sim_pi_linewidth}: linewidth for simulated prediction interval lines
#'  \item{sim_median_fill}: fill color for simulated median area
#'  \item{sim_median_alpha}: transparency for simulated median area
#'  \item{sim_median_color}: color for simulated median line
#'  \item{sim_median_linetype}: linetype for simulated median line
#'  \item{sim_median_linewidth}: linewidth for simulated median line
#'  \item{bin_separators_color}: color for bin separator lines, NA for don't plot
#'  \item{bin_separators_location}: where to plot bin separators ("t" for top, "b" for bottom)
#'  \item{loq_color}: color of line showing limit of quantification
#' }
#' @return A list with vpc theme specifiers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' theme1 <- new_vpc_theme(update = list(
#'   obs_color = "red",
#'   obs_ci_color = "#aa0000",
#'   obs_alpha = .3,
#'   sim_pi_fill = "#cc8833",
#'   sim_pi_linewidth = 2
#' ))
#' vpc(simple_data$sim, simple_data$obs, vpc_theme = theme1)
new_vpc_theme <- function (update = NULL) {
  tmp <- structure(list(
    obs_color = "#000000",
    obs_size = 1,

    obs_median_color = "#000000",
    obs_median_linetype = "solid",
    obs_median_linewidth = 1,
    obs_alpha = .7,
    obs_shape = 1,

    obs_ci_color = "#000000",
    obs_ci_linetype = "dashed",
    obs_ci_fill = grDevices::rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.2), ## only for TTE
    obs_ci_linewidth = .5,

    sim_pi_fill = "#3388cc",
    sim_pi_alpha = 0.15,
    sim_pi_color = "#000000",
    sim_pi_linetype = 'dotted',
    sim_pi_linewidth = 1,

    sim_median_fill = "#3388cc",
    sim_median_alpha = 0.3,
    sim_median_color = "#000000",
    sim_median_linetype = "dashed",
    sim_median_linewidth = 1,

    bin_separators_color = "#000000",
    loq_color = "#990000"
  ), class = "vpc_theme")
  n <- names(tmp)
  if(is.null(update)) {
#    stop(paste0("Please specify a list with plot elements to update. Available elements: \n  - ", paste(n, collapse="\n  - ")))
  remap <- list(
  if(!is.null(update) & length(names(update)) > 0) {
    for(i in seq(names(update))) {
      current_name <- names(update)[i]
      if (current_name %in% names(remap)) {
        .Deprecated(msg = paste(current_name, "is deprecated, please use", remap[[current_name]]))
        current_name <- remap[[current_name]]
      if(current_name %in% n) {
        tmp[[current_name]] <- update[[current_name]]
      } else {
        warning(paste0("`", current_name,"` is not recognized as a plot element, ignoring."))
ronkeizer/vpc documentation built on June 14, 2024, 11:31 a.m.